29 Mar Write a program that asks the user to enter a distance in kilometers, and then converts that distance to miles. The conversion formula is as follows: ????????????????????????????
Q1. Write a program that asks the user to enter a distance in kilometers, and then converts that distance to miles. The conversion formula is as follows:
Miles Kilometer x 0.6214
Submission for Q1:
1. A Python code file
2. Screenshot of the Running program
Q2. Write the following codes
Submission of Q2 (All parts a, b, and c):
1. A summary of the program, what does program do
2. Screenshot of the Running program
a). def message():
print('I am Arthur,')
print('King of the Britons.')
b) def main():
print('I have a message for you.')
def message():
print('I am Arthur,')
print('King of the Britons.')
def area(width, length):
return width * length
def perimeter(width, length):
return 2 * (width + length)
def main():
width = float(input("Enter the rectangle's width: "))
length = float(input("Enter the rectangle's length: "))
print('The area is', area(width, length))
print('The perimeter is', perimeter(width, length))