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What is his definition of politics? Is it too simplified? Why or why not? How do his presentations help you when it comes to learning how to debate and a

 Must be 400 words , 2 scholarly sources and APA format

  1. What is his definition of politics? Is it too simplified? Why or why not?
  2. How do his presentations help you when it comes to learning how to debate and argue in an effective manner the positions you most want to defend?
  3. In what ways does his definition using integrity complement the Rybacki and Rybacki text?

Audio Transcript: The Need for Self-Respect

Dr James Dobson for family talk you know

many of us spend a lot of time trying to gain the respect of others but the truth

is the person we most need respect from is ourselves Fiona Campbell

of Great Britain so long for the admiration of others that she spent

eleven years walking around the world her goal was to make it into the Guinness Book

of Records long journey came to an end in October of one thousand nine hundred four

at the northern tip of Scotland before thousands of cheering fades it was Fiona's

finest At last she found the admiration she craved but her heart was hidden

because she knew she had cheated while walking across the United States

she became weary and accepted a ride. In the months to come the shame of having

cheated drove her to drugs and alcohol she even considered suicide to appease her

conscience she made the trip to America and finish the thousand mile stretch

in secret but even that didn't help so she called again a softness and asked that

her name be removed from the record and then she publicly apologize as

the lesson Fiona learned is a timeless one it's possible to live without the

admiration of others what we can't live without is self respect one more

thought isn't it interesting that Fiona is most respected for having

the courage to admit her mistake and make it right Dr team stocks and

her family talk.

 Newborns – A Blank Slate

Many behaviorist in

past years believe that newborns come

into the world devoid of personality. There just a kind of

a blank slate to be written on by

their parents in the world around them. That's why moms and

dads got all credit or all the blame

for everything their child

eventually became. Most parents have

had a hard time believing this

blank slate theory. Every mother of two or more children will affirm that each of those infants had a different

personality, a different feel from the very first time

they were held. Numerous authorities

in child development now agree with her. One important

study identified nine characteristics

that vary, didn't baby, such

as moodiness and level of activity

and responsiveness. And they found that

the differences tended to persist in

the later life. Now this one study is only the beginning,

I believe, when we have a better

understanding, we will find an

infinite number of ways that children

differ at birth. And how foolish of us to have believed

otherwise. If every snowflake

is unique and every grain of sand this different

from another, doesn't make any sense

that children would be stamped out as

though they were manufactured

by Henry Ford? I think not. Now, no observer of human behavior will

deny the importance of the environment and human experience in

shaping who we are. But we are truly

one of a kind from the very first moments of life outside the womb. Pure Moore had my


Can I Really Understand Politics? I


Congressman bottom. It's the other way around. Thank you, Jim,

for what you just presented and what you've done for our country

and for so many people. I could not help but sit there and listen

to that and just rejoice my

temperaments like you, I look over my shoulder, did I do this right?

Did I do that? Fortunately, I'm married to a

woman who doesn't. She looks forward all the time. She never regresses. And so but I know

my temperament and so I decided early on that when our children came that we were going to take every 90 days and stop and look back over our shoulder the

previous 90 days. And have I done my best and have we spent

time together? Because I said I know

20 years from now, I'm going to

condemn myself for for not doing it. The things that we did

in listening to that, I cannot thank you

enough for imparting the knowledge that when you're busy and you're looking at the

newspaper and you're looking at work and you're looking

at television, and these little kids are around you and you think, well, they don't know. And then at age

