23 Jun Creatively examine the statement, & political polarization in Congress can be good or bad. You are welcome to agree or disagree with the viewpoints expressed in the online article
Please read the instructions carefully that are attached. Use the resources that are listed within the document and attached ONLY.
Prompt 1
Creatively examine the statement, 'political polarization in Congress can be good or bad'. You are welcome to agree or disagree with the viewpoints expressed in the online articles.
( You must use the required material listed below. No other material allowed .)
Required material
1. Book chapter on Congress.
2. Robert B. Talisse. (2024). When Is Political Polarization Good and When Does It Go Bad? Greater Good Magazine, April 16, Retrieved from https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/when_is_political_polarization_good_and_when_does_it_go_badLinks to an external site.
3. Sarah Fortinsky. (2024). McClintock defends polarized House: ‘Congress is simply a reflection of the country’. The Hill, June 16, Retrieved from https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4724600-tom-mcclintock-polarized-house/Links to an external site.
(All online articles listed above are uploaded on the exam module as word document.)
Prompt 2
How has American presidency evolved over the years?
( You must use the required material listed below. No other material allowed .)
Required material
1. Book chapter on Presidency.
2. Matthew Cimitile (2024) Celebrating President’s Day: A conversation about the American presidency, then and now. USF St. Petersburg News, February 19, Retrieved from https://www.stpetersburg.usf.edu/news/2024/presidents-day.aspxLinks to an external site.
(The online article listed above is uploaded on the exam module as word document.)
Assignment Details:
Each essay should be at least two paragraphs and 400-500 words long (10 words more or less fine) and should be well-cited. In-text citations and references are not included in the word count. The essays should compellingly address the prompts and provide strong evidence from the sources listed above to support your position. I will follow the writing assignment grading rubric while grading the essays.
No plagiarism will be allowed. The essays will be submitted through plagiarism tool, which automatically flags issues of plagiarism. Give proper quote marks – "…." – to the quotations so that I know that they are quotes. Ensure that you write the essays in your own words.
Plagiarism tool of the Canvas makes it easy to find out whether essays are plagiarized or not. An essay that is plagiarized 25 per cent or more will receive a zero grade.
If you use AI generated resources, for example ChatGPT, you must give reference to them otherwise the essay will receive zero grade. See this link on how to refer ChatGPT in your essay: https://apastyle.apa.org/blog/how-to-cite-chatgptLinks to an external site.
The essays which use AI resources, more than 25 per cent, will receive zero grade.
You can type the essays on your computer and then copy and paste the text on the assignment submission page, or type directly on the page. Follow the order of essays and write one essay after another essay. Do not upload essays as a word or pdf file. Uploaded files will not be accepted. I also do not accept email submission. At the end of each essay write the word count of that essay.
* The assignment will not be accepted after the deadline.