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Summative Assessment: Modified Research Proposal and Formal Presentation

I have posted the instructions, I also posted the previous assignment. Please choose case study #2 and further the discussion on this final assignment. I have also posted the rubric, let me know if you need anything

Summative Assessment: Modified Research Proposal and Formal Presentation

Use the Directions below (Read carefully) and the Rubric found in Canvas area Module 4: Directions for Modified Research Proposal and Formal Presentation) to complete the Summative Modified Research Proposal and Formal Presentation. Select ONE of the two problem statement cases from Module 2 to develop a Brief Research Proposal and Presentation using the headings and steps below. The Research Proposal and Presentation must follow APA format and style. After opening a WORD document do the following:

Set APA Format/Style for the Research proposal


· A title page using example on page 61 in the APA Manual

· Title repeated at top of page 2 – Centered, bolded, upper and lower case

· Pages numbered in upper right side of document– NO HEADERS- Use “insert page numbers.”

· 1 in margins top, sides and bottom of document0 setting before and after paragraphs- See “format” – “paragraphs”

· Times new Roman or Arial font type

· 12 font size

· Double space document

· If headings are used, see inside front cover of APA manual for “Format for the Five Levels of Heading in APA Style.”

· Citations in body of assessment must be correct APA- see front inside cover of APA manual for “Basic In-Text Citation Styles.”

· Reference(s) page(s) with correct APA citations see back inside cover of APA manual for “Common References at a Glance.”

· Uploaded as WORD only attachment into assigned area in Canvas

Steps for Development of the Narrative Research Proposal

Step 1: Title Page

· Name of research proposal – This will depend on problem statement case you selected. For example, in the Problem Statement Case Example, the name might be: Levels of Test Anxiety in BSN Students: A Comparison Study

· Must use sample student title page in APA manual page 61

Step 2: **Introduction

· The problem statement

· The PICO(T)

· The purpose

· The objective

· There is no heading for the Introduction in APA

** Note this work has been done previously and can be used in this assessment

Step 3: Background Significance/Literature Review

· Use the evidence gathered, appraised and organized in the Literature Review Matrix from Module 2, to provide a narrative summary of the evidence (no more than 5 paragraphs)

Step 4: **Research Method

· Identify the research method and rationale for the method

** Note this work has been done previously and can be used in this assessment

Step 5: Implication(s) to Healthcare

· How will the potential study contribute to healthcare quality, safety, delivery, etc.

Step 6: Summary

· A one paragraph summary of the proposal – reinforcing the stated purpose

Step 7: References

Formal Presentation of Research Proposal


1. Develop a formal presentation of the Research Brief by using any type of presentation software (See examples below) or use powerpoint, goggle slides, prezi, screencast, ZOOM, etc)

Top Seven Presentation Software  (Links to an external site.)

2. Follow the steps from the narrative in presenting the proposal. For example, if you use a slide presentation, Slide 1 would be the Title, Slide 2 the Introduction, Slide 3 the Background Significance/Literature and so forth

3. Use note pages or voiceover as appropriate for the presentation

4. Use correct APA style and format and correct syntax- See below

5. Post to appropriate Canvas area by due date and respond to at least one peers research proposal presentations. These responses to other learners should be substantive posts that contribute to the conversation by asking questions, respectfully debating positions, and presenting supporting information relevant to the topic if applicable.

Format and Style: Formal Presentations

If selecting powerpoint program specifically or other slide presentation programs, remember the following in developing the presentation:

· Keep the text on each slide to a minimum

· Use the 7×7 rule: For every slide use no more than seven lines of text or seven bullet points and no more than seven words per line

· Use font sizes for Headings- 32-36 or larger font size and be consistent

· Use 24 or larger for supporting points and be consistent

· Use readable font types such as sans or arial or times new roman or cambria

· Use color sparingly- never use the color green on a slide

· Use animations sparingly

· Enhance the data with charts and graphs if applicable 

· Design the presentation for Wide Screen Formats

Be Consistent With Style Settings


· One FREE READ of the proposal and resentation may be submitted before final due date. The Draft proposal and presentation must be submitted for feedback by 12/11/2022. The final proposal and presentation is due 12/16/2022. The choice to submit a draft of either the Brief and/or Presentation for a FREE READ (review) is at the sole discretion of the students.


Citation in APA

Purpose Statement

Research Question

Study Method and Level of Evidence – Appraisal



Recommendations for Future Research

Case 1:

CDC. (2024, May 14). About older adult fall prevention. Older Adult Fall Prevention.

The objective of this study is to classify effective prevention plans by analyzing the incidence, influence, and costs of patient falls, mainly among vulnerable peoples such as older adults, dementia patients, those with physical impairments, and those at risk of self-damage.

What are the occurrence rates, effects, and economic costs of patient falls in high-risk populations, and what involvements may be used to positively prevent these falls and their costs?

This study would take a mixed-methods method, linking quantitative data examination of fall occurrence rates, injury costs, and related expenditures with qualitative interviews with healthcare suppliers and patients to better comprehend the setting and problems of fall avoidance. A mixed-method research offers strong evidence since it combines statistical data with individual experiences, resulting in a detailed information of the subject.

The study's sample would comprise older persons (65 and older), people with dementia, those with physical disabilities, and those recognized as at risk of self-harm in a variety of healthcare settings, including hospitals, nursing homes, and home care. The sample size should be big enough to assure statistical significance, with stratified sampling employed to ensure representation across risk categories.

The probable findings are likely to settle previous statistics, which show that falls are a leading cause of severe damage, including traumatic brain injuries and hip fractures, mainly among older persons and those with dementia. Falls have an important financial impact, costing more than $50 billion in 2015, eliminating long-term care expenditures. The answers would further highlight the importance of focused fall prevention approaches in high-risk persons to reduce both the frequency and severity of falls.

Future research should concentrate on establishing and evaluating intervention programs customized to the requirements of high-risk populations, such as multifactorial programs that involve physical therapy, home safety changes, and medication reviews. Additionally, longitudinal studies are compulsory to inspect the long-term impact of these treatments. Examining the function of technology, such as wearable fall uncovering devices and telemedicine, in fall deterrence might potentially offer useful outcomes. Finally, studying the psychological effects of falls and recovery experiences from the patient's viewpoint might help to inform more comprehensive care techniques.

Case 2

Wang, L., Li, X., Wang, Z., Bancks, M. P., Carnethon, M. R., Greenland, P., … & Zhong, V. W. (2021). Trends in prevalence of diabetes and control of risk factors in diabetes among US adults, 1999-2018.  Jama326(8), 704-716.

The objective of this study is to measure the efficiency of numerous dietary approaches in controlling type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and to classify the most real dietary plan based on individual requirements.

What dietary plan is most successful for talking T2DM, and should numerous dietary answers be tailored to exact patient requirements?

This project will behavior a comprehensive assessment of both randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and observational studies. Level of indication: Level I for RCTs. Level II for high-quality observational trainings

Adults diagnosed with T2DM in United States

According to preliminary data, individualized dietary interventions such as ketogenic, intermittent fasting, and limited carbohydrate diets may enhance glycemic control and facilitate weight loss in T2DM patients.

Future studies must concentrate on long-term comparative studies of numerous dietary approaches in distinct groups to classify the most effective and sustainable diet for T2DM control.

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