28 Mar Discussion: Benefits and Drawbacks of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Please do not use books, only journals from the following so I am able to retrieve the article. Please Use Reference that I can find from sources such as: (EBSCO), PubMed, Proquest, Sage, ScienceDirect, CINAHL.
1. using facts from peer-reviewed sources to support your explanation. Remember to use in-text citations in your post and provide a reference list. 2 references. Cite inline citations of the literature to support your discussion.
Discussion: Benefits and Drawbacks of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
After reading the required background resources for this Module, use additional peer-reviewed/scholarly sources to discuss the impacts of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Include both the realized benefits and also the difficulties experienced by those who are being mandated to participate. Should health insurance be mandatory – why or why not? Explain, and justify your position in a 300-word summary, using facts from peer-reviewed sources to support your explanations and position.
Module 1
Required Reading/Viewing
Frean, M., Gruber, J., & Sommers, B. D. (2017). Premium subsidies, the mandate, and Medicaid expansion: Coverage effects of the Affordable Care Act. Journal of Health Economics, Vol. 53, 72-86.
Kristin L. Reiter, & Paula H. Song. (2021). Chapter 1: Healthcare finance basics in Gapenski’s Healthcare Finance: An Introduction to Accounting and Financial Management, 7th edition. AUPHA/HAP Book.
Kaiser Family Foundation. (2019). Health insurance coverage of the total population. Available at https://www.kff.org/other/state-indicator/total-population/?activeTab=map¤tTimeframe=0&selectedDistributions
Sommers, B. D., Gawande, A. A., & Baicker, K. (2017). Health insurance coverage and health: What the recent evidence tells us. The New England Journal of Medicine, 377(6), 586-593.
U.S. Census. (2018). Health insurance coverage in the United States: 2017. Available at https://www.census.gov/library/publications/2018/demo/p60-264.html