15 Oct We can often see how media influences culture if we look at specific examples from the past. This week, you will look at how the media from the 19
We can often see how media influences culture if we look at specific examples from the past. This week, you will look at how the media from the 1960s and 1970s had an impact on the culture that followed. This was a period in history that was particularly volatile, and its media changed culture significantly. In fact, this period laid the foundation for the media we have today.
HUM/186 v11
Effects of Media on Culture
HUM/186 v11
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Effects of Media on Culture
Review this week’s learning activities and think about how mass media influences American culture.
Consider the following events that occurred in culture in the late 1960s-1970s:
· Antiwar sentiment
· Feminism
Complete the tables below. In the first column, provide two examples of each type of media. In the second column, explain how each specific example of the media influenced American culture of the time in 75-100 words.
An example response has been provided for you below.
Example Response
Type of Media: Music
Examples of Music |
How did the examples you provided influence American culture? |
Satisfaction – The Rolling Stones, 1965 |
During this era, this song expressed the frustration and anger felt by many young people. Unlike the more accepted music of the time, the Rolling Stones were considered rebellious and spoke directly to the worries of a generation dealing with the looming threat of war. Referred to as a “complaint” (Schultze, 1991), this song addressed these concerns and aimed to engage young listeners. It provided an outlet for their anxieties and encouraged them to challenge societal norms. This paved the way for future music movements like punk, new wave, and hard core, reflecting a division within both music and the broader culture. Schultze, Q. J. (1991). Dancing in the Dark: Youth, Popular Culture, and the Electronic Media . Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing. |
What’s Going On? – Marvin Gaye, 1971 |
This song was released as the civil rights movement was seeing violent reactions and the Vietnam War was raging. Although the song did not necessarily create anger or resentment in the audience, it did speak to the issues that were happening and who was being hurt by the decisions made by others (Lynskey, 2011). The performance served as an anthem to those who were feeling powerless and gave them a rallying cry to keep working for change. Although popular music was inherently political, the artists that followed were inspired to address issues in culture directly. Lynskey, D. (2011). 33 Revolutions per Minute: A History of Protest Songs, from Billie Holiday to Green Day . HarperCollins. |
Your Responses
Type of Media: News Broadcasts or Newspapers
Examples of News Broadcasts or Newspaper Articles |
How did the examples you provided influence American culture? |
Type of Media: Magazines
Examples of Magazines |
How did the examples you provided influence American culture? |
Type of Media: Television
Examples of Television |
How did the examples you provided influence American culture? |
Type of Media: Movies
Examples of Movies |
How did the examples you provided influence American culture? |
Include any references you used to complete your responses above.
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