19 Feb Review this case and state the facts and legal issues involved
Old John is known as The Killer Clown as he used to get dressed up like a clown. The problem is he had dozens of dead bodies in the basement of his house (must have smelled lovely).
The mission is to review this case and state the facts and legal issues involved.
Was John arrested? By whom? What were any charges? How many counts? Did this case go to trial? Which Court heard this case? Was it a jury trial or before a Judge only? Was there a plea bargain? Did Mr. Gacy claim insanity? Was he found insane? What, if anything, was the sentence? Where is he now?
Be as specific as possible.
Papers are graded on their originality, content, clarity, and proper use of references. Be aware of the University policy regarding AI/Artificial Intelligence
Requirements: 4 pages minimum, double-spaced, with APA style citations/references.