13, when they start to look

out of the home and suddenly they start

to dress in a manner that's inappropriateness

and you try it, you begin to have

these conflicts and you look at your

daughter and you say, Don't you understand

you the most important thing in

the world to me. And yet for 12 years, the newspaper was

more important or work was

more important. And so I learned from what you

taught that when I would get up early

in the morning for quiet time and in our youngest

daughter who just got engaged two weeks ago, he could sense when

I got out of bed, I don't care how

early it was, 435 and I want to have my private time right before anybody

else because she could figured out. And she would come

down the stairs with her little blanket

and come over and and I deliberately

and intentionally would put down whatever I was doing and

focus on her. And she would crawl

up into my lap every morning and eventually she would go

back to sleep. Now I could go back to doing what I was doing. But the point is

that I only knew that because

you taught it. And then at age 13 of

the four children, she started to

do the little bit about where you hug. We always hugged a lot and then she

started to rebel. Nope. Nope. And when we

come home and I give her a squeeze and get away from it,

Get away from me. It's not till you

give me a hug. Not to give me a and

it became a shtick for about 12 to 18 months where I

would let her go into into phi

should give me she could miss squeezed

nobody break. And then after that,

after age 14 or so, it went back to

normal again? I would have no, no. And for what

you've done for our country and

for so many of us. And it's now at

this body of knowledge that

we are now going to be able to

preserve and extend. For generations to come. Words are inadequate to communicate my

gratitude to you. So last night we talked about culture

and the church. And Dr. Moore, thank you for culture and

the family as to what everything you

just said was so helpful and I so

appreciate what you did. My my turn is

yes. Thank you. I beg your pardon. Erebus should buy

all the books. And thank you

for writing it down so there's preserved. Then I'm going to talk briefly about the

culture and government. And then tonight Dr.

Lori is going to speak about the culture and you and I and what we do. And then tomorrow is

really going to be fun. But in sitting there

listening to Dr. Dobson, I got so smuggled

in and so happy. Let's take 50 seconds to stand up and sing with me. Praise God, from whom. All bless. Thank you very much. Good. Our data that we mentioned was spent a

year in Rwanda, a country in the

middle of Africa. We went to visit her. And there's,

you know, they, Hutus or 80 percent, uh, tutsis or 20 percent, they believe in democracy. There's not a Republican, so the majority rules. 80 percent wanted

to do away with the 20 percent

over 90 days, they chopped a

million people and pieces by by machetes. As we went to visit the work that

she was doing, we took the Land Rover out as far as the roads

would go and then we went on a trail and

then we went across the river on a on a log and got

clear back there. And these little kids

were coming out of the grass with

plastic jugs. And I said, Where are

they going to sit? There is a fountain

down there. And so we went down

to the fountain and they're in the concrete

of this pure water. Said, this

fountain, a gift of the people of the United States

of America. 4% of the population of the world are

called Americas. And what they

do is that they bless other folks for

thousands of years. People would hope

to someday fly. But it was the Americans than invented

the airplane. And the light bulb,

and the telegraph, and the telephone and the global

positioning system and the Internet and air conditioning

every year, more books, more plays, more symphonies, more copyrights,

more inventions. And the other

96% combined. And since they do

that, they then bless the world with

the abundant well. Half of all the

people on earth live on less

than $2 a day. Half of those live on

less than $1 a day. The second we're just

spot on earth is Western Europe, France,

Germany, Britain. In America, we

have a level below which we will not permit

a person to sink. As you come to

this country, sit down on a park bench, put your feet up, you

can complain about the country We will

bury you with. Food. Stamps, will give you

a roof over your head, a bed to sleep in unlimited healthcare

and education, a person living in

poverty in America. Rector study

every 24 months, Wall Street Journal,

Heritage Foundation. A person living

in poverty in America is more likely

to have a telephone, television, and

air conditioner. An automobile eats

more meat and has more square

footage space than the average resident of the second richest spot on Earth, Western Europe? Now the question

would be, why? And it's important

that we know the answer to that question. Because if we don't, we're liable to elect someone who wants to fundamentally

