30 Oct Choose a publicly traded company that begins with the same letter as your last name(E). Using either the Security and Exchange Commission’s (SEC’s) Edgar Datab
The student will post one thread of at least 400 words .
Choose a publicly traded company that begins with the same letter as your last name(E). Using either the Security and Exchange Commission’s (SEC’s) Edgar Database, or by going directly to your chosen company’s website, download the company’s annual report. Review the information contained within the annual report (10k), paying particular attention to the financial statements and the notes to the financial statements. How important do the financial statements appear to be with regard to the annual report? Are the financial statements mentioned in the management discussion? Do the financial statements provide enough information to potential investors? Is too much information given to competitors who may also be reviewing the financial statements? Explain the significance of the financial statements within the annual report. In your replies, compare your company with your classmates' and discuss the similarities or differences between your chosen companies.
Criteria Ratings Points
Original Thread – Key Components
10 to >8.0 pts
All key components of the Discussion are answered in a clear and logical flow for the original thread.
8 to >6.0 pts
Most of the key components of the Discussion are answered in a clear and logical flow for the original thread.
6 to >0.0 pts
Key components of the Discussion are missing, or there is not a clear and logical flow for the original thread.
0 pts
Not Present
10 pts
Original Thread – Mechanics and Word Count
10 to >8.0 pts
The 400-word limit was fully met on the original posting. There were no more than three spelling, grammar, or APA errors in the original posting.
8 to >6.0 pts
Student wrote less than the minimum word count, but more than ½ of the required words. There were four or five spelling, grammar, or APA errors in the original posting.
6 to >0.0 pts
Student wrote less than ½ of the required words. There were six or more spelling, grammar, or APA errors in the original posting.
0 pts
Not Present
10 pts
Replies – Major Points
8 to >6.0 pts
There is thoughtful analysis (considering assumptions, analyzing implications, comparing/contrasting concepts). There are at least two substantive replies to other students.
6 to >4.0 pts
There was some analysis (considering assumptions, analyzing implications, comparing/contrasting concepts), but a stronger connection could have been made. There were two substantive replies to other students.
4 to >0.0 pts
There was very little analysis (considering assumptions, analyzing implications, comparing/contrasting concepts). There was only one substantive reply made to another student.
0 pts
Not Present
8 pts
Original Thread – Support
10 to >8.0 pts
The post is supported by two or more scholarly references.
8 to >6.0 pts
The post is supported by two scholarly references.
6 to >0.0 pts
The post contains one scholarly reference.
0 pts
Not Present
10 pts
Replies – Mechanics and Word Count
7 to >5.0 pts
The 200-word limit was fully met on the replies. There were no more than three spelling, grammar, or APA errors in the original posting.
5 to >3.0 pts
Student wrote less than the minimum word count, but more than ½ of the required words. There were four or five spelling, grammar, or APA errors in the original posting.
3 to >0.0 pts
Student wrote less than ½ of the required words. There were six or more spelling, grammar, or APA errors in the original posting.
0 pts
Not Present
7 pts
Discussion Grading Rubric | ACCT209_D02_202440
Criteria Ratings Points
Replies – Support
5 to >4.0 pts
Each reply is supported by at least two peer-reviewed references.
4 to >3.0 pts
One reply does not include two scholarly references.
3 to >0.0 pts
Both replies do not include two scholarly references.
0 pts
Not Present
5 pts
Total Points: 50
Discussion Grading Rubric | ACCT209_D02_202440