14 Feb Find four sources for your final project. Give the Reference page citation with an annotation about the text, specifically what it discusses.?? Click the
Find four sources for your final project. Give the Reference page citation with an annotation about the text, specifically what it discusses.
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Annotated Bibliography
Chipperfield, E. (2023, November 22). Study shows fast fashion’s detrimental effects on the planet. The Peak. https://the-peak.ca/2023/11/study-shows-fast-fashions-detrimental-effects-on-the-planet/.The rise of social media platforms comes with the rise of hyper-consumption. This in return affects how clothing is made today. Trends are changing rapidly so companies try to stay up to date with the next big thing. So, companies are trying to create more for a way cheaper price. In doing this, the earth is polluted with fossil fuel and microfibers from the clothing sent to the landfills. One way to help counter all these effects is by changing the consumer mindset to try on the clothes before buying and by buying the product in multiple colors to ensure long enjoyable use over the years.
Dorey, K. (2020). “Repairing the Damage caused by Fast Fashion.“ Gale, Part of Cengage Group. Fast fashion contributes to the downfall of the environment. With one garbage truck filled with textile is wasted every second. This includes returns that are sent directly to the landfills. These clothes then take 100 years to decompose because of the synthetic microfibers that are in the clothing. Being more aware of the materials used in the clothing we are buying is a great start to help improve the environment. As well as making more of these big fashion companies aware of the waste they create. Nike, H&M, Burberry, and Gap are making their way using more ecofriendly materials. We as consumers can make a great impact with voting with our wallets, for these big companies to make profit we must continue buying. So, with voting with our wallets they are sure to listen more to consumers wanting more ecofriendly products.
Kozlowski, A. (2024, May 23). Fast fashion lies: Will they really change their ways in a climate crisis?. The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/fast-fashion-lies-will-they-really-change-their-ways-in-a-climate-crisis-121033. Big fast fashion companies claim to be sustainable 450 garments a year while releasing 500 new designs a week. With currently more people now buy more than they ever did in the past years. As hyper-consumption increases so does apparel consumption and it is said to rise to 63% in the next 10 years. Even with more companies taking the recycling route would not help much because it is time-consuming. Even with all fashion companies changing to an eco-friendly material. But looking at the differences between big and small companies can help lead the fashion industry to a better cleaner way. Implementing these ways of producing less, producing made to order, produce to be of higher quality and help fix any garment to help the product last longer, can help achieve the goal of creating eco-friendly clothes.
Liu, M. (2022, December 21). Time to make fast fashion a problem for its makers, not charities. The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/time-to-make-fast-fashion-a-problem-for-its-makers-not-charities-117977. In this article Liu gives examples on how we as a community can help clean up the environment. They go on explaining the ways that fast fashion has continued to have the biggest effect on air pollution and water waste. While also giving examples of companies that are accepting old clothes to recycle into new garments. H&M and Zara have started recycling old clothes and if more companies adopted this strategy the more quickly the environment will improve.
Perry, P. (2024, January 9). Fast fashion: Why your online returns may end up in landfill – and what can be done about it. The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/fast-fashion-why-your-online-returns-may-end-up-in-landfill-and-what-can-be-done-about-it-188090. Some online Fashion companies accept returns but send them directly to landfills. The fashion industry accounts for 92 million tons of textiles waste per year. By trying to get the bigger companies to change to more an ecofriendly habit with return items we can start changing the ways of fashion. With returns some companies lose money because the item no longer holds the value it did in the beginning. But with more people speaking upon the effects fashion companies create for the environment, some are taking an ecofriendly route. Some companies charge more on the products so the consumer can think twice about buying. While others turn to reselling their used and returned items on other websites like Ebay.
The Rise of Influencer Market: How has Social Media Changed Brand Promotion?
How has Social Media Changed Brand Promotion
Brand promotion through influencer marketing has been changed dramatically in a period where social media has rammed its way to promote products in an authentic and relatable way. In contrast to traditional advertising that works by using broad word and often impersonal message, influencer marketing guarantees the appearance of intimate bonds between the brand and the consumer. Instagram, TikTok and YouTube have turned into the most crucial space for influencers to spread products and make paid partnerships look organic and natural (Ozuem & Willis, 2022).
The main goal of this project is to answer how has social media impacted brand promotion through influencer marketing. The objective is to investigate the way in which influencers influence the consumer purchasing behavior, affect brand loyalty and play a role in creating an emerging digital marketing scenario. Through researching case studies of such successful influencer campaigns, and analyzing influencer campaigns’ consumer engagement metrics, this research will present a case that influencer marketing is much more effective than classic advertising methods.
For this research, the sources will be business owner of peer reviewed marketing but other industry reports can be considered sources like Forbes and also focusing case studies that major brands had successfully used Influencer marketing. It is a package that will give real time data of consumers interactions and engagement, as well as campaign effectiveness, using social media analytics and insight from platforms such as Hootsuite or Sprout Social. These are the sources chosen to offer academic and practical views on how the strategies of social media marketing have evolved (Joshi et al., 2023).
This topic is relevant in the modern digital economy and, thus, I opted to choose it. Today, influencer marketing has transformed the way that businesses interact with people of interest, and it is unsurprising that businesses more and more are investing in influencer partnerships. This is one of the most important shifts today if you want to develop a career in marketing and business administration. Through this analysis, I will be able to identify what factors result in a successful influencer driven brand promotion.
Joshi, Y., Lim, W. M., Jagani, K., & Kumar, S. (2023). Social media influencer marketing: foundations, trends, and ways forward. Electronic Commerce Research, 1-55.
Ozuem, W., & Willis, M. (2022). Influencer marketing. In Digital Marketing Strategies for Value Co-creation: Models and Approaches for Online Brand Communities (pp. 209-242). Cham: Springer International Publishing.