31 Jan The episodic SOAP note is to be written using the attached template below. For all the SOAP note assignments, you will write a SOAP note about one of your
The episodic SOAP note is to be written using the attached template below.
For all the SOAP note assignments, you will write a SOAP note about one of your patients and use the following acronym:
S =Subjective data: Patient’s Chief Complaint (CC).O =Objective data: Including client behavior, physical assessment, vital signs, and meds.A =Assessment: Diagnosis of the patient's condition. Include differential diagnosis.P =Plan: Treatment, diagnostic testing, and follow up
SOAP NOTE TEMPLATE Review the Rubric for more Guidance |
Demographics |
Chief Complaint (Reason for seeking health care) |
History of Present Illness (HPI) |
Allergies |
Review of Systems (ROS) |
General: HEENT: Neck: Lungs: Cardio Breast: GI: M/F genital: GU: Neuro Musculo: Activity: Psychosocial: Derm: Nutrition: Sleep/Rest: LMP: STI Hx: |
Vital Signs |
Labs |
Medications |
Past Medical History |
Past Surgical History |
Family History |
Social History |
Health Maintenance/ Screenings |
Physical Examination |
General: HEENT: Neck: Lungs: Cardio Breast: GI: M/F genital: GU: Neuro Musculo: Activity: Psychosocial: Derm: |
Diagnosis |
Differential Diagnosis |
ICD 10 Coding |
Pharmacologic treatment plan |
Diagnostic/Lab Testing |
Education |
Anticipatory Guidance |
Follow up plan |
Prescription |
See Below (scroll down) |
References |
Grammar |
EA#: 101010101 STU Clinic LIC# 10000000 |
Tel: (000) 555-1234 FAX: (000) 555-12222 |
Patient Name: (Initials)______________________________ Age ___________ Date: _______________ RX ______________________________________ SIG: Dispense: ___________ Refill: _________________ No Substitution Signature:____________________________________________________________ |
Signature (with appropriate credentials):_____________________________________
References (must use current evidence-based guidelines used to guide the care [Mandatory])
SOAP Note Rubric
SOAP Note Rubric |
Criteria |
Ratings |
Pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDemographics |
1 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeChief Complaint (Reason for seeking health care) |
4 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeHistory of the Present Illness (HPI) |
5 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAllergies |
2 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReview of Systems (ROS) |
15 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeVital Signs |
2 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLabs |
2 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMedications |
4 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePast Medical History |