05 Sep For this section of the assessment, you will provide deeper insight on how the company could implement your recommendations and promote a culture of respo
Submission, APA, 2 pages only
IV. Implementation
For this section of the assessment, you will provide deeper insight on how the company could implement your recommendations and promote a culture of responsible corporate behavior.
- People:
- Illustrate specific steps needed to be taken by the company to implement your recommendations to improve relationships with stakeholders including DEI.
- What are some metrics to ensure that initiatives within the DEI area will make a systemic and sustainable change?
- What are the possible sacrifices that might need to be made?
- Think about how implementing these steps could help change the culture of the company.
- Illustrate specific steps needed to be taken by the company to implement your recommendations to improve relationships with stakeholders including DEI.
- Planet
- Illustrate the immediate steps needed to be taken by the company to implement recommendations on how to improve in terms of its environmental policies.
- Consider justifying your response by including how implementing these steps can help change the culture of the company.
C. Profit:
1. Illustrate the specific steps necessary for the company to remain profitable, including, including how taking these steps would promote a culture of responsible corporate behavior.
a. Consider the cost of the implementation of the changes versus the overall benefit of the changes.