31 May Learners will identify two technology apps for EACH level of Bloom’s Taxonomy. Learners will select a favorite technology app and discuss how it aligns with the selected
Using Apps in the Classroom
This assignment is in a video presentation format. You do NOT need to worry about the presentation. It will be done by the actual student.
Please select the Apps that would be used in the classroom, prepare a PowerPoint Presentation with talking points for the student to use in the video. Please provide the information in such a way that it is readable and aligns with the instructions.
Objective: Learners will identify two technology apps for EACH level of Bloom's Taxonomy. Learners will select a favorite technology app and discuss how it aligns with the selected taxonomy level, using a video presentation format.
The goal is you learn a few elements of technology NOW so that when you get in the classroom, it will be easy (and comfortable!) to implement technology into your lessons.
· How to use specific technology
· What is the appropriate technology and software to use with your students?
· How to ensure honesty in use and respect for the equipment
· How technology enhanced the curriculum
· What benefits technology does for instruction and assessment of a lesson?
Apps in the Classroom
Objective: Learners will identify two technology apps for EACH level of Bloom's Taxonomy and add them to their GO TO Page. Learners will select a favorite technology app and discuss how it aligns with the selected taxonomy level, using a video presentation format.
Academic Language: language vocabulary needed for this module:
· Pedagogy
When reflecting on Hattie's synthesis of research and the Influences on Student Achievement document, technology is found to have a strong influence on student achievement:
· Interactive video methods – .54
· Technology in other subjects – .55
· Technology in writing – .42
· Technology with elementary students – .44
· Technology with learning needs students – .57
· Intelligent tutoring systems – .48
· Information communication technology – .47
Think that integrating technology into the classroom will only distract students?
Think again. Since students are already interested in technology, teachers can harness that attention for educational purposes. Incorporating the internet, laptops, tablets, and even smartphones in the curriculum have many benefits for teachers and students alike.
1. Engages students and creates active learners.
Using a computer, tablet, or other device encourages self-directed learning and creates an active participant in the learning process, rather than the passive learners found in a lecture environment. Interactive lesson plans can help turn "boring" conceptual subjects like math and science into fun, engaging, and educational activities for students.
2. Encourages individual learning and growth.
No one learns in the same way or at the same pace, but technology can level-set the classroom. By having this additional teaching coach in the class or at home, technology can motivate and honor each child's learning needs. Teachworthy does not believe technology is the solution to differentiated learning needs. However, it does support "blended learning" environments.
3. Facilitates peer collaboration.
In a research project conducted by the U.S. Department of Education ) https://www2.ed.gov/pubs/EdReformStudies/EdTech/effectsstudents.html
educators reported that technology-facilitated peer collaboration. We are hopeful you will use technology when organizing learning groups and supporting different levels of learners.
4. Prepares students for the real world.
Technology is an integral part of most of our children's lives and almost all teachers. Teaching students how to use technology to learn, research, collaborate, and solve problems early will better prepare them for the years to come in education and for life. It not only will help prepare them for the real world, but it also has the opportunity to bring the world to them in their classroom.
5. Creates more engaged and successful teachers.
Using technologies like virtual lesson plans and internet resources can help free up time, developing, and delivering the lesson. As an educator, integrating technology into the curriculum is key. In other words, don't just add a piece of technology to a lesson plan just because you can. Make sure you understand:
· How to use specific technology
· What is the appropriate technology and software to use with your students?
· How to ensure honesty in use and respect for the equipment
· How technology enhanced the curriculum
· What benefits technology does for instruction and assessment of a lesson?
"An easy way to introduce technology is to start small. Try using a document camera to project textbook images on a screen, or introduce a website a week that corresponds with your lesson plan. The point is not to let technology take over your classroom, but to integrate it and let it enhance your instruction."
Capella University. (2017, May). 5 Reasons to Incorporate Technology into your Classroom.
Where should I start?
Start with Bloom's Taxonomy! You can find many educational apps that correlate to verbs/actions of Bloom's taxonomy.
Allan Carrington has taken Bloom's verbs and aligned them with technology apps to achieve the desired action. Most of the apps that you will see mentioned in this activity have a DEMO video on YouTube – so if you are not sure what an app is or what it does, feel free to search for a demo video to get an overview.
Padagogy Wheel
Carrington, Allen (2012, Dec 13). Introduction to the Pedagogy Wheel. [Video file]. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAYVQlUVpK4.
Kathy Schrock also has an extensive list of educational apps cross-referenced with Bloom's Taxonomy. Visit this site and save her documents to your Canvas Toolbox Folder to access once you are in the classroom.
Schrock, Kathy. Retrieved from: http://www.schrockguide.net/bloomin-apps.html.
On the Schrock Guide, if you click on the image of the app, you can see the name, a description, and screenshots from the app. You can also go to YouTube and search for the app to see a demonstration of the app in use for most of them!
Spend some time exploring some of the apps at each Bloom level and find two apps from each level that will work in your content area.
Write them on your GO TO Page to reference these strategies when writing your lesson plan a little later.
The goal is you learn a few elements of technology NOW so that when you get in the classroom, it will be easy (and comfortable!) to implement technology into your lessons.
Instructional strategies, technology, and higher-order thinking questions are essential elements that should be present regularly in your classroom!
After you have identified two apps for each level of the taxonomy (an app can be used for more than one level) share your one favorite app and how it aligns to the selected taxonomy level by using one of the video recording options:
You may record directly into Canvas using a couple of methods:
Method One
On this assignment, you will go to the Submit Assignmentwhen complete. Use this button, and you will see the Record/Upload Media button. Select the Record or the Upload Media option. For the Record option, use the Start button and begin to record your comments. Then use the finish button when you have completed your comments. Use the Save button when you have completed the video process. If you choose to upload a video from your computer, select Video File and simply upload the video from your computer. |
Method Two
On some pages, you will have a toolbar, and you will see an icon in the middle of the bar with a play symbol. This button is the recording icon to record a video directly into Canvas. You can record your comments using this feature (remember to the video after you finish recording) |
You can upload your media video from your computer into Canvas:
Directions to Upload Video in Canvas: This page allows a media upload so you can simply click on the submit assignment button in the upper right-hand corner of your page. Then choose the media tab and select the button Record/Upload Media. Do not forget to your file. You can then select the tab Upload Media and select Video File. This button will allow you to upload video previously recorded for submission in canvas. |
You can record the video on your mobile device and upload into Canvas:
1. Record the video you would like to submit. 2. Log in to Canvas on your mobile device's web browser 3. Navigate to the assignment that requires a video submission 4. Click "Submit Assignment" in the upper right-hand corner of your screen 5. Choose the pre-recorded video file from your mobile device's library 6. Add any desired comments to the comment box 7. Click "Submit Assignment" 8. You have now submitted your video for review. |
Assignment eight |
Type of Assessment |
Scoring Assessment- 15 points |
App review |
Video Presentation |
Pass rate-10 points |
Proficiency 11-14 points |
Exemplary 15 points |
15 points each for reviewing your favorite apps aligned to Bloom's taxonomy |
Multiple re-write attempts if needed to pass |