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Health care options, such as telemedicine and predictive analytics are important in providing care for a growing need.?For example, Seton Healthcare use


Health care options, such as telemedicine and predictive analytics are important in providing care for a growing need. For example, Seton Healthcare uses IBM Content and Predictive Analytics to improve care & lower CHF (congestive heart failure) re-admissions.

Please watch How Predictive Analytics Can Transform Healthcare Sector (Imaginovation, 2020) and Seton Healthcare uses IBM Content and Predictive Analytics to improve care lower CHF readmissions, which describes how Seton Healthcare Family serves 1.9 million people in central Texas. Seton Healthcare uses IBM Content and Predictive Analytics, which allows organizations to take their countless amounts of information, manipulate the information, understand trends, and test hypotheses to turn their information into something actionable (Seton Healthcare Uses IBM Content and Predictive Analytics to Improve Care Lower CHF Readmissions, n.d.).

Watson Analytics For You is an example of how that information is used for analytics. This actionable information works for clinician analysts and executives planning to develop the appropriate systems for future care. The technology helps the organization predict, which patients will be readmitted to the hospital. It can help physicians provide better care for their patients to make better treatment decisions with better outcomes (Watson Analytics for You, n.d.).

  • Please discuss the pros and cons of promoting healthcare analytics as it pertains to medical consumer behavior.
  • Is the use of analytics and IMB Watson based on subcultures? Why and in what way; or why not?


Imaginovation. (2020). How Predictive Analytics Can Transform Healthcare Sector. In YouTube

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