change America. And then there'll be no

place else for us to go through the solution. And the answer is

really quite simple. When we vote, we vote

on only two things. Politics is really

easy as pie, politics equals integrity

plus Economics. Those are the only

two. I don't care if you're in Belgium

or Buenos Aires, or Baghdad or Boston. The only two things

that you vote on our politics

and economics. Now, integrity

and economics and integrity was kind of an interesting

thing because being in politics, you dealt with people

that were good folks. And yet when you went to lean on him, they

weren't there. And and and I couldn't

quite figure it out. It wasn't that they'd

done anything bad. And I finally had

to come up with a definition as to

what integrity is. Integrity is made

up of two things. We say that this

platform has integrity or a bank has integrity

or a stairwell. It means it

performs the task for which it was designed. It's trustworthy,

it's reliable. And so integrity to me, first of all, is

made up of morality. And I defined morality as not doing what's wrong. Shalt not Steal, shall not bear false witness, shall not commit adultery. Morality, not doing

what's wrong. Yet. Integrity is

more than that. Edmund Burke said all this necessary for charity

to prosperous, for good men

to do nothing. I mean, you can

lay in bed all day and be moral. Integrity means that when you go to lean

on there, there. And so it's

more than just, just morality is also character and I

define character is doing what is right. And so the

example I use is a little girl comes

home from school. She says

everybody's picking on Sally and all, but I didn't do it.

I didn't do it. That's good. You didn't

do anything wrong. But did you have

the character to stand up and do

what was right? Now? Here's an observation. You cannot do

what is right? If you're doing

What's wrong. I know that sounds

rather elementary, but if you're with

the New York Times, this will be a profundity. That is, by definition. By definition, if you're doing something wrong, you can't do

what's right now. You can not do something wrong and still fail

to do what's right. But by definition,

if you are doing something wrong, you can't do

what is right. So therefore, a person

who lacks morals, by definition lacks integrity, you say,

oh, no, no, no, but it doesn't have to do with his

professional duties. So what he does

on his private time as you

mature, I mean, you can imagine you walk

into a bank and say that your teller has been arrested three

times for breaking entry or I know when

he's not at the bank, He's just a

real scoundrel. But when he's here, he said, No, no,

no, no, no, no. We're going to say

the president. What he does on his

private time is not, doesn't really

matter how many. I remember the

governor of New York, Governor Cuomo was

on Larry King. He said, I wouldn't not trust the President

with my sister. But I know that in time of crisis he'll do

what is right for it can limit day

of your family, can't trust your rest assured nobody

else can country. So the, so the

important thing is very simply will

come back to it. Doing what is right. There has to be

a definition. What is right? So in order for us to make a decision as to a

person's integrity, we have to define

what is right. Let's put all that aside. Number 2, economics, I'm going

to share with you now 95% of all the economics you'll

ever need to know the rest your life.

This is very simply it. Let us suppose that

this represents a 100 percent

of your income, a 100 percent of

the income of a city or a state

or a nation. Let us say it represents a

hundred-dollar bill. And you go to

Walmart and the most expensive thing

in the store is ninety-nine dollars. That means you are

completely free to choose anything

in the store. Let us suppose that

someone comes along and takes 25 percent of

it away from you. What happens? Two things. Number one, you

have fewer choices. There's some things

you can't choose. Thomas Jefferson said freedom is having choices. The more choices I take away from you, the

less freedom you have. Anybody ever

had a teenager understands this debate. I want to make my

own decisions. I want my freedom.

Yes, I understand. So the more choices I

take away from you, the less freedom and the more money

I take away, the lower standard

of living. I repeat, if you're not with the

New York Times, there's a really

simple stuff. Or let us say I take

away 50% of it. What happens? Even fewer choices,

even lower. So suppose I take 75,

leave you with 25. What happens? You

have less freedom. You have a lower

standard of living. Let's suppose

someone comes along and takes all of it away. What do we call a

person who works all day and keeps

absolutely nothing. That person is

called a slave. Now, there are

only two people that can take money

away from you. One is called a criminal, has a gun and can take

money away from you. The other is called

the government has a gun and can take

money away from you. Now here's the point. The impact is the same. So you go to the pay window and you pick up your

