Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Please attempt to link your thoughtful responses to the experiences provided in your clinical experiences, online?meetings, your psychotherapeutic readings and the othe - EssayAbode

Please attempt to link your thoughtful responses to the experiences provided in your clinical experiences, online?meetings, your psychotherapeutic readings and the othe

 Please attempt to link your thoughtful responses to the experiences provided in your clinical experiences, online meetings, your psychotherapeutic readings and the other related materials as well as what is happening in your day to day life to your journals Think about and reflect upon how the ideas discussed and read can be incorporated into your individual practice and develop your reflective entry around this. The purpose of this assignment is to challenge the student to reflect on contextual matter, how this interplays with their future vision of their practice and their interface with barriers to optimal care. Ethical and moral dilemmas may also be a part of your reflection and observations. This is a feeling assignment. Reflect on how you are feeling about clinicals and readings. Please limit journal entries to about one page each. APA citations are not required, but linking thoughts and feelings to clinical experiences or readings will provide a richer and more structured path to your journaling. It is appropriate to write from a first person perspective in reflective journals. It is not necessary to use APA citations to support your framework and/or evidence based practice. Creative methods to present a reflective log in alternate ways may be negotiated by individual students in the first week of the course. 

Reflective Journal Assignment 25 points each, 2 Entries (50 points total)

Please attempt to link your thoughtful responses to the experiences provided in your clinical experiences, online meetings, your psychotherapeutic readings and the other related materials as well as what is happening in your day-to-day life to your journals Think about and reflect upon how the ideas discussed and read can be incorporated into your individual practice and develop your reflective entry around this. The purpose of this assignment is to challenge the student to reflect on contextual matter, how this interplays with their future vision of their practice and their interface with barriers to optimal care. Ethical and moral dilemmas may also be a part of your reflection and observations. This is a feeling assignment. Reflect on how you are feeling. Please limit journal entries to about one page each. APA citations are not required but linking thoughts and feelings to clinical experiences or readings will provide a richer and more structured path to your journaling. It is appropriate to write from a first- person perspective in reflective journals. It is not necessary to use APA citations to support your framework and/or evidence-based practice. Creative methods to present a reflective log in alternate ways may be negotiated by individual students in the first week of the course.

*Journal entries are private between the instructor and student.






Entry Responses Responses Responses Responses lack (6.25/25) demonstrate demonstrate some demonstrate reflection and

reflection, reflection, minimal reflection there is incorporation of incorporation of and there is minimal to no readings or readings or minimal incorporation of clinical clinical incorporation of readings or experiences and experiences and readings or clinical clinical course content is course content. experiences and experiences and evident. course content. course content.

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