Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Locate: two (2) websites that support your opinion.? 2. Complete: the 2B Evaluating Website Checklist Worksheet for each website.?? a. For both websites, be - EssayAbode

Locate: two (2) websites that support your opinion.? 2. Complete: the 2B Evaluating Website Checklist Worksheet for each website.?? a. For both websites, be

Due: Tuesday, September 3, 2024, 11:59 PM

Review Part 2A: Researching Your Topic Instructions.

Part 2B Assignment Instructions:

1. Locate: two (2) websites that support your opinion. 

2. Complete: the 2B Evaluating Website Checklist Worksheet for each website.  

a. For both websites, be sure to check “yes” or “no” to each checklist item and answer the questions at the end. 

3. Submit: your Checklist Worksheet in Moodle.

(Once you complete Part 2B, move on to Part 2C. )

4. Complete: the 2C APA Citations Worksheet.

5. Submit: your Citation Worksheet in Moodle. 

6. Review Feedback: after your assignment is graded, log back into Moodle to review feedback left by the professor.

Academic Integrity:

Students at Oklahoma City Community College are expected to meet the highest ethical standards in their academic pursuits. Faculty and staff share this responsibility with students to maintain academic integrity. Violations of academic integrity are viewed very seriously. Any form of academic dishonesty is subject to disciplinary action by the college.

AI-Generated Material

We are aware of the developing artificial Intelligence (AI) technology (such as ChatGPT) but know that technology is not neutral. As a college student, you are here to develop your knowledge and skills; AI cannot do that for you. The submission of AI-generated work as your own will be considered a violation of the college’ academic integrity policy and placed in the institutional process for plagiarism. All work submitted by you must be your own work.

2B  Evaluating Website Credibility Checklist Worksheet Fall 24.docx 2B Evaluating Website Credibility Checklist Worksheet Fall 24.docxAugust 11 2024, 3:43 PM2BR ABCD CHART OF WEBSITE EVALUATION.pdf 2BR ABCD CHART OF WEBSITE EVALUATION.pdfAugust 11 2024, 3:43 PM

PSY 1113 General Psychology Fall 2024

Informed Opinion Paper Part 1C: Topic Selection Worksheet

1. Selecting a Topic

a. Effective communication is a cornerstone of a successful marriage, fostering

understanding, and emotional intimacy between partners.

b. I am writing on this topic because I believe, that if couples communicate better

there will be fewer problems in marriage.

2. Assessing Your Understanding of the Topic

a. Having healthy communication is crucial in marriages because not only is it good

for you but also for your children so them to learn and also grow up to have

healthy conversations.

b. It relates to me personally because a friend of mine is married and I do not think

she is having a healthy marriage because communication is lacking, trust is

lacking and her husband does not provide financially for the household. So

writing about this topic will make me learn more about marriage life and

understand have to solve some of the problems that my self or friends go through.

3. Defining Key Terms:

a. Marriage;Marriage is the process by which two people make their relationship

public, official, and permanent. It is the joining of two people in a bond that

putatively lasts until death.

b. Relationships; According to the Oxford Dictionary, it defines relationship as how

two or more concepts, objects, or people are connected, or the state of being


4. Assessing your bias:

a. Building love and respect in a relationship is necessary for a long-lasting marriage

b. I definitely agree because I have noticed that couples who communicate last

forever till death.

c. There are various domains that marriage comes with, which could be, social

support, health benefits, emotional support, etc.

d. Marriage is a common topic that everyone likes to talk about and most people get

married but sometimes you get married to people who pretend to be good but end

up being your worst night and some get married to the best humans ever.

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