money and you walk across the

parking lot to fill it comes up, puts

a gun to your ribs. Don't want 50%

of everything in there and you go sit, drive home, you sit down with your

wife and family. You say this is how

much money we have. This is what we're

going to eat this, how much clothes

we can buy this, what vacations

we can take, or you pick up

the money to pay. When do you make it all the way out to the drug? You open up the paycheck. Uncle Sam's

already been here. The impact is the same. So what's the principle? The principle

is simply this. The greater the

government, the greater the poverty, the greater the freedom, the greater the wealth. And so once you understand

that principle, then that's all you

need to know about. So you show me

what percentage of the gross domestic

product of any nation. I don't

need to know the name. The nation doesn't

matter what percentage of the GDP has taken

by government. And the principle applies. The greater the freedom, the greater the wealth, the greater the

government, the greater the poverty. And if you understand that you can make

any rich place, poor, richest city in the

world when I was young, was a place called

Detroit, Michigan, richest city

on the planet. They voted for change. And now in the

city of Detroit, population same, it is

now collapse to 1890. And there are 42000

single-family homes in Detroit that are not uninhabited

or uninhabitable. The mayor of

Detroit now markets his city by taking

once treeline, gorgeous homes,

neighborhoods, and having

bulldozed at all. He now says, see these streets are here

with nothing at all. You can come and

put a plant here. Any business

management to ask, why did all these

people leave? But nevertheless, all they have to offer is the fact that they've increased

government regulation, control, less freedom, and created poverty

at the same time that he did that. At the middle

of the 1950s, there was a war

that divided the Korean Peninsula

at the 38th parallel. I have to use Korea because it's

surrounded by water. If you can't blame

it on its neighbors or ethnicity or whatever. North Korea got 75%

of the arable land. Same heritage,

same culture, same climate,

same language. South Korea got

independence and freedom. And last year they had

the tenth largest GDP in the world, North Korea, over the last five years, 2.5 million people

have start. Now the first thing

to as food, clothing, shelter, first thing

you do is food. Food. And so when they

collapse a country and destroy is culture and in, in Uganda, Congo

or whatever. And the engineers

and the doctors, everybody has to

go out and work in the garden to

try to get food. You gotta do that first. In North Korea, they're smaller now than they

were 30 years ago. They weren't,

they eat sticks and leaves to fill

their stomachs. They walk stooped

or around. They are starving

to death. Why? Same gameplay. You don't anything other

than the fact that freedom creates wealth and the lack of freedom

creates poverty. And that's what

politics is all about. Now, you say, Well Bob, you sound like you're sort of anti-government. And the answer that yes, but there's a reason why, why that is because

it works like this. You gave us a conclusion. But why is that?

Well, let us suppose that

you're going to buy something

for yourself. So you care about

two things. You care about

price and quality. And nobody can make that decision as

well as you can. You might pay $4 for a cup of coffee at

seven in the morning for which you

wouldn't pay $0.50 it two in the afternoon. Nobody can make a decision when you're spending

your money for yourself, you care about price and you care

about quality, and you get the maximum use because Germany, now, let us suppose

that one of those two things is not

controlled by you and you're going to buy something

for someone else, you still care

about the price because you're

paying for it. Which are a little more flexible on the quality. By the time it breaks, it'll be married

three or four years. I'll forget who gave

it to him anyway, this will be fine. Now we've all bought

things for people who had never buy

for somebody else. We've all received things as gifts that

we've never what about we care about the price because

we're paying for it, but we're not as concerned about the

quality because we're not consuming

it. Let's invert that. Let us suppose that we're going to consume it. If we're going to

consume it than, than we care about

the quality. But if we're not

paying for it, so the waitress comes

around and says, How would you like to

have some orange juice? And you say, well,

how much has it? And she says, well,

it's $3.5 a glass. You really are. I'm fine. Thank

you so much. Oh, no, no, no. You got the special day. It's complimentary.

