26 Nov You will develop an annotated bibliography of scholarly sources to be utilized in researching a topic related to the US Healthcare Delivery System.?Annotated
You will develop an annotated bibliography of scholarly sources to be utilized in researching a topic related to the US Healthcare Delivery System.
Annotated Bibliography Topics in US Health Care .
1. Topics in Health Care Workforce
a. Professional burnout in healthcare
b. How to Reduce Toxic Work Environment in Healthcare
c. Improving staff retention rates in the healthcare system
2. Diversity, Equity, and inclusion of Health Care Professionals
a. Discuss the racial/demographic composition of health care professionals compared to population served.
b. Discuss the racial/demographic composition of the various levels of healthcare professionals and its impact on patient outcomes.
3. U.S. Healthcare Changes Over Time
a. Discuss the healthcare system before the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and post ACA
b. A Comparison of the VA System Compared to the Civilian Health Care System in the U.S.
c. What Factors have Contributed to the Steady Increase of Health Care Expenditure in the US? (Increased Chronic diseases, life expectancy, focus on triage care vs. prevention, uninsured, etc.)
d. Discuss challenges in implementing universal healthcare in the U.S.
4. Technology in Health Care
a. Electronic Health Record (EHRs) and Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) in Health Care and their effects on Health Care Delivery and Health Outcomes (ex. Disadvantage – digital divide; Advantages – integration of health systems)
b. Breach of data in the healthcare setting
c. Advantages and Disadvantages of Telehealth Services
5. How Does the Healthcare System Impact Health Outcomes of Special Populations
a. Immigrants
b. Maternal and Infant Health Outcomes in Minoritized Populations
d. Elderly
6. Mental Health Care in the U.S.
a. Effects on healthcare reimbursement policies on utilization of mental health service
b. Challenges with Access and Utilization of Mental Health Services
7. Healthy People 2030 and healthcare policies
a. Purpose of Healthy People, Changes of leading indicators since their inception. Pick two leading indicators and discuss their significance and how they can be addressed within the context of social determinants.
8. Health Outcomes of patients with public versus private health insurance
9. Demographic Utilization and underutilization of Various Health Care Service Settings (Hospice, Long-term Care Facilities, Rehabilitation, Hospital).
10. Paid Family Caregivers:
a. Discuss how this model works? Is it cost-effective to the Patients and the Health Care System? Provide a rationale for your response.
HSD 266 FALL 2024
Assignment: Annotated Bibliography DUE WEEK 12 – Sunday, November 24, 2024
Students will develop an annotated bibliography of scholarly sources to be utilized in researching
a topic related to the US Healthcare Delivery System. The annotated bibliography is one of
several assignments as part of the course the student will develop throughout the semester and
submit for a final review.
Students will choose a TOPIC for the annotated bibliography from the list of topics provided,
conduct the research for 5 primary peer-reviewed journal articles, then developed the annotated
bibliography using the template shown below.
References should be current (within 5 years) and appropriate to the chosen lesson topic.
Of the references, 5 primary peer-reviewed journal articles, listed alphabetically. Primary
sources describe an original study.
APA requires annotations to be double-spaced.
Each entry must have proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation, including the following
1. First, provide a full reference using accurate APA style (all references need a URL or
doi). The reference should be in bold with a hanging indent.
2. Next, provide a brief 1-2 paragraph narrative covering the scope of the source, such as
the study purpose, design, results, data collection method etc. (see format).
*No reference page is required since the reference format proceeds the annotation.
Format of evaluative annotation: (see also mini lecture)
Clear and succinct, no bullets, in paragraph format!
• First paragraph: include 3-4 sentences of a concise general summary of what the article
says (central theme), including the purpose of the study.
Provide the following required details:
o type of study (design),
o sample,
o data collection method,
o results, and
o conclusion.
▪ Hint: Keep study details in order as listed
• Second paragraph:
o Provide a brief summary of the application of each source to your chosen topic as
it relates to the US Healthcare Delivery System, and why you chose this source.
HSD 266 FALL 2024
Student Name
Name of University
Annotated Bibliography-Topic here
Name of Course
Course Number
Teacher Name
Submission Date
HSD 266 FALL 2024
Topic: Crisis Communication in Higher Education
Thesis Statement: Crisis communication is equally as important in higher education as it is in
large businesses, government organizations, and the like. Crisis communication managers must
be equipped with tools that support good decision-making when organizations are faced with a
crisis event that minimizes the damage to organizational reputation.
