Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Throughout your coursework and professional career, it is extremely important that you write in your own words. You will often be tasked with reading psycholo - EssayAbode

Throughout your coursework and professional career, it is extremely important that you write in your own words. You will often be tasked with reading psycholo

 Throughout your coursework and professional career, it is extremely important that you write in your own words. You will often be tasked with reading psychological materials and then to incorporate the content into a paper or other type of written or oral presentation. At times, the material you are reading might be quite technical, and it may be challenging for you to present these ideas in your own words. This is your opportunity to practice this important skill 

Due Date:

Points: 100

Overview: Throughout your coursework and professional career, it is extremely important that you

write in your own words. You will often be tasked with reading psychological materials

and then to incorporate the content into a paper or other type of written or oral

presentation. At times, the material you are reading might be quite technical, and it may

be challenging for you to present these ideas in your own words. This is your

opportunity to practice this important skill.

Review the following websites to learn about summarizing:

• Purdue Owl: Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing

• Example of a Summary


For this assignment, you will:

• Read the passage (below) from your textbook.

• Think about the main ideas contained in the passage.

• Make a list of four (4) main ideas contained in the passage.

• In your own words, summarize the main ideas in paragraph form with a minimum

of four (4) complete sentences.

• Do not quote directly from the passage.

Textbook Passage: Infants show an interest in human faces soon after birth (Sugden and Marquis, 2017). Figure

9 shows a computer estimation of what a picture of a face looks like to an infant at different

ages from a distance of about 6 inches. Infants spend more time looking at their mother’s face

than a stranger’s face as early as 12 hours after being born. By 4 months of age, infants

match voices to faces, distinguish between male and female faces, and discriminate between

faces of their own racial and ethnic group compared with those of other groups (Lee, Quinn, &

Pascalis, 2017; Otsuka, 2017).

PSY201 – Child Development

Summarization Assignment

PSY201–Child Development SummarizationAssignment

As infants develop, they change the way they gather information from the visual world,

including human faces. A study that illustrates this progression recorded eye movements of 3-,

6-, and 9-month-old infants as they viewed clips from an animated film—A Charlie Brown

Christmas (Frank, Vul, & Johnson, 2009). From 3 to 9 months of age, infants gradually began

focusing their attention more on the faces of the characters in the animated film and less on

salient background stimuli.

Summarize this paragraph in your own words and include the following reference

citation for your textbook below your summary:

Santrock, J. W., Deater-Deckard, K. D., & Lansford, J. E. (2020). Child development

(15th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.


• Incorporate all main ideas into your own words.

• Use appropriate APA placement and style for in-text citations and the reference.

• Complete your work in a Microsoft Word document.

Be sure to read the criteria by which your work will be evaluated before you write and again after you write.

Evaluation Rubric for Summarization Assignment



Development Needed

Proficient Exemplary

0-32 points 33-43 points 44-49 points 50-55 points

Summary Content

Did not summarize. Only one main idea was included. Quoted excessively or used word substitutions excessively. Included an excessive amount of extra information not found in original source.

Demonstrated adequate understanding of passage material. Some main ideas were incorporated. Some quoting and/or used word substitution was present. Included some extra information not found in original source.

Demonstrated mastery of passage material. Incorporated most main ideas. A few word substitutions or extra information were included.

Demonstrated excellent mastery of passage essence. Incorporated all main ideas in own words. Quotes, word substitutions, and extra information were not included.

0 points 4-5 points

Scholarly Source

Reference citation was absent.

— —

Reference citation was included and correct.

0-11 points 12-15 points 16-17 points 18-20 points

Structure and Flow

Flow is poor. Paragraphing is inappropriate. Transitions are minimal or absent. Significant redundancy is evident.

Flow is adequate. Paragraphs may be too long or too short. Transitions are minimal, and redundancy is evident.

Flow is good. Paragraphing is mostly appropriate. Transitions are present, and redundancies are minimal.

Flow is excellent. Paragraphing is clear, and transitions are smooth and consistent. Inappropriate redundancies are absent.

0-11 points 12-15 points 16-17 points 18-20 points

Grammar and Spelling

Errors impede professional presentation; guidelines not followed.

Numerous errors somewhat interfere with professional presentation.

Few errors that do not impede professional presentation.

Writing and format are clear, professional, and error-free.

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