You can have all fall

in that case, I'll take three glasses. Poor way you might walk, I believe have a glass you wouldn't have you're paying for your care about the quality because

you're consuming it. But you're not nearly

as concerned about the price because you're

not paying for it. Any father that

ever got roped into an open bar at a wedding understands

this program. They, let us suppose

final example. Let us suppose that

where you work, everybody that comes

in late has to put $5 in the kitty at the end of the

month, a raffle. It often it's the last

day of the month. And so the boss says, John wants you count how many, how much money's in

the kidney and buy something with it, we'll

rattling off today. And so you counted

out there's a $150. So you go to lunch and you're coming

back and think, oh my goodness, I have

to buy something. I don't have

time for this. And you're looking

around and they're in the store window is a six-foot tall

stuffed frog. And so you go

over, you check the price. $149. Oh, perfect, That's great. So you buy the

frog and you take it back and you shove

it in the closet. At the end of the

day, the boss invites everybody

down in lectures to him about being

late and then thereby draws a number

to see who wins, who in sally ends

Watch or she, when the new secretary

open up the door, six-foot tall frog air by laughs and claps things

that's so wonderful. Go out and carried him

to jump into her car. She drives through the parking lot

cheering and clapping. What's that? That is called a

third-party purchase. A third-party purchase is purchasing something with money that's

not yours. Therefore, you don't

care about the price. To purchase something

that you're not going to personally

consume. Therefore, you don't

care about the quality. Now, they say in public speaking

manuals that when you say

something profound, you're supposed to

pause for emphasis. And so I am now

going to pause for emphasis because what I'm about to say is

not Democrat, Republican labor, Christian democrats,

socialists. This is the facts, jack. That by definition, all

government purchases or a third party purchases made with money

that's not theirs to purchase things they were not personally

consume. Therefore, it

will be waste in the highway department. You betcha. Will it be waste

in the defense? Of course there will be. That's why we believe, as Abraham Lincoln said, the government should

do only those things which a man cannot do

better for himself. Why? Because every time we

take a dollar from an individual to

save and invest in use to the maximum

benefit of themselves and their family and

run it through the third party system

called government. We're in the process of making the nation poorer. And you show me

what percentage of the gross domestic

product of any nation is controlled

by government? And you have

the principal. The greater the freedom, the greater the wealth. You can make. The California fifth

largest economy in the world in 2006. You can begin

to attack it in such a manner that it

begins to disintegrate. It's now the

eighth largest economy in a spiral. You can do it. You can make any

rich place poor or the same

principle applied. You can make any

poor place rich. Now, if you understand how that works, you say, Well, Bob, there's

some things that they tell me government

really, really has to do. Well whenever you see an aberration

in something, I promise you look

to government. Said, well, why is

it that we have the greatest health care

system in the world? If you are a, a Saudi shake and you, if you're the

Prime Minister of Canada and you want

to heart bypass, you go to the

Cleveland Clinic. Why would a person

who has social, why would they come here the finest healthcare

in the world? We understand that and yet the prices seem

to be fouled up. Well, how could

that happen? 940 to December 1941, Americans attack 1942, people were marching

off to war, losing their legs

and limbs and lives. And so politicians

want to help. And so they say,

well, what we should do is we should have a wage

and price freeze. And that is it. No one can get a

raised during the war, we should sacrifice

at home just like the folks are fast

sacrificing abroad. What doesn't take any

time, but obviously that's going to create

all kinds of chaos. How's McDonald Douglas going

to get engineered, moved from Chicago to California unless a good payment

differential said it. And so immediately when all the trouble

comes through. But being a liberal means never having to

say, you're sorry. So you never say what?

We should undo this. So they go into

FDR and say, No way, way, way, way. We labor unions

take money out of their paycheck every

week and you're telling us we can't get anything more for them. I mean, they're

not going to be happy and they're</p

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