04 Dec Explain if and how nonprofit organizations can influence the development and diffusion of innovation throughout society. Give at least two examples of innova
Discussion Board (DB) #3: Government, business, and nonprofit influence on innovation.
This Discussion Board (DB #3) is designed to get you thinking about innovation in a broad sense and how it impacts the world we all live in. Provide an answer for the following questions in paragraph form using each question as the heading for each of your paragraphs. For this class, one paragraph consists of a minimum of ten (10) sentences.
(1) Clearly and thoroughly list and explain all the ways federal, state, and local governments can (a) encourage innovation throughout society, and (b) discourage innovation throughout society. Provide at least two examples for both (a) and (b) above based on research you have done. Cite a minimum of four (4) sources in a reference section immediately following your answer for number 1.
(2) Clearly and thoroughly list and explain all the ways private or publicly owned businesses can (a) encourage innovation throughout society, and (b) discourage innovation throughout society. Provide at least two examples for both (a) and (b) above based on research you have done. Cite a minimum of four (4) sources in a reference section immediately following your answer for number 2.
(3) Explain if and how nonprofit organizations can influence the development and diffusion of innovation throughout society. Give at least two examples of innovations in the nonprofit sector supported by a minimum of two (2) sources that you cite in a reference section immediately following your answer for number 3.
The textbook does NOT count as a reference for any DB post. Use Internet searches and Troy Library database searches for your answers.