01 Feb What Does a Leader Look Like?
The field of human services and human services organizations require effective practitioners to become strong leaders. Strong leaders can drive success and impact change in many ways. Throughout your program, you have been cultivating your leadership skills. In this Discussion, you will reflect on the kind of leader that you aspire to be and then apply your leadership skills to a scenario to guide an employee you are supervising.
To Prepare:
· Review the Learning Resources and Course Announcements.
· Complete the Leadership Skills Assessment from the Learning Resources.
· Consider how you would apply your leadership skills to the following scenario:
You supervise Gloria, a family support coordinator. She comes to you with the following situation and is not sure how to proceed. A 17-year-old South-Asian woman named Priyha is asking for housing assistance.
“I need housing,” she says. “I am gay. I want to move in with my girlfriend. I am 17. My family’s culture will not let this happen.”
Priyha does not want to fill out gender, place of origin, address, or racial information, as she is afraid it will be used to contact her parents without her permission. Her girlfriend is 19 years old. Your organization’s policy is that any service user must completely fill out intake forms in order to receive services. Your employee does not know how to help her if she does not fill out the form.
How would you guide your employee?
By Day 4
· Describe your reaction to your leadership assessment: What do you think it got right? Where might you not agree?
· Describe the kind of leader you aspire to be and how you will achieve this goal.
· Explain how, as a leader, you will guide your employee based on the case study.