Chat with us, powered by LiveChat This is the second?of the four assignments that will help you prepare for writing qualitative research proposals.?For this assignment, you will write a paper about resea - EssayAbode

This is the second?of the four assignments that will help you prepare for writing qualitative research proposals.?For this assignment, you will write a paper about resea


This is the second of the four assignments that will help you prepare for writing qualitative research proposals. For this assignment, you will write a paper about research theory that supports the research topic you developed in the Week 4 assignment.

In this assignment, you will use research theory to demonstrate how the proposed study:

  • Provides intended outcomes that could have practical implications that could be used by the stakeholders of the research.
  • Contributes to the qualitative research knowledge base.
  • Addresses something that is not known, something that is new or different from prior research, extends prior research, or fills a gap in the existing literature.
    • An analysis of any theoretical implications that the proposed study may have for understanding phenomena.
    • A description of the practical implications that may result from the research.


  • Describe the key elements of a theory for qualitative research (one paragraph).
  • Explain how the theory supports the proposed study and/or understanding of the research topic (1–2 paragraphs).
  • Describe how the practical implications resulting from the research could be used by stakeholders of the research (1–2 paragraphs).
  • Support your assignment with appropriate academic sources and include both citations and references in current APA format. Use 5–7 scholarly resources published with the past three years by recognized academic sources.

Description: CU_Horiz_RGB Assignment: Research Theory for Qualitative Studies


Learner’s Name

Capella University

XXX_7868 – Qualitative Design and Analysis

Instructor Name

Quarter, Year

Research Theory

Body text Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

{You can change the headings from this assignment template as needed in the paper you submit for this assignment}.

Key Elements of the Theory

Heading 2

Heading 3

How Theory Supports the Proposed Research

Heading 2

Heading 3

Practical Implications of the Research Outcomes

Heading 2

Heading 3

Contributions to the Qualitative Research Knowledge Base

Heading 2

Heading 3




Research Topic Media bias idea signifies the arrangement of biased or prejudiced information revealed with the choice, discussion, and analysis of information by media electrical outlets. This bias, which may be visible, might have far reaching repercussions relative to the way the public overall views and establishes its viewpoints regarding specific circumstances, occasions, and people. It’s discovered in various forms, such as framework, omission and shapes the stories offered to the target audience. Topic Background Historical literary works on media predisposition address many-sided areas such as interaction research, government, sociology, and psychology. Experimenters have dedicated a lot of power to finding and documenting that media maintains predisposition throughout different interaction networks, such as information electrical outlets, content boards, and social networks. They have discovered the deep reasons for predisposition consisting of political viewpoints, market intentions, traditional target market options and the new code of principles. Apart from that the researchers are really thinking about comprehending the impact of biased media on public minds, legislative division, rely on media, and the autonomous procedure which might be harmful for culture and freedom. "It is well worth keeping in mind that media predisposition discovery is an extremely energetic research study area. current developments especially modernizer-based category methods have resulted in considerable enhancements, consisting of greater category precision and the capability to spot chalky kinds of predisposition” (Aggarwal et al., 2020) A Research Question for Each of the Five Methodological Approaches Ethnography How do Journalists expert standards and business societies end up being associated with biased information manufacturing and flowing within a provided media electrical outlet? Case Study How are bias techniques utilized by information websites that offer a particular political belief in framework and rotating the information into their benefit, also how do target markets communicate with and translate such content? Grounded Theory Is there a typical comprehension amongst target markets regarding the patterns in media bias and styles in understanding explanations throughout market teams. What is the function of these understandings mindsets towards media reliability and honesty. Phenomenology What type of life experience do journalists undergo especially when they battle with issues of individual bias in news reporting? How do they accomplish an equilibrium between their function as experts, their individual worths, and their institutions stress? Generic Qualitative Inquiry What type of distinctions in viewpoints and rate of passion groups exist in the controversial issue of media bias, and how do these various sights impact plan conversations and activists operate in the media and beyond the media? How Each Methodological Approach Aligns with a Research Question 1. Ethnography: Ethnography, a type of qualitative research study that includes immersing oneself in the examined society or context to allow one to know social habits. For instance, a research study concern on the function and performance of journalists’ standards and business society can be checked out utilizing Ethnography, that includes earthly query, fieldwork, and individual monitoring to examine the context completely. 2. Case study: A comprehensive examination of a particular situation or event is performed therefore allowing cautious evaluations and drawing out important lessons. The research study concern that analyzes the techniques of partial information sites regarding bias in framework information and how target markets communicate with the content is a case study since it involves the private evaluation of circumstances or instances where bias materializes itself with the media and various other players associated with such situations. 3. Grounded Theory: The methodology of grounded theory sustains the concept by empirical information which is the basis for evaluating consistency, classification, and connections in between them. The location of the research study arising patterns and subjects in the target market factor to consider the media division is revealed utilizing traditional ground theory, which signifies the collection of the qualitative information recognized by the codes that result in patterns and styles that arise from audience viewpoints and apprehension. 4.Phenomenology: Phenomenology concentrates on subjective experiences and characteristics and the significances to the phenomena that every individual relates to focusing on the lived experience. The query of journalists lived experiences in handling ethical difficulties triggered by bias by phenomenology is based upon the strive to appreciate problems that journalists meet in their work that focuses on their live experiences and subjective analysis. 5. Generic Qualitative Inquiry: Generic exploratory research enables variant concerning point of views, styles and contexts which offers the opportunity of an extensive summary. Creativity might make it one dimensional, however thoroughness would certainly include alternating viewpoints. The research study challenge relates to the range of sights and stakeholders participated in conflicts on media bias policy and responsibility system coincides with a common qualitative query as it needs discovering a wide range of entities such as different point of views, interested individuals, and issues on the program that relates to media bias policy which will allow a comprehensive comprehension of the issue. References Murillo, S. B. (2022). Media Bias and Polarization (Doctoral dissertation, Centro de Investigacion y Docencia Economicas (Mexico). Raza, S. (2023). Navigating News Narratives: A Media Bias Analysis Dataset. arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.00168. Rodrigo-Ginés, F. J., Carrillo-de-Albornoz, J., & Plaza, L. (2023).

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