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Internal Environment, Power / Weakness, and Decision Models You will reply to 1 of your classmate’s thread. Minimum of 250 words in the body. Minimum of 2 sources from


Discussion Reply: Internal Environment, Power / Weakness, and Decision Models

You will reply to 1 of your classmate’s thread. Minimum of 250 words in the body.

Minimum of 2 sources from the literature in addition to course texts.

Use bolded headings below in the reply.

Current APA format must be used.

Use the following Outline:

· Summary –  Sumarize the author’s original thread in no less than 125 words.

· Critique – Discuss what you agreed with, did not agree with and why in no less than 125 words.

Support your factual assertions with citations.

Week 4 Discussion Thread: Internal Environment, Power/Weakness, and Decision Models






The internal environment is a critical aspect of the business landscape, centering on the factors within an organization that can impact its operations and overall values. It includes elements such as the workforce, management, and corporate culture, which shape employee behavior. Carefully evaluating the organization's strengths and weaknesses provides valuable insight into its internal environment. While some elements affect the entire organization, others have a specific impact on managers. A manager's leadership style directly influences employees, with traditional managers offering clear directives and progressive managers empowering employees to make their own decisions. Managers have the ability to initiate changes in philosophy and leadership style. The following sections will explore the components of the internal environment.

Process: Evaluating the Internal Environment

Strategic analysis is integral to evaluating the internal environment through a robust framework. As emphasized by Gamble (2023), an organization's resources and capabilities play a crucial role in determining its competitive success. This necessitates a comprehensive resource and capability analysis to identify, scrutinize, and ascertain the competitive significance of internal assets and their potential to create and sustain a competitive advantage. Understanding these internal factors is imperative for making well-informed strategic decisions.

Resources are competitive assets owned or controlled by the organization, and capabilities represent the organization's ability to proficiently execute internal activities or processes, which are intricately interwoven. Capabilities are not just developed, they are facilitated by utilizing an organization's resources. Strategic analysis, a systematic approach, is the key to thoroughly assessing the internal environment. It helps in identifying areas that require managerial attention and understanding. This, in turn, ensures that organizations are not just equipped, but adequately equipped to effectively navigate the complexities of the internal environment.

Moreover, as noted by Gamble (2023), the internal environment comprises both tangible and intangible resources. Tangible resources, such as physical, technological, financial, and organizational assets, are observable and can influence an organization’s borrowing capacity and the condition of its physical facilities. On the other hand, intangible resources, such as human assets, intellectual capital, relationships, organizational culture, and brand, are deeply rooted in the firm's history, accumulated over time, and relatively challenging for competitors to analyze and imitate.

Additionally, Wang & Cao (2022) recommend that organizations analyze their resources and capacities to effectively evaluate competitive strategy. They propose the use of a benefits, opportunities, costs, and risks (BOCR) analysis, a strategic planning technique that allows decision-makers to identify favorable or unfavorable factors associated with a project or business venture, thereby identifying short and long-term potential.

Strategic Thinking: Key Source of Power/Weakness

When assessing the internal environment, it is essential to pinpoint an organization's primary sources of strength and inherent weaknesses. Additionally, while implementing strategies, organizations should leverage sources of power to support the attainment of their objectives and to surmount any obstacles that may arise along the way (Rumelt, 2011). An organization’s core competencies are a key strength of the organization. For a business activity to be considered a core competency, it should also provide value to customers, access to markets, and be difficult to imitate. Therefore, the importance of core competencies within an organization are key sources of power and critical for success. As highlighted in Gupta (2013) academic journal, core competencies, by their very definition, are not ordinary skills that can be acquired by any business organization, anywhere in the world easily.

Core competencies are unique skills and technologies that underpin a organization’s competitive advantage. They provide the foundation for new products, services, and business models, allowing the organization to adapt and innovate in a rapidly changing business environment. Identifying and nurturing core competencies can help organizations differentiate themselves from competitors and drive sustainable growth.

