08 Jan Introduce yourself briefly. Based on your own personal ideas and viewpoint, provide a definition of privacy. This definition
Introduce yourself briefly. Based on your own personal ideas and viewpoint, provide a definition of privacy. This definition can be based on any aspect of privacy.
In your response posts, compare and contrast your thoughts with those of your peers. Did anything influence your perspective?
Note: Privacy can be a highly personal topic. In your posts, remember to maintain professionalism. Focus on the topic and not on the person.
To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric.
Hello everyone,
My name is Brittany Burrell and I am in my last 3 terms for my BS in Cybersecurity with a concentration in Data Analytics in which I have already finished the concentration requirements. I have lived in some part of the Midwest pretty much my entire life besides the two years I was in Texas. I was born and raised in Illinois, but I now call Wisconsin my home state with my two dogs, bearded dragon, and best friend. I am currently in a tech support role that is helping me to apply what I am learning in school to real life scenarios.
For this discussion I am basing my definition of privacy on apartment life within a building and how it pertains to the ability of residents within their own personal space. An example would be the controlled access that the facility maintains to their living spaces and personal activities, ensuring a sense of security and peace within their homes. Safeguarding boundaries from physical intrusions, such as unauthorized entry, or auditory or visual breaches like excessive noise or being observed through windows is important in order for tenants to feel safe and secure. Apartment privacy includes managing interactions with neighbors, landlords, and service providers, allowing individuals or families to maintain autonomy over their personal routines and relationships in a shared living environment. It is fundamentally about creating a personal sanctuary amidst communal living.
Hello, everyone! My name is Harry St. Brice. I’m currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Cybersecurity at Southern New Hampshire University. I’m also a field technician with experience troubleshooting network communication issues, and I recently transitioned to working remotely to support fiber damage response along the East Coast. In addition to cybersecurity, I enjoy gaming, cooking, and spending time with my family.
From my perspective, privacy is the ability to control and protect personal information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. It involves maintaining boundaries over what information is shared, with whom, and for what purpose. Whether in digital spaces or personal interactions, privacy ensures that individuals retain autonomy over their data and can make informed decisions about its use.
I look forward to learning from and collaborating with everyone in this course!
Undergraduate Discussion Rubric
Your ac�ve par�cipa�on in the discussions is essen�al to your overall success this term. Discussion ques�ons will help you make meaningful connec�ons between the course content and
the larger concepts of the course. These discussions give you a chance to express your own thoughts, ask ques�ons, and gain insight from your peers and instructor.
For each discussion, you must create one ini�al post and follow up with at least two response posts.
For your ini�al post, do the following:
Write a post of 1 to 2 paragraphs.
In Module One, complete your ini�al post by Thursday at 11:59 p.m. Eastern.
In Modules Two through Eight, complete your ini�al post by Thursday at 11:59 p.m. of your local �me zone.
Consider content from other parts of the course where appropriate. Use proper cita�on methods for your discipline when referencing scholarly or popular sources.
For your response posts, do the following:
Reply to at least two classmates outside of your own ini�al post thread.
In Module One, complete your two response posts by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. Eastern.
In Modules Two through Eight, complete your two response posts by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. of your local �me zone.
Demonstrate more depth and thought than saying things like “I agree” or “You are wrong.” Guidance is provided for you in the discussion prompt.
Discussion Rubric
Criteria Exemplary Proficient Needs Improvement Not Evident Value
Comprehension Develops an ini�al post with an
organized, clear point of view
or idea using rich and
significant detail (100%)
Develops an ini�al post with a
point of view or idea using
adequate organiza�on and
detail (85%)
Develops an ini�al post with a
point of view or idea but with
some gaps in organiza�on and
detail (55%)
Does not develop an ini�al
post with an organized point of
view or idea (0%)
Timeliness N/A Submits ini�al post on �me
Submits ini�al post one day
late (55%)
Submits ini�al post two or
more days late (0%)
1/7/25, 10:05 AM Undergraduate Discussion Rubric – CYB-260-12259-M01 Legal and Human Factors of Cyb 2025 C-1 (Jan – Mar)
https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1831858/viewContent/38649345/View 1/2
Criteria Exemplary Proficient Needs Improvement Not Evident Value
Engagement Provides relevant and
meaningful response posts
with clarifying explana�on and
detail (100%)
Provides relevant response
posts with some explana�on
and detail (85%)
Provides somewhat relevant
response posts with some
explana�on and detail (55%)
Provides response posts that
are generic with li�le
explana�on or detail (0%)
Wri�ng (Mechanics) Writes posts that are easily
understood, clear, and concise
using proper cita�on methods
where applicable with no errors
in cita�ons (100%)
Writes posts that are easily
understood using proper
cita�on methods where
applicable with few errors in
cita�ons (85%)
Writes posts that are
understandable using proper
cita�on methods where
applicable with a number of
errors in cita�ons (55%)
Writes posts that others are
not able to understand and
does not use proper cita�on
methods where applicable (0%)
Total: 100%
1/7/25, 10:05 AM Undergraduate Discussion Rubric – CYB-260-12259-M01 Legal and Human Factors of Cyb 2025 C-1 (Jan – Mar)
https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1831858/viewContent/38649345/View 2/2