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Creating the Hook and Closure

I need to complete the assignments in the attached document. The resources needed to complete the assignment are in the external links in the instructions. Please follow all instructions.

Teachers certification course

C7 – Creating the Hook and Closure

Objective:  After reviewing the purpose and examples of instructional hooks and lesson closure, learners will determine which hook and closure activity best aligns with their lesson objective.  

Using the Hooks    

A “hook” is an activity or strategy that engages the learner and stimulates thinking without a grade's expectation.  It is a  fun entertaining  way to introduce your lesson and get their attention to want to learn more.  It is  NOT a journal entry, a stated objective, a warm-up activity, or an agenda.


Now that you have identified what you are going to teach and how you are going to assess, how are you going to introduce this topic to entice and engage the learners?  

Created for Learning (2016, Aug 24). Hook your Students from the Start of Each Novel Study . Retrieved from:

Examples of hooks that can be used with your lesson plan:

Recall Cards – Generates memory about any topic, any level.

Who am I / What am I – Game to introduce or review people, places.

Scavenger Hunt – Use clues to get the title of a new book, the title of a new unit, special word.

Make it with playdoh – Students have to make the topic (Solar System – make own planet).

Math Ball – Beach ball with numbers; students pass the ball and follow teacher instructions.

Conversation Starters – Objects on a desk when students walk in; students brainstorm the subject of the new unit based on the objects.

Fun Facts – Facts about a topic that students put in order of coolest to not so cool.

Rhymes / Rap – Use a topic word to come up with sentences that rhyme (Percents are needed in life, especially when shopping with my wife).

Smell / Sounds – Play music related to the topic.

TouchBox – Have a box that students can “feel” around in and then guess what the items have in common.

Alliteration of Names – Students create phrases using alliteration to teach about poetry elements or as a mnemonic device: “Catherine the Compulsive Cleaner.”

Drawing – Students draw a diagram representing the idea to be taught (For a portion unit in math or nutrition, have students draw a plate of food or a whole pizza to be divided into various portions).

Quick Search – Students use the dictionary, an almanac, or the internet to search for answers to three questions about a future topic. (In American history, have students search for three facts about Benjamin Franklin).

True or False – Ask students questions about information to be taught. They can work individually or with a partner and then see who gets the most correct.

Videos - Fun, engaging videos that provoke thought or parody the topic.

Story - Quick, engaging story that leads directly to the material.

Analogy - Using an interesting analogy that connects to students' lives.  For example, I observed a high school history teacher ask students how they knew when their relationship with their boyfriend/girlfriend had ended–the students replied when their status on Facebook changed.  He then compared this to the Declaration of Independence.

Using Props - A candle burning in the classroom to spark a discussion about inductive and deductive reasoning.

Start your lessons in a memorable way.  Retreived from  Links to an external site. Region 13 ESC.

Assignment 1:

How will you make connections to prior learning?

Identify an engaging hook for your lesson that aligns with your objective and fill it in on your LPG -  8. Hooks and Closure 



"How a lesson ends can affect a learner's ability to organize, evaluate, and store information presented in class."  Teachers often spend a lot of time on the hook, but the end of class can feel like a hurried mess as students rush out the door.  Students need time to organize what they have learned, apply it to make meaning, and increase retention.  Closure provides this opportunity, and it can happen at various points during the lesson and at the end of the lesson.   The closure is an  intentional activity by the instructor to  facilitate  the wrap-up of that portion of the lesson; however, students should do the intellectual work.

Closure  is not the instructor summarizing for the students and telling them what they learned.  Nor is it the teacher asking, “Any questions? No. OK, let’s move on."  Often the teacher does summary checks with one or two students and asks “Now does everyone understand?” When no one responds, the teacher assumes that all understand.  When in actuality there may be several students who are thinking, "I'm not going to be the one to raise my hand and admit to everyone in the room that I am the stupid one who doesn't get it."

The closure allows students to  summarize or demonstrate main ideas, evaluate class processes, answer questions posed at the beginning of the lesson, and link to both the past and the future.  Also, this information provides assessment results for the teacher.  Did you teach what you intended to teach? Did the students learn what you intended them to learn?

