Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Using the sample template uploaded create a SOAP note of a female patient of 33 years old who comes to primary care consult with UTI symptoms, include differe - EssayAbode

Using the sample template uploaded create a SOAP note of a female patient of 33 years old who comes to primary care consult with UTI symptoms, include differe

Using the sample template uploaded create a SOAP note of a female patient of 33 years old who comes to primary care consult with UTI symptoms, include differential diagnosis, patient education. Use APA 7 format and scholarly references no older than 5 years. 

NOTE: be aware all SOAP notes will be pass through Turnitin for plagiarism and AI use by school system. 

Miami Regional University - Tuition, Rankings, Majors, Alumni ...

Miami Regional University - Tuition, Rankings, Majors, Alumni ...

Soap Note # and Diagnosis

Student Name:

Miami Regional University

Course Number:

Date of Encounter:

Preceptor Name/Clinical Site:

Faculty Instructor Name:

SOAP Note # and Diagnosis


Name: John Doe / Jane Doe


Gender at Birth:

Gender Identity:

Source: Patient or family member


Chief Complaint: “A chief complaint is a concise statement ( in the patient’s

own words)” and the reason for seeking medical attention.

HPI: The History of Present Illness (HPI) involves a comprehensive discussion

driven by the patient's chief complaint or presenting symptom.

Review of Systems (ROS): ROS is an inventory of body systems obtained

through a series of questions seeking to identify signs and/or symptoms that the patient may

be experiencing or has experienced . Remember that in the ROS you should include both

negative and positive symptoms. They should help you define attributes and better understand

the problem.


-Eyes, Ears, Nose, Mouth / Throat
– Cardiovascular
– Genitourinary
-Integumentary (skin, nail and hair)
– Hematologic/Lymphatic
-Immunologic/ Allergic

Allergies (reaction):

Current Medications: List name, dose and frequency

Past Medical History:


Preventive Care:

Last wellness exam:

Surgical History:

Family History:

Social History:

Sexual Orientation:

Nutrition History:


Vital Signs: Weight, height, BMI, BP, HR, RR, Temperature, and pain:

Physical Examination: is  the process of evaluating objectively the body areas or

organ systems. The physical exam is documented either by the organ system or body areas.

Body areas recognized are the Head and Face, Neck, Chest (including breast and axillae),

Back (including spine), Abdomen, Genitalia, Groin, Buttocks, and each extremity (separately).

By organ system: General appearance, eyes, ENT and mouth, Cardiovascular,

Respiratory, GI, GU, Musculoskeletal, Endocrine, Skin, Neurologic, Psychiatric, and

hematology-Lymphatic -immunologic.


The assessment section is where you summarize and analyze the information

collected to formulate your diagnosis.

Main Diagnosis (ICD-10 code): Use the literature to support your diagnosis and

include reference with (in-text citation).

Differential diagnoses condition (ICD-10 code): condition (ICD-10 code): A

differential diagnosis is a list of possible conditions that share the same symptoms. This list is

not the final diagnosis, but a theory as to what is potentially causing the symptoms. Possible

conditions will undergo a diagnostic process through different tests to eliminate those less

likely from your differential list and to identify the correct diagnosis.


A plan refers to a detailed scheme for doing, arranging, or achieving something. It should

align with the diagnosis and potential underlying causes. The plan should include

non-pharmacologic and pharmacologic treatments, teaching, monitoring, follow-up, and

referral when applicable.


Example: Last name, first initial. (year). Title. Publisher. ***Hanging indent

is required for reference page. APA format will be used to submit your

assignments. For additional information on APA style formatting, please consult

the APA Style Manual, 7th Edition.

The MRU library and resource center provide valuable services, such as assistance

with APA style formatting to support students in their academic work.


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