01 Feb MEDT 7476: Assessing Learning in Technology-Enhanced Instruction
Through this assignment, you will reflect on your assessment practice as prompted by readings assigned from Sessions 0 to Session 7 of the course. You may also find these notes you take useful to support other work in the program, future doctoral work (maybe), and work in your professional context.
Nature of Entries
· Each entry should respond to the prompts noted in the Prompts table below.
· Each entry should be at least 100 words. (In the prompt of Session 0 below, your answers for 1a and 1b combined should be at least 100 words.)
· An entry should be written in prose.
· An entry may use quotes from the text. However, quotations should comprise less than about 10%. It’s best to put things in your own words. That’s how you know when you understand a thing. If you do quote, be sure to properly cite the source.
· Entries should have a title.
· Entries should indicate what reading you’re responding to.
· Entries will be reflective and may also include defining concepts, noting takeaways (something you deem important or worthy of remembering), or posing new questions the reading might have stimulated.
· You should use APA formatting, but this is not the focus here. I want you to read and respond in thoughtful writing. I do expect citations if you use a direct quote, though.
K-12 Audience (most of the class)
Butler, S. M., & McMunn, N. D. (2014). A teacher’s guide to classroom assessment: Understanding and using assessment to improve student learning. Jossey- Bass. ProQuest Ebook Central https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/westga/detail.action?docID=708115
Read the Introduction (pp. xxv-xxxv) and respond to these two questions:
(1a) Describe your own classroom assessment processes and reflect on how they lead to student learning. Do they?
(1b) Think about your school district or a district you are familiar with. Is there an emphasis on classroom assessment? If so, is the approach effective?
Read Chapter 1: Understanding the Varieties of Assessment (pp. 1-11) and Chapter 2: Unpacking Standards and Benchmarks (pp. 15-30), and address these questions:
(1a) Can you think of a classroom assessment you use that is clearly authentic for the students? How do you know? (Ch1)
(1b) Competent assessment involves aligning the assessment with the learning targets. Give an example from your classroom or from your own learning/training experiences when the learning target and the assessment used to measure student achievement of that target were misaligned. (Ch2)
Read Chapter 3: Defining Student Expectations (pp. 31-42), Chapter 4: Understanding and Selecting Assessment Methods (pp. 45-62), and Chapter 5: Written Product, Portfolio, and Project Assessments (pp. 63-76), and address these questions:
(1a) Butler and McMunn (2014) realize that constructed-response assessment if not new to the classroom. What is often missing in constructed-response assessments you have created or used? (Ch4)
(1b) and What are some examples of projects you use with your students or projects you have personally experienced? What made these special or not so special to your learning? How do projects enhance learning? (Ch5)
Read Chapter 6: Designing Quality Classroom Assessment Tasks (pp. 77-91) and Chapter 7: Creating Useful Scoring Guides (pp. 93-110), and address these questions:
(1a) What are some of the tasks you were asked to perform as a student that seemed purposeful and exciting? Why do you remember these? (Ch6)
(1b) Have you experienced using a holistic analytical rubric or both? Which one do you find the most beneficial for you? For your students? (Ch7)
Read Chapter 8: Tracking and Analyzing Results (pp.113-127) and Chapter 9: Revising Feedback and Instructional Plans (131-157), and address these questions:
(1a) In your practice as a teacher, school librarian, or instructional technology specialist, what are specific patterns of performance or trends in student thinking that you look for in your assessment evidence? (Ch8)
(1b) Are your assessment practices modeled on ways you were assessed as a student? What are the similarities and differences between your practice and those you have experienced? (Ch9)
Read Chapter 10: Using Assessment to Motivate Students (pp. 159-174), and address these questions:
(1a) Briefly note any useful takeaways related to the motivation of K-12 students.
(1b) Does this chapter offer any insights related to your role in motivating adult learners (say, in the role of designing/leading professional development with adult colleagues)?
Read Chapter 11: Rethinking Grading Practices (pp. 177-196), and address this question:
From the perspective of a leader of professional development in a school setting (i.e., school librarian, teacher leader, IT specialist, etc.), what do you think the role of grading is when supporting teachers in assessing technology-enhanced instruction?
Read Conclusion: An Appeal for Change (pp. 213-218), and address this question:
Thinking about what we’ve explored this semester in terms of designing assessment in technology-enhanced instruction, what short-term (1 year) and long-term (2-5 years) goal(s) can you set for improving either (a) how you assess your students or (b) how you support others in assessing students?