02 Feb Find a published research article on a topic relevant to your practice of an experiment where the researcher does not list any hypotheses. Provide the pu
- Find a published research article on a topic relevant to your practice of an experiment where the researcher does not list any hypotheses.
- Provide the purpose/objective/aim exactly as stated in the research article. If there are more than one hypothesis, provide only one to focus on.
- Name the population being studied
- Identify one independent variable (IV) and one dependent variable (DV)
- Identify the level of measurement (nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio) for the DV and the type of variable (categorical or continuous).
- Step 1 in hypothesis testing is: Determine Hypotheses
- Rewrite the purpose/objective/aim as a null hypothesis (Ho) in words and in an equation. See the handout posted to the initial announcement this week for how to write the null and alternative hypotheses for the inferential test used to test the DV.
- Rewrite the null hypothesis as an alternative hypothesis (Ha) in words and an equation.
- Use information from the article to complete the rest of the steps in hypothesis testing:
- Step 2: Propose an appropriate test. Find this information in the paragraph(s) right above the Results section. Table 7-1 in the textbook can also be helpful. Use the handout attached to the initial announcement this week to make sure you wrote the correct Ho and Ha in step 1.
- Name the descriptive statistics related to the DV and the inferential test used to test the hypothesis you wrote in Step 1 of hypothesis testing.
- Give the p-value used by the researchers. The p-value the researcher used to test the null hypothesis is often given in this paragraph. It can be called the level of significance or alpha value. If this value is not given, the assume that the p-value or level of significance or alpha value is 0.05
- Step 3: Check Assumptions of the Chosen Test. This will be covered in future weeks with the content for each inferential test.
- Step 4: Compute the Test Statistics and Find the p-Value. From the Results section, give the values for the descriptive statistics, test statistic (if given), and the p-value for the null hypothesis you wrote.
- Step 5: Use the p-Value to Quantify Evidence Against the Null Hypothesis.
- The p-value rule is: if the p-value is < alpha (0.05), then reject the null hypothesis.
- If the p-value is > alpha (0.05), then fail to reject the null hypothesis.
- Use the appropriate rule for the results of the inferential test you identified in Step 2.
- Given the results of the study, a Type 1 or Type 2 error is possible. Based on statistical testing, only one type of error is possible. Given the results of the study, which type of error is possible given the evidence related to the null hypothesis? What are the most common reasons for this type of error.
- Step 2: Propose an appropriate test. Find this information in the paragraph(s) right above the Results section. Table 7-1 in the textbook can also be helpful. Use the handout attached to the initial announcement this week to make sure you wrote the correct Ho and Ha in step 1.
- If the effect size is reported, give the value and interpret it. If the effect size is not given or even if it is given, examine the descriptive statistic values for the variable and use your knowledge, critical thinking, and experience with your patients and setting to determine the clinical significance of the result… would you recommend using the experimental treatment because the magnitude of the effect is great enough to justify the cost and effort of implementing it in practice? Give the rationale for your answer.