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CJUS 230: Criminal Justice Research and Writing

Please see attached for instruction.

Also attached is the information needed to complete the paper.

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Joe Willis

Liberty University

CJUS 230: Criminal Justice Research and Writing

Mr. Ryan Zuidma



The use of body-worn cameras by police officers has improved accountability and

transparency, reduced the use of force, enhanced police-community relations, and increased the

evidential value of incidents in courts.

Reduction in the number of use-of-force incidents

 The wearing of body cameras has been proven to reduce the number of force

incidents by police officers.

 Williams et al. (2021) state that body-worn cameras are a way of preventing

police officers from using excessive force. Their research shows a marked

decrease in the use of force, which forms part of the thesis because it presents

factual evidence of improved accountability.

 The body-worn video recorder gives an accurate description of the police-civilian

interaction, which aids in identifying and combating abuse.

 White & Malm (2022) explain that body-worn cameras improve the transparency

of the police by providing objective records of police-civilians’ interactions. This

goes in support of the argument that body-worn cameras enhance accountability.

Strengthened monitoring and supervision


 It will also help the supervisors watch the footage to ensure that the officers are

following the laid-down norms and regulations.

 Cubukcu et al. (2023) explain that with the help of supervision, body-worn

camera footage is checked by supervisors, which results in improved

scrutinization in police departments. This links with the thesis through the

enhanced accountability that is evident.

 Cameras work on officers’ mindsets in such a way that they are compelled to

adhere to the recommended standard operating procedures.

 In the year 2023, Davies looks into the effects of the surveillance of police

behavior. His study supports the thesis by elucidating how body-worn cameras

alter officers’ behavior in compliance with standard procedures.

Developing Trust and Confidence

 The people of the community are more assured of the police when interaction is

done in a manner that is being recorded.

 A study by Braga et al. (2021) shows that BWCs enhance the public’s confidence

in the police through documentation of each encounter and the possibility of

revisiting it when the need arises. This supports the thesis by focusing on

enhanced relations with the community.


 Real-time footage can go a long way in assuring people that the police do not

deserve what they have been accused of and in explaining some events.

 White & Malm (2022) have explained that body-worn cameras can help to

distinguish the truth in such incidents, hence increasing the confidence of the

public in the police. This supports the thesis because it illustrates positive changes

in relations between the police and the community.

Decrease in complaints to police

 This is so because when the two parties know that they are being recorded, they

tend to reduce the complaints they make.

 Williams et al. (2021) provide the findings that show a decrease in the complaints

made against the police officers after the use of BWCs, in line with the view of

enhanced police-community relations.

 Complaints that are filed are dealt with more effectively when there is video as


 Cubukcu et al. (2023) have explained that through the use of body-worn cameras,

complaints are solved, hence enhancing the relationship between the police and

the community.

Increasing the Efficiency of the Prosecution


 Body-worn cameras are very handy in the confirmation of police reports and

testimonies since they capture the incident live.

 In the case of body-worn cameras, White & Malm (2022) show how it increases

the validity of police reports and deposition, which in turn is beneficial for the

judicial system.

 Proper and neutral video recording prevents the possibility of those wrong


 Braga et al. (2021) also stress that BWCs are useful in avoiding wrongful

convictions as they offer visual and factual accounts of incidents.

Biblical Worldview on Justice and Accountability

 These are the aspects of justice and accountability that align with the use of body-

worn cameras as supported by the Bible.

 Drunkards shall not weep, nor shall their wine cry; it is a righteous judgment of

God that they should be deprived of the consolations of religion (Proverbs 21:15,

New International Version). ’When justice is done, it gives joy to the Godly but

pain to the wicked.” This scripture supports the thesis in that it reveals the

significance of justice and its relation to accountability, which is enhanced by the

use of body-worn cameras.


 Cops on body cameras are in compliance with the word of God when he said that

the truth shall set you free.

 Exodus 20:16, ” You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor." This

commandment emphasizes the aspect of speaking the truth, which is enhanced by

the facts captured by body-worn cameras.



Braga, A. A., MacDonald, J. M., & Barao, L. M. (2021). Do body-worn cameras improve

community perceptions of the police? Results from a controlled experimental evaluation. Journal

of Experimental Criminology, 1-32.


Cubukcu, S., Sahin, N., Tekin, E., & Topalli, V. (2023). The Effect of Body-Worn

Cameras on the Adjudication of Citizen Complaints of Police Misconduct. Justice Quarterly,

40(7), 999-1023.

Davies, A. (2023). Through an Australian lens: exploring the impact of body-worn

cameras on police–community relations. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, 17,



King James Bible. (2020). King James Bible Online.

White, M. D., & Malm, A. (2022). Body-worn cameras as a mechanism for enhancing

police accountability and legitimacy. Transforming Criminal Justice: An Evidence-Based

Agenda for Reform, 25.


Williams, M. C., Weil, N., Rasich, E. A., Ludwig, J., Chang, H., & Egrari, S. (2021).

Body-worn cameras in policing: Benefits and costs.


CJUS 230

Research Paper: Final Assignment Instructions


The last step of the Research Paper Assignment is to prepare a Research Paper: Final Assignment. Throughout the course, you have written a Research Paper: Thesis Assignment and Research Paper: Annotated Outline Assignment. The Research Paper: Final Assignment will combine and expand upon those two assignments.


The Research Paper: Final Assignment must include the following elements:

1. Title Page;

2. Body (including an Introduction, Argument, and Conclusion); and

3. Reference Page

All components of the Research Paper: Final Assignment must be written using current APA formatting and must be on the same criminal justice topic that you selected for your Research Paper: Thesis Assignment and Research Paper: Annotated Outline Assignment.

The Research Paper: Final Assignment must develop an argument that is highlighted in the thesis and supported with solid academic research and analysis. Each facet of the thesis must be addressed and analyzed throughout the Research Paper: Final Assignment.

Title Page

The Title Page must use proper APA format. Review the LU Quick Guide for the proper APA format of the Title Page.


The body of the Research Paper: Final Assignment must be comprised of 4–6 pages of content. The Title Page and Reference Page are not included in the page count.

Within the body, the Introduction must include background information on the criminal justice topic, a well-written thesis, and a preview of points.

Within the body, you must present an Argument section that thoroughly supports the assertions made in the thesis statement with the use of analysis and comprehensively developed subpoints and academic research. Each body paragraph must address one issue and directly relate it to the thesis statement. Information must clearly relate to the main topic.

Within the body, the Conclusion must summarize the main headings of the paper. The Conclusion should not contain any new research.

The Research Paper: Final Assignment must also be well-organized.

The Research Paper: Final Assignment must include APA formatted headings. Headings should be provided in the following places:

1. Introduction (Use the title of your paper as the Introduction heading. Pursuant to the APA format, do not use the word “Introduction.”);

2. Argument (The argument headings should be headings that directly show your arguments for each section of the argument); and

3. Conclusion.

Reference Page

The Reference Page must include at least 5 scholarly sources published within the last five years.

The sources must be cited both in the body of the paper as well as in the Reference Page.

Biblical references do not count toward the citation requirement.

The Reference Page must be prepared in APA format.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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