05 Nov As during the Great Depression, women’s behavior and ideas about gender? changed during the War. Did you observe examples of traditional ideas about gender
4. As during the Great Depression, women's behavior and ideas about gender changed during the War. Did you observe examples of traditional ideas about gender continuing during the 1940s? Looking ahead, do you see WWII as having a conservative or liberatory impact on American women? Draw on more than one reading or video or website or primary source collection assigned this week in your answer, providing examples to support your interpretation.
WEEK 11: Women, Gender, Rights, and WWII
Title Citation
Life Magazine, Women Weapons Testers Life Magazine (This loaded a little slowly for me, but worked)
Watch: Life and Times of Rosie The Riveter (If you don’t sign in to the Library first, you will be prompted to sign in then you will be able to play the video.)
The Life and Times of Rosie the Riveter. Emeryville, Calif: A Clarity Production with the support of the National Endowment for the Humanities, 1980.
Securing Childcare During WWII: The Case of San Diego (Great primary sources for PSA. You don’t have to read every primary source. After watching the video introduction, dip into these primary sources.)
Ciani, Kyle E Securing Childcare During WWII: The Case of San Diego.(Alexandria, VA: Alexander Street, 2022).
Japanese American Women During World War II
Matsumoto, Valerie. “JAPANESE-AMERICAN WOMEN DURING WORLD WAR II.” In The American West: The Reader, edited by WALTER NUGENT and MARTIN RIDGE, 255–73. Indiana University Press, 1999. https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctt200604c.21.
Japanese American Women Speak on Internment During World War II (video)
Women of the 6888th (website) (This Division is now depicted in a Netflix film.)
Dennis Danneau, Japanese American Women Speak on Internment During World War II, Danneau Video Productions 2017.
6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion
WWII Hivemind Document An optional collaborative google doc for students to drop new learnings, notes on the impact of the War years on women, surprises contained in the reading and film, impressions from students who may have visited the Rosie the Riveter National Park site down in Richmond, or any family stories that have been passed down through the generations about WW II or the 1940s.
Meet the Rosies Fridays at the Rosie The Riveter National Historic Park.
This is a public service announcement. The Rosie The Riveter National Park has a docent program with visits with women who worked in the shipyards every Friday in 2024. These “Rosies” are in their 90s! Go visit!
American Women’s History: A Very Short Introduction, 95-99
Susan Ware. 2015. American Women’s History: A Very Short Introduction. Very Short Introductions. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
WEEK 11: Women, Gender, Rights, and WWII
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