01 Feb Theory, Metatheory, Nature/Nurture, Human Genome Project
As you engage with the material for Modules 3 and 4, what issues come up for you? What are your thoughts and feelings about the topics? Share your perspectives on the material, and support your perspectives with material from the course and/or other scholarly sources. Some topics and questions to consider are:
Were there any topics in the Modules 3 and 4 that were particularly interesting to you? If so, which ones, and why?
Was there anything in Modules 3 and 4 that seemed surprising to you or different from what you previously thought? If so, what, and why? How was it different or surprising?
Which theory or theories (and theorist or theorists) of development do you find more compelling? Which appear to be more supported by research? Defend your answer.
Discuss any of the videos and other course materials that you find particularly interesting. What does the material have to offer the field of developmental psychology/science?
What are the implications of the human genome project for developmental psychology?
Discuss the nature/nurture controversy as it relates to one or more theories and/or as it relates to a Christian perspective.
Discuss the difference between a theory and a metatheory. How have developmental theories evolved over time?
You are not limited to these questions and topics, and you do not need to answer all the questions or address all the topics posed above. They are suggested to provide a starting point for your thought processes. Share your own ideas that relate to the topics of the module, and pose questions of your own if you wish. First person is acceptable in the discussions.
· Read: Lerner: Chapter 6 – 7 (Book Attached)
· Watch: Developmental Psychology Theories 3: Ethological/Attachment and Humanistic Development Theories
· Watch: Harlow’s Studies on Dependency in Monkeys
· Watch: Psychotherapy – John Bowlby
· Watch: The Strange Situation – Mary Ainsworth
· Watch: Secure, Insecure, Avoidant, Ambivalent Attachment
· Explore: The Human Genome Project
· Explore: Minnesota center for Twin and Family Research
· Explore: Positive Psychology Center