19 Feb Letter to Legislator Assignment
Students will write and send a letter to a Texas Senator or Representative in their district.
This will entail the following:
1. One-page letter regarding his/her position regarding an important piece of mental health legislation;
2. One-page fact sheet; and
3. Page of references.
Note: Your letter and fact sheet do not have to be in APA formatting (i.e. with their own title page, double spaced, etc.), however they should still adhere to appropriate grammar and styling guidelines (i.e. use paragraphs, appropriate structure, etc.). Your entire submission should preferably be posted as one item (i.e. title page, your letter, your fact sheet, your references). You can post these as a Word document or as a PDF.
Grading Criteria (Total possible points: 7.5)
· An appropriate piece of mental health legislation (that is currently scheduled to be included this legislative session) is selected The one page letter to an appropriate legislator (i.e. you are a constituent in their district) accurately represents your position on the legislation
· Your fact sheet is clear and presents facts relevant to the legislation
· Your references come from suitable sources (i.e. journal articles, original sources, etc.; NOT sites such as Wikipedia, the onion, etc)
· Submission adheres to APA formatting, is of appropriate length and is grammatically appropriate