Annotated Bibliography
Coombs, W.T. (2004). Impact of past crises on current crisis communication insights from
situational crisis communication theory. Journal of Business Communication. 41 (3),
265-289. Doi: 10.1177/0021943604265607. Coombs pointed out in this article the impact
of past crises on current organizational crisis and how this may affect the reputation of an
organization. Coombs further noted that the type of crisis whether it is intentional or not
will be evaluated by the public as to whether it will continue to support the organization
or perhaps withdraw its support from the organization. How crisis communication
managers handled past crisis will have an effect on its current crisis situation. Coombs
posits situation crisis communication theory (SCCT) as the theoretical framework that
may explain why a current crisis may turn into multiple crises depending on the
organization history with past crisis events. Coombs recommends that an effective crisis
communication strategy must incorporate past crisis into the messaging such that
companies are not blindsided by their past deeds and is able to protect the organization’s
HSD 266 FALL 2024
This research was designed to test the SCCT theory and Phillip Petroleum
Company was the test case. This research provided evidence that indeed past crises
shapes the perception of current crisis. The core of the SCCT theory is crisis
responsibility—when an organization accepts responsibility for the crisis event. As my
own proposed research develops, managing organizational reputation is a key component
to understand in higher education, which has had limited experience in the branding
research market. While the country’s top tier institutions have enjoyed great branding,
most colleges and universities across our country are not as fortunate and therefore
building and maintaining a good reputation will become increasingly important as the
competition in higher education continues. The goal of developing the organization’s
reputation is mitigate the potential impact in times of crisis.
Coombs, W.T. (2007). Protecting organization reputations during a crisis: The development and
application of situational crisis communication theory. Corporate Reputation Review, 10,
163-176. Doi: 10.1057/palgrave.crr.1550049. Coombs suggested in this article that
managing organizational crisis and protecting the organizational reputation, key to a
successful communication strategy and will determine how stakeholders interact with the
company post crisis. He suggests here and elsewhere that post-crisis communication
management is important. This article proposes the Situation Crisis Communication
Theory (SCCT) as a set of communication guidelines which are evidence-based to assist
in the evaluation process. This research continues to ask the question as to how
HSD 266 FALL 2024
stakeholders respond to post-crises events and this response may inform post-crisis
communication. This article affirms my own proposed research in the area of
crisis communication and the importance of evaluating pre-crisis, crisis, and post-crisis
events in higher education. SCCT could be further validated in the higher education
Lui, B. F., Austin, L., Jin, Y. (2011). How publics respond to crisis communication strategies:
The interplay of information form and source. Public Relations Review. 37 (4), 345-353.
In this article Lui and her colleagues linked the public response to crisis communication
to the various forms and sources of communication such as traditional media versus
social media, and word-of-mouth. The purpose of their research study was to empirically
test two components of the social-mediate crisis communication model (SMCC), which
were the effects of crisis communication form (traditional, social media, and word-of-
mouth) and the source (third party and organization). The results of this research showed
that the public was more likely to accept defensive, supportive, and evasive crisis
responses via traditional media mechanism directly from the organization than the social
media and word-of-mouth mechanism. While Lui and colleagues’ article was testing the
utility of the SMCC model, it is important to understand the role social media will play
now and in the future on how organizations use social media to respond to organizational
crisis through communication crisis management.
This article makes an important contribution to my proposed research on crisis
communication in higher education. Organizations like universities and colleges are
HSD 266 FALL 2024
steeped in tradition and while there has been an increased use of the social media, it is
important to know that traditional media, such as town hall meetings, official memos are
still important and valuable means of disseminating critical information to stakeholders.
Maringe, F. (2005). Interrogating the crisis in higher education marketing: the CORD model,
International Journal of Educational Management, 19 (7), 564-578.
Doi:10.1108/09513540510625608. Maringe makes the case for crisis communication in
higher education with respect to a marketing culture. Maringe suggests there are five
distinct but interrelated marketing concepts that university environments already believe
they meet. These are product orientation, product view, selling philosophy, marketing
philosophy, and societal marketing philosophy. This research supports the argument that
it is only recently that universities and colleges understood their need to engage in
marketing and why image building or reputation branding is an important communication
asset. Maringe presents the CORD model as a tool to examine marketing strategies in
higher education. CORD is Contextualization, Organization, Research & Development
(Maringe, 2005, p. 572).
This research article supports my own proposed topic in crisis communication in
that it provides another theoretical framework aimed at university environments that
contextualize marketing strategies for universities and colleges. Additionally, this
provides another tool that emphasizes the multiple roles of students as they interact with
members of the university. Maringe succinctly pointed out four identities of students as
1) customers, 2) clients, 3) citizens, and 4) subjects. This was an important revelation in
understanding marketing attributes.
Stephen, K.K., Barrett, A.K., Mahometa, M.J. (2013). Organizational communication in
HSD 266 FALL 2024
emergencies: Using multiple channels and sources to combat noise and capture attention.
Human Communication Research, 39, 230-251. Doi: 10.1111/hcre.12002. Stephen and
colleagues highlight organizational communication in the midst of a campus crisis. These
researchers wanted to understand people’s reaction to an on-campus crisis such as an
“active shooter”. This research was most interested in how people grasps the urgency of a
message through the multiple notification channels and which channel was considered
the best to get an urgent message to the stakeholders. These researchers found that three
(3) repeated message coming through one synchronous source (i.e. phone, face-to-face)
was perceived as more urgent compared to the text messaging (the official source) which
received the lowest sense of urgency. This was an interesting finding, as universities have
invested many resources in emergency communication tools and texting has been one of
the main tools used. This study reveals that because of the information overload (these
authors call it noise) that people deal with on a day-to-day basis, that perceived
emergency can simply become lost.
This article adds another important dimension to the proposed research topic in
that designing crisis communication plans in advance of an organizational crisis such as
the one described here is important. The key takeaway is designing a strategic message
that lends itself to the source that reaches the intended recipients in the higher education