Furthermore, core competencies serve as the building blocks for the development of new strategic capabilities. By leveraging these competencies, organizations can expand into new markets, create new business opportunities, and respond effectively to market changes and competitive pressures. Additionally, core competencies can enable organizations to build strong relationships with customers and stakeholders, fostering loyalty and trust.

In essence, core competencies are not only critical for the current success of an organization but also lay the groundwork for future growth and resilience. Organizations that strategically leverage their core competencies are better positioned to navigate challenges, capitalize on opportunities, and drive long-term value creation for their stakeholders. Therefore, recognizing, developing, and protecting core competencies is essential for sustained competitive advantage and organizational success.

Decision Model

Decision models represent a rigorous framework for evaluating alternatives, incorporating risk considerations, and juxtaposing potential outcomes across various choices. These models empower both individuals and teams to make judicious decisions, particularly in complex and high-stakes contexts. By leveraging these models, stakeholders can adeptly navigate uncertainty, mitigate risks, and advance their objectives with heightened precision and conviction.

In my professional capacity, I have employed various decision-making models to adeptly manage my workload. Drawing from this week’s discourse, I propose utilizing “The SWOT Analysis” (Krogerus, 2018, p. 12) to scrutinize the strengths and weaknesses within the context of internal environmental analysis. This method provides a systematic framework that assists organizations in discerning both internal and external factors that significantly impact their performance and decision-making processes.

Additionally, I advocate for the adoption of “The Result Optimization Model.” This model partitions the available time into three equitably distributed loops, compelling project teams and managers to iterate ideas or projects thrice to achieve optimal outcomes (Krogerus, 2018, p. 136). Leveraging the Result Optimization Model enables organizations to enhance critical internal environmental factors, thereby securing and sustaining a competitive edge.

Conversely, the SWOT analysis delves into two distinct environments: the internal environment, which centers on strengths and weaknesses, and the external environment, which focuses on opportunities and threats. By employing a SWOT analysis, organizations can effectively evaluate their internal milieu, identifying areas ripe for success and potential pitfalls to avoid. This strategic approach ensures informed decision-making and fosters organizational resilience.


The internal environment is a critical part of a business, focusing on factors within an organization that impact its operations and values. Evaluating strengths and weaknesses provides valuable insight, and strategic analysis is essential. Resources and capabilities play a crucial role in determining competitive success, and it's important to leverage sources of power to achieve objectives and overcome obstacles. Core competencies are critical for success. I recommend using "The SWOT Analysis" and adopting "The Result Optimization Model" for effective internal environmental analysis and project management.




Gamble, J. E. (2023). Essentials of Strategic Management: The Quest for Competitive

Advantage (8th ed.). McGraw-Hill Higher Education (US). to an external site.

Gupta, R. K. (2013). Core competencies for business excellence. Advances in Management

            (Indore, India), 6(10), 11.

Rumelt, R. (2011). Good strategy, bad strategy : the difference and why it matters / Richard P.

            Rumelt. Profile Books Limited.

Wang, J., & Cao, H. (2022). Improving competitive strategic decisions of Chinese coal

companies toward green transformation: A hybrid multi-criteria decision-making model. Resources Policy, 75, 102483. to an external site.




Annotated Bibliography

Gupta, R. K. (2013). Core competencies for business excellence. Advances in Management

            (Indore, India), 6(10), 11.

Summary of Key Points

This paper represents a portion of the research carried out with a selected group of publicly listed Indian companies as part of doctoral research on "Determining Factors of Business Excellence: A Study of Selected Listed Companies in India." The concept of core competencies, first introduced by Professor Gary Hamel in 1990, has been the subject of extensive study and interest for companies aiming to achieve sustainable competitive advantage. However, there has been limited focus on core competencies in the sample of companies studied in India. Without a proper understanding of the concept within the appropriate context, core competencies may provide a false sense of security, leading to potential complacency and missed opportunities. It is essential to consider core competencies in the context of future competition and their integration with product-market strategy. The successful identification, development, and deployment of core competencies is imperative for companies operating in dynamic and rapidly evolving markets. Furthermore, the paper emphasizes the need for a comprehensive approach to assessing and leveraging core competencies while accounting for changing market dynamics and technological advancements.

