01 Feb Why is education on sexuality important?
1. Sexuality Education: Why is education on sexuality important? Of what benefit is education at each stage of the human lifespan beginning with middle childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, middle adulthood and late adulthood? If you would create and ideal sexuality education program, how would you balance religious beliefs, cultural belies and technical/scientific approaches?
1. Managing Resources:Discuss the following questions as if you were planning to marry. What is the value of having such a discussion with a future spouse?
· Do you expect to share equally in financial decisions? If not, how do you plan to make financial decisions?
· Do you plan to use a budget? Why or why not?
· How do you feel about each partner’s having a personal allowance for which he or she is not accountable to the other?
· How do you feel about buying small items on credit? Large items?
· Who will be the treasurer? The check writer? The bookkeeper? The investor?
Grading Rubric: Please see the grading rubric below for information on how your work will be graded.