Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Review the information in the social-ecological model.? Download the Target Population document, and then select one target population to focus on. Consider using Canva or Pow - EssayAbode

Review the information in the social-ecological model.? Download the Target Population document, and then select one target population to focus on. Consider using Canva or Pow


  • Coronary heart disease
  • Review the information in the social-ecological model. 
  • Download the Target Population document, and then select one target population to focus on.
  • Consider using Canva or PowerPoint, which are both free to you to create your infographic. You may also choose to use a different program. 

Submit an figure and narrative explanation focusing on the topic assigned by the Instructor and your selected target population to explain how an individual is influenced by the various levels in the SEM. 

The Assignment: The Social-Ecological Model 

Page 1: A visual depiction of the SEM specific to the assigned health topic and chosen target group

  • Intrapersonal (biological, personal knowledge, attitudes, and skills)
    • Label the intrapersonal factors that can/do impact the assigned health topic and how these levels pertain to your selected target group. Be specific and cite your sources. 
  • Interpersonal (families, friends, social networks)
    • Label the interpersonal factors that can/do impact the assigned health topic and how these levels pertain to your selected target group. Be specific and cite your sources.
  • Institutional (environment, social institutions)
    • Label the institutional factors that can/do impact the assigned health topic and how these levels pertain to your selected target group. Be specific and cite your sources.
  • Community (relationships between organizations, cultural values)
    • Label the community factors that can/do impact the assigned health topic and how these levels pertain to your selected target group. Be specific and cite your sources.
  • Societal (national, state, and local laws and regulations, norms)
    • Label the societal factors that can/do influence the assigned health topic and how these levels pertain to your selected target group. Be specific and cite your sources.

Page 2: A narrative explanation of the visual depiction created on Page 1

  • Explain how an individual in your chosen target group is influenced by the SEM and factors identified in the visual depiction created.
  • Remember to cite your sources within your text where you refer to them, using APA format. 
  • Be sure to include peer-reviewed journal articles that establish evidence-based research for your responses.
  • Include an introduction and conclusion.


PUBH 6038/HLTH 8038

Target Populations

• Adults

• African Americans

• Asian Americans

• Caucasians

• College students

• Female sex workers

• Hispanic males

• Homeless individuals

• Latina women

• Latino men

• LBGTQ individuals

• Low-income urbanites

• Mexican Americans

• Native Americans

• New mothers

• Older adults

• Pacific Islanders

• Parents

• Parents and children

• Parents and grandparents

• People with disabilities

• School children

• University students

• Women

• Women and men

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