Chat with us, powered by LiveChat You have learned that the historian's craft involves using evidence from the past to learn and write about what happened. This evidence comes in the form of primary so - EssayAbode

You have learned that the historian’s craft involves using evidence from the past to learn and write about what happened. This evidence comes in the form of primary so


Touchstone 4: Analyzing Primary Sources

ASSIGNMENT: You have learned that the historian’s craft involves using evidence from the past to learn and write about what happened. This evidence comes in the form of primary sources, or first-hand accounts or artifacts from the time period that the historian is writing about or studying. These sources provide the foundation for any historical narrative. Throughout this course, we have introduced you to the skill of Analyzing Primary Sources and to numerous primary sources that professional historians have used to develop a narrative of U.S. history. Now, you will have the opportunity to practice the historian’s craft by reading and analyzing two primary sources yourself. 

Touchstone 4: Analyzing Primary Sources

ASSIGNMENT: You have learned that the historian’s craft involves using evidence from the past to learn and write about what happened. This evidence comes in the form of primary sources, or first-hand accounts or artifacts from the time period that the historian is writing about or studying. These sources provide the foundation for any historical narrative. Throughout this course, we have introduced you to the skill of  Analyzing Primary Sources  and to numerous primary sources that professional historians have used to develop a narrative of U.S. history. Now, you will have the opportunity to practice the historian’s craft by reading and analyzing two primary sources yourself. Keep in mind that the same skills you use to read and analyze historical sources can also be applied to current sources of information, such as newspaper articles, social media posts, television reports, and commercial advertisements. By practicing these skills now, you will not only develop your ability to perform historical research and think like a historian, you will also become a more skilled consumer of information in general. To complete this assignment, download the submission template below.  You will return the completed template as your Touchstone submission. Touchstone 4: Analyzing Primary Sources Template Touchstone 4: Analyzing Primary Sources Sample In order to foster learning and growth, all work you submit must be newly written specifically for this course. Any plagiarized or recycled work will result in a Plagiarism Detected alert. Review  Touchstones: Academic Integrity Guidelines  for more about plagiarism and the Plagiarism Detected alert. For guidance on the use of generative AI technology, review  Ethical Standards and Appropriate Use of AI .

A. Directions

Step 1: Choose Two Primary Sources

Review the  U.S. History I Touchstone Primary Sources List  and select two primary sources from the list for your assignment. The primary sources you choose should come from different time periods.  Submissions that analyze primary sources that are not on the provided list will be returned ungraded.

Step 2: Read and Analyze Each Source

Read and analyze each source by following the instructions outlined below. Record your responses in the  Touchstone 4: Analyzing Primary Sources Template .

Part 1: Meet the Primary Source

· What type of primary source is this?

· Types could include a letter, speech, court transcript, legislation, diary entry, photograph, artifact, map, broadside, circular, political cartoon, artwork, etc.

· Provide a brief description of something you notice about the source, as if you were explaining to someone who can’t see it.

· For example, you might describe its physical appearance, its formal title (if it has one), its type of language, its size or length, or anything else in particular that stands out to you.

Part 2: Observe its Parts

· Who wrote it or created it? Was it one person, or was it a group, like an organization?

· When was it written or otherwise created?

· What are two things you know about the personal background or beliefs of the person or group who created it?

· Was the source meant to be public or private? If public, who do you think was the intended audience?

· You may need to use the internet to help you research these questions.

Part 3: Interpret its Meaning: Historical Context

· Describe two other things that were happening  at the time the source was created.

· Careful! In some cases, this could be different from the time the source describes or portrays.

· How does that context (or background information) help you understand why it was created?

If needed, revisit the U.S. History I tutorials. The four time periods in the Primary Source List correspond to the four Units of the course. Navigate to the most relevant course unit and explore tutorials. Then find information to relate each primary source to its specific historical context.

Part 4: Interpret its Meaning: Main Point and Purpose

· What is the main idea or point of the source? Use specific evidence from the source itself to support your answer.

· Why do you think this primary source was made? Provide evidence from your prior responses to support your answer.

· For example, was its purpose simply to inform? To persuade? To sensationalize? Or something else?

Part 5: Use it as Historical Evidence

· What are two historical questions this source could help you to answer?

· What are two pieces of information the source presents that you should “fact check” (verify as true) by checking other primary or secondary sources?

· This primary source shows one perspective on this event or topic. What are two other perspectives you should get to better understand this event or topic, and why?

Refer to the checklist below throughout the writing process. Do not submit your Touchstone until it meets these guidelines.

❒ Did you select two primary sources from the Touchstone 4: Primary Source List? ❒ Did you select sources from different time periods? ❒ Did you complete all sections of the template for both sources? ❒ Did you review the grading rubric and compare it to your responses? ❒ Did you review the sample to see an example of a completed assignment? ❒ Did you proofread your work for proper grammar, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization?


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U.S. History I Touchstone Primary Sources List by Sophia

Review the following Primary Source List and select two primary sources from the list for your assignment.

The primary sources you choose should come from different time periods.

Settling the Americas, 10,000 BCE – 1700

Privileges and Prerogatives Granted by Their Catholic Majesties to Christopher Columbus:

Letter of Christopher Columbus on his First Voyage to America:

Excerpts from Nova Britannia:


Richard Frethorne's Letter to his Mother and Father, concerning the experiences of an indentured servant:

The Mayflower Compact:


John Winthrop Dreams of a City on a Hill:


Map of North America from the Moll Atlas:


John Lawson Encounters Native Americans:

lawson-encounters -north-american-indians-1709/

Examination of Bridget Bishop, as Recorded by Samuel Parris:

Germantown Friends' Protest Against Slavery:

The Road to Revolution, 1600-1783

The Bloody Massacre Perpetrated in King Street, Boston on March 5th 1770 by a Party of the 29th Reg:

The Bostonian's Paying the Excise-Man, or Tarring & Feathering:

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The Battle of Bunker’s Hill:

The Able Doctor, or America Swallowing the Bitter Draught:

Deposition of Captain John Parker Concerning the Battle at Lexington:

The Battle of Lexington, April 1775:

Boston Non-Importation Agreement, August 1, 1768:

Patrick Henry, Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death:

William Jackson, an Importer; at the Brazen Head:

Virtual Representation:

By the King, A Proclamation for Suppressing Rebellion and Sedition:


The New Nation, 1776-1840

George Washington’s First Inaugural Address:


Memorial From the Yearly Meeting of the Quakers:


Illustrated Family Record:

Naturalization Act of 1790:

Petition Against the Slave Trade:


Sedition Act of 1798:

Congressional Pugilists:

Act Prohibiting the Importation of Slaves:


Testimony of Deborah Sampson Gannett:


President Jefferson's Message About Lewis and Clark's Discoveries:

Speech of Captain Meriwether Lewis to the Otto Indians:


Cherokee Petition Protesting Removal:


A Nation Divided, 1800-1877

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Bill of Sale for a Slave Named George:


The Declaration of Sentiments:

Anti-Slavery Petition from the Women of Philadelphia:

The Way They Go To California:

Westward the Course of Empire Take Its Way:


Declaration of Immediate Causes Which Induce and Justify the Secession of South Carolina from the

Federal Union:


"To Colored Men!" Broadside:

"Wanted! 200 Negroes" Broadside:


“Colored Soldiers! Equal State Rights! And Monthly Pay with White Men!” Circular:

House Joint Resolution Proposing an Amendment to Prohibit Congress from Abolishing Slavery:

Lincoln's Recommendation for Gradual Emancipation:


A Petition for Universal Suffrage:

