19 Feb Create a soap note on a patient that has new onset of schizopherniapls follow the out line of the soap note template the other document is how the assighm
soap note and create a patient that has new onset of schizopherniapls follow the out line of the soap note template the other document is how the assighment will be graded
Psychiatric SOAP Note Template
Encounter date: ________________________
Patient Initials: ______ Gender: M/F/Transgender ____ Age: _____ Race: _____ Ethnicity ____
Reason for Seeking Health Care: ______________________________________________
SI/HI: _______________________________________________________________________________
Sleep: _________________________________________ Appetite: ________________________
Allergies(Drug/Food/Latex/Environmental/Herbal): ___________________________________ Current perception of Health: Excellent Good Fair Poor
Psychiatric History:
Inpatient hospitalizations:
Date |
Hospital |
Diagnoses |
Length of Stay |
Outpatient psychiatric treatment:
Date |
Hospital |
Diagnoses |
Length of Stay |
Detox/Inpatient substance treatment:
Date |
Hospital |
Diagnoses |
Length of Stay |
History of suicide attempts and/or self injurious behaviors: ____________________________________
Past Medical History
· Major/Chronic Illnesses____________________________________________________
· Trauma/Injury ___________________________________________________________
· Hospitalizations __________________________________________________________
Past Surgical History___________________________________________________________
Current psychotropic medications:
_________________________________________ ________________________________
_________________________________________ ________________________________
_________________________________________ ________________________________
Current prescription medications:
_________________________________________ ________________________________
_________________________________________ ________________________________
_________________________________________ ________________________________
OTC/Nutritionals/Herbal/Complementary therapy:
_________________________________________ ________________________________
_________________________________________ ________________________________
Substance use : (alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, caffeine, cigarettes)
Substance |
Amount |
Frequency |
Length of Use |
Family Psychiatric History: _____________________________________________________
Social History
Lives: Single family House/Condo/ with stairs: ___________ Marital Status:________
Employment Status: ______ Current/Previous occupation type: _________________
Exposure to: ___Smoke____ ETOH ____Recreational Drug Use: __________________
Sexual Orientation: _______ Sexual Activity: ____ Contraception Use: ____________
Family Composition: Family/Mother/Father/Alone : _____________________________
Other: (Place of birth, childhood hx, legal, living situations, hobbies, abuse hx, trauma, violence, social network, marital hx):_________________________________
Health Maintenance
Screening Tests: Mammogram, PSA, Colonoscopy, Pap Smear, Etc _____
Immunization HX:
Review of Systems:
Male/female genital:
Activity & Exercise:
Physical Exam
BP________TPR_____ HR: _____ RR: ____Ht. _____ Wt. ______ BMI ( percentile) _____
Male/female genital:
Mental Status Exam
Thought Content:
Thought Process:
Clinical Insight:
Clinical Judgment:
Significant Data/Contributing Dx/Labs/Misc.
Differential Diagnoses
Principal Diagnoses
Diagnosis #1
Diagnostic Testing/Screening:
Pharmacological Treatment:
Non-Pharmacological Treatment:
Anticipatory Guidance:
Diagnosis #2
Diagnostic Testingg/Screenin:
Pharmacological Treatment:
Non-Pharmacological Treatment:
Anticipatory Guidance:
Signature (with appropriate credentials): __________________________________________
Cite current evidenced based guideline(s) used to guide care (Mandatory)_______________
DEA#: 101010101 STU Clinic LIC# 10000000
Tel: (000) 555-1234 FAX: (000) 555-12222
Patient Name: (Initials)______________________________ Age ___________
Date: _______________
RX ______________________________________
Dispense: ___________ Refill: _________________
No Substitution
Signature: ____________________________________________________________
Rev. 10162021 LM
2. SOAP is an acronym that stands for Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan.
S = |
Subjective data: Patient’s Chief Complaint (CC); History of the Present Illness (HPI)/ Demographics; History of the Present Illness (HPI) that includes the presenting problem and the 8 dimensions of the problem (OLDCARTS or PQRST); Review of Systems (ROS) |
O = |
Objective data: Medications; Allergies; Past medical history; Family psychiatric history; Past surgical history; Psychiatric history, Social history; Labs and screening tools; Vital signs; Physical exam, (Focused), and Mental Status Exam |
A = |
Assessment: Primary Diagnosis and two differential diagnoses including ICD-10 and DSM5 codes |
P = |
Plan: Pharmacologic and Non-pharmacologic treatment plan; diagnostic testing/screening tools, patient/family teaching, referral, and follow up |
Psychiatric SOAP Note Rubric |
Criteria |
Ratings |
Pts |
Chief Complaint (Reason for seeking health care) – S |
4 to >3 pts Exemplary Includes a direct quote from patient about presenting problem. 3 to >2 pts Distinguished Includes a direct quote from patient and other unrelated information. 2 to >0 pts Developing Includes information but information is NOT a direct quote. 0 pts Novice Information is completely missing. |
/ 4 pts |
Demographics – S |
2 pts Exemplary Begins with patient initials, age, race, ethnicity, and gender (5 demographics). 1.5 pts Distinguished Begins with 4 of the 5 patient demographics (patient initials, age, race, ethnicity, and gender). 1 pts Developing Begins with 3 or less patient demographics (patient initials, age, race, ethnicity, and gender). 0 pts Novice Information is completely missing. |
/ 2 pts |
History of the Present Illness (HPI) – S |
5 to >3 pts Exemplary Includes the presenting problem and the 8 dimensions of the problem (OLD CARTS – Onset, Location, Duration, