Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Antipsychotic medications play a crucial role in managing psychiatric disorders, particularly Schizophrenia. However, understanding their adverse effects is essential for safe and effecti - EssayAbode

Antipsychotic medications play a crucial role in managing psychiatric disorders, particularly Schizophrenia. However, understanding their adverse effects is essential for safe and effecti


Antipsychotic medications play a crucial role in managing psychiatric disorders, particularly Schizophrenia. However, understanding their adverse effects is essential for safe and effective patient care. Explores the common adverse effects associated with typical antipsychotics, emphasizing the importance of monitoring, patient education, and individualized treatment approaches.

Provide a substantive response to the topic of the discussion (the initial post) 

Please review the rubric before posting to ensure a maximum of points. 

 At least 400 words.

At least three appropriate references APA 7th should be used. 

The usage of “IA” is not approved and violates academic integrity.

No plagiarism

MSN Program

Discussion Board Rubric Criteria Unsatisfactory-Beginning Developing Accomplished Exemplary Total Ideas,

Arguments, & Analysis

0-30 points 35-39 points 40-44 points 45-50 points /50 Ideas expressed lack an understanding of the discussion topic. Comments are irrelevant, off-topic, and/or confusing to follow. Viewpoint, if given, is not supported with evidence or examples. **If noted to be using AI (ar3ficial intelligence), a deduc3on of 50 Points will be given for 1st warning, with a 100 point deduc3on (Zero for discussion) will be given thereaBer as it violates academic integrity.**

Ideas expressed in discussion posts show a minimal understanding of the discussion topic. Comments are general in nature and/or occasionally may not be relevant. Rehashes or summarizes ideas with limited analysis, original thought, and/or supported viewpoints.

Ideas expressed in discussion posts are mostly substanEve and relevant to topic; some original thought. Demonstrates logical thinking, reasoning, and/or analysis for most part. Viewpoint is supported with evidence and/or examples.

Ideas expressed in discussion posts include original thought, substanEal depth, and are relevant to topic. Viewpoint shows strong logical thinking, reasoning, and analysis with evidence and examples. ConstrucEon of new meaning and insights are evident.

Connection to Course Materials

0-13 points 14-15 points 16-17 points 18-20 points /20 No connecEons are made to readings or other course materials (lectures, media, resources, etc.), and/or if made, are not clearly stated and are largely personal opinions. No reference used.

Minimal direct connecEons are made to readings and/or other course materials (lectures, media, resources, etc.). ConnecEons are largely inferred and somewhat unclear at Emes. Only 1 reference used4with no in-text cita3ons.

Some direct connecEons are made to readings and/or other course materials (lectures, media, resources, etc.) and are clearly stated for the most part. Only 1 Reference used with in- text cita3ons.

Strong, direct connecEons are made to readings and/or other course materials (lectures, media, resources, etc.) and are clearly stated. 2 References used, listed, and appropriate in-text cita5ons.

Contribution to Learning Community

0-13 points 14-15 points 16-17 points 18-20 points /20 Negligible contribuEon to the learning community. Rarely engages with students and generally ignores others’ posts and/or has a negaEve effect through misrepresenEng content in other posts, inappropriate comments made, and/or aOempts to dominate the discussion. -10 points with No replies to peer.

Somewhat contributes to the learning community but the focus is generally on own posts. Occasionally interacts with others’ posEngs but liOle aOempt to involve other students in the discussion. Short statements such as “I agree with…”. -5 points with only 1 reply to peer (2 required).

Contributes to the learning community. OTen aOempts to direct group discussion to present relevant viewpoints and meaningful reflecEon by others. Interacts respecVully with students.

EffecEvely contributes to the learning community. Frequently iniEates dialogue and moEvates group discussion by providing feedback to students’ posEngs, asking follow-up quesEons, and through thoughVul, reflecEve comments. RespecVully encourages a variety of viewpoints and invites contribuEons from others.

Criteria Unsatisfactory-Beginning Developing Accomplished Exemplary Total Writing Quality

0-6 points 7 points 8 points 9-10 points /10 Posts show a below average/poor wriEng style that lacks standard English, and/or is difficult for readers to follow. Contains frequent errors in grammar, punctuaEon, usage, and spelling. Not in APA format.

Posts show an average and/or casual wriEng style using standard English that is generally clear but contains some errors in grammar, punctuaEon, usage, and spelling. APA Format with major errors more than 3 formaQng errors.

Discussion posts show above average wriEng style that is clear using standard English with minor errors in grammar, punctuaEon, usage, and/or spelling. APA Format with minor errors (may include no in-text cita3ons, formaQng error, or non-paragraph form).

Discussion posts are well wriOen and clearly arEculated using standard English, characterized by elements of a strong wriEng style with correct grammar, punctuaEon, usage, and spelling; APA Format with no errors.

TOTAL POINTS (sum of 5 Criteria) /100

Referenced Source: Denise Kreiger, Instruc/onal Design/Technology Services, SC&I, Rutgers, 3/2014

Updated: G. Diaz Sept. 2024


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