Please write a one-page reflective journal response for your required readings this week. Chapter 3 - ?Traumatic Events in your textbook Your journal entries - EssayAbode

Please write a one-page reflective journal response for your required readings this week. Chapter 3 – ?Traumatic Events in your textbook Your journal entries

 Please write a one-page reflective journal response for your required readings this week. Chapter 3 –  Traumatic Events in your textbook Your journal entries are required to be thoughtful and are to be as different as you can make them from week to week. Please review the following questions to help prompt your weekly journal readings and reflections.

  1. Is what you are currently reading/viewing or studying challenging you in any way? In what way?
  2. What is puzzling you as you are reading at present? (About the author, ideas, etc.) What specific questions are being raised by what you are reading?
  3. Can you make any connections between what you are reading/viewing and everyday life, history, situations in the world, any other subject you are studying, or your own life?
  4. What are you learning about yourself from what you are reading/viewing/studying? (Your own values, attitudes, and beliefs)

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