Evaluation of the Quality of the Publication

The scholarly article being discussed is a meticulously crafted piece of academic literature. It encapsulates rigorous research, timely relevance, and insightful perspectives. The article delves into the determining factors that contribute to core competencies, including how they can be leveraged to create a competitive advantage. The study is well-researched and well-written.

Evaluation of the Quality of the Author(s)

Gupta, R. K. is affiliated with the School of Business Management at Jaipur National University in Jaipur, India. The author is highly knowledgeable and respected in the field of business and strategy. The publication is a credible and valuable resource, as it is based on extensive research and expertise in the given topic.

Where This Fits into the Discussion

The scholarly investigation conducted by Gupta (2013) on strategic analysis, core competencies, and competitive advantage establishes a direct correlation with this week’s lesson on strategic analysis and the internal environment. Gupta’s research findings provide valuable insights into the realm of strategic decision-making and internal environment analysis, echoing the practical lessons learned throughout the week. Furthermore, the content within the journal serves as a significant resource for both academic scholars and practitioners, underscoring the critical importance of effective business strategy.

Wang, J., & Cao, H. (2022). Improving competitive strategic decisions of Chinese coal

companies toward green transformation: A hybrid multi-criteria decision-making model. Resources Policy, 75, 102483. to an external site.

Summary of Key Points

The rise of renewable energy has expedited the decline of the coal industry. As a result, coal enterprises are under pressure to quickly transition towards environmentally friendly practices in order to boost their competitiveness. This study introduces an enhanced multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) framework designed to assist coal enterprises in making strategic decisions. Initially, a mixed network structure model is established based on an analysis of the macro environment, industry environment, and internal enterprise environment. Subsequently, the priority of three competitive strategy schemes is evaluated. Sensitivity analysis is then utilized to validate the impact of indicators and external environment on the final decision-making results. The findings indicate that: (1) Differentiation strategy is the optimal choice for coal enterprises during the green transition period. (2) Seven key indicators significantly influence the stability of strategic decision-making, including the development trend of the green economy, the concept of green culture, the threat of potential new entrants, the bargaining power of suppliers and buyers, the enhanced allocation of green resources, and the rise of transformation costs. (3) The threat of potential entrants, the improvement of green resource allocation capability, and the increase in transformation cost notably impact the ultimate decision. (4) The bargaining power of suppliers and buyers only affects the ranking of differentiation and centralization strategy. (5) The development trend of the green economy and the concept of green culture have minimal influence on the ranking of differentiation and centralization strategy, and their changing trends remain relatively stable. Finally, based on the results, competitive strategic suggestions for coal enterprises and policy recommendations are proposed to ensure the green transformation of coal enterprises at a macro level.

Evaluation of the Quality of the Publication

The scholarly journal under scrutiny exhibits a commendable level of rigor, thereby establishing a prominent benchmark within the academic literature. The meticulously structured and eloquently composed manuscript serves as a testament to the author’s profound expertise in strategic analysis and decision-making. The article, meticulously researched and delivered in a timely manner, provides unique and lucid perspectives on strategy, comprehensively covering this pivotal domain.

Evaluation of the Quality of the Author(s)

The authors of the text, Jungi Wang from the Management College at Ocean University of China in Qingdao, China, and Hongjun Cao, possess extensive knowledge in the areas of business and strategic analysis. Their expertise is demonstrated through their experience and proficiency as researchers in their respective fields.

Where This Fits into the Discussion

The scholarly work by Wang & Cao (2022) significantly enhances our understanding of strategic management by providing valuable insights into strategic analysis, business, competitive advantage, and sustainability. This contribution is a crucial resource for academics, professionals, and students, and it aligns seamlessly with our current course material.

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