The final closure activity at the end of the lesson usually occurs within the last five minutes of the time frame.  To ensure an effective closure, remember to teach manageable portions of the content.  Break the content into small chunks with mini closures along the way.  At the end of class, set a timer to remind you to start the closure activity.  You may want to have students put away materials to remove distractions.  You also may want to give the closure a completion or participation grade to increase student engagement to gain accurate feedback to assess learning. 

Reese, T. (2014, June 1). Road Tested/Lesson Closure:  Stick the Landing. Retrieved April 22, 2020, from[email protected] 

Closure is an opportunity for assessment and helps the instructor decide: 1. if additional practice is needed 2. whether you need to re-teach 3. whether you can move on to the next part of the lesson

IN A NUTSHELL – Closure can be  one or  some combination of the purposes below.  It should be a meaningful activity to end the lesson.

• Reviewing the key points of the lesson. • Giving students opportunities to draw conclusions from the lesson. • Describing when the students can use this new information. • Previewing future lessons. • Demonstrating a student’s problem-solving process. • Exhibiting student learning. • Creating a smooth transition from one lesson to the next lesson.

 Examples of closure activities that can be used with your lesson plan


Exit Pass

Students give a written answer to a question before leaving.

Math example – work a question from the material covered during the lesson, use as a formative assessment for the following day, sort into piles: got it/ didn’t get it or minor errors / conceptual  errors




 Whip Around

Students quickly and verbally share one thing they learned. You can have them toss a ball from one to another or just have volunteers. (You have to have a safe, trusting environment – not where kids chose others based on their perception that the student won’t have anything to say.)



3 things they learned, 2 things they have a question about, 1 thing they want the instructor to know – post-its, index cards, etc.



A student writes one question they have about the topic of this lesson. This can be something for which they know the answer or for which they want an answer. Form an inner and outer circle. Share a question with the person in front of you to see if they know the answer, switch who is asking the question, if time allows, rotate to a new partner.



Tell the person next to you 2 (3,4,5,…) things you have learned today, then the groups report out. Variation is to have students Think/Write/Pair/ Share


Gallery Walk

Students create graphic representations of their learning and post them. Students can either share out the posters or move from station to station – writing questions or comments, noting similarities and differences, and reflecting on what they might do differently if they were to repeat the process.


Choose  from the  Daily Dozen

Students choose two questions from a generic list to respond to about the day’s lesson.


Quick Doodles

Doodle/draw two or three concepts presented in the lesson. May include words or numbers.


Credit  Cards

Students are given an index card and required to state the lesson’s objective and if they feel that objective was met. Credit is given for participating.



Students write a 1-2  minute commercial to use at home when asked, “What happened in math class today?”

Sears, Donna.  Show me the Strategies. Franklin County Educators.


Below is a link to sample lessons.  Save lessons or save this site's URL to your Canvas Tool Box Folder so you can find the lessons you like to use once you get in the classroom. Links to an external site.

Assignment 2:

How will you guide the students to synthesize their learning? How will they summarize, demonstrate, and/or share what they have learned to prove they know and understand the standard(s), the vocabulary, and academic language?

Identify a closure activity, aligned to your objective, and fill it in on the LPG -  8. Hooks and Closure


Student Assets

During the planning process, you will need to think about how you can link new learning concepts to prior knowledge, the student personal background, cultural or community assets.   In order for you engage your students, you have to know a bit about what "assets" they bring to the table. 

Personal assets -  refers to specific background information that students bring to the learning environment. Students may bring interests, knowledge, everyday experiences, family backgrounds, and so on, that a teacher can draw upon to support learning.

Cultural assets: refers to the cultural backgrounds and practices that students bring to the learning environment, such as traditions, languages, worldviews, literature, art, and so on, that a teacher can draw upon to support learning.

Community assets: refers to common backgrounds and experiences that students bring from the community where they live, such as resources, local landmarks, community events and practices, and so on, that a teacher can draw upon to support learning. 


Assignment 3:

Define these concepts on your LPG as a reminder to include them once you have your own classroom with students.  



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