03 Dec In the Discussion Forum, drawing on this week’s reading, listening and watching, summarize your thoughts about women’s history, historical change, and you
In the Discussion Forum, drawing on this week's reading, listening and watching, summarize your thoughts about women's history, historical change, and your thoughts on the status of women's rights, and women's collective action in the 2020s. What needs changing? What lessons from the past might women (and men) address today with regard to women's status in American society? If you made a list of concerns, wishes, or activism strategies or lessons, what would you list? In your answer you should draw on earlier course readings or videos/lectures and/or this week's. Although this is a 'think and reflect' discussion, historical conversations reference examples, evidence, and readings, and use summary, paraphrasing, and quotation to support the points, including when responding to others' posts. They provide citation.
Political Junkie Podcast Hit Them:in the Pocketbook: a conversation about Storming Caesar's Palace with historian Annelise Orleck
Claire Potter,”IIt them in the Pocketbook: a conversation about Storming Caesar's Palace with historian Annelise Orleck,” Political Junkie, Substack, Episode 22, May 1, 2023. https://clairepotter.substack.com/p/episode-2 2-hit-them-in-the-pocketbook. Accessed Jan 12, 2024
Ms. Magazine's Feminist Wishes for 2022 Margaret Garbarini and Hannah Beck, Feminist Wishes for 2022: We Were Never meant to do this Alone,” Ms. Magazine, December 30, 2021. Accessed January 12, 2024. https://msmagazine.com/2021/12/30/new-yea r-feminist-wishes-2022-reproductive-rights-ab ortion-racial-equity-health-care-voting-rights/
"Thirteen Feminist Protests Taught Me These Seven Things" from Global Citizen
Tess Laury, Thirteen Feminist Protests Taught Me These Seven Things,” Global Citizen, December 20, 2022. https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/content/femin ist-protests-worldwide-2022-gender-equality/ Accessed Jan 12, 2024.
The Global Backlash Against Feminism (from Human Rights Watch)
Susanné Seong-Eun Bergsten and Song Ah Lee, The Global Backlash against Women’s Rights, https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/03/07/global- backlash-against-womens-rights Accessed Jan 12, 2024.
Alice Herman, “Thousands Rally at Christian Nationalist Event,” The Guardian, October 21, 2024
https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/o ct/12/jenny-donnelly-anti-trans-christian-natio nalist-rally
Read Kamala Harris’ Full Concession Speech, Time Magazine, n.d.
https://time.com/7173617/kamala-harris-conc ession-speech-full-transcript/
Last Call at Maud’s
Feature length (adjust speed)
Last Call At Maud's. Directed by Paris Poirier. Frameline, 1993. https://video.alexanderstreet.com/watch/l ast-call-at-maud-s.
Retro Report: Phyllis Schlafly (14 minutes with adjustable speed).
"On Account of Sex". Films On Demand. 2016. Accessed January 12, 2024. https://fod.infobase.com/PortalPlaylists.aspx?wI D=103871&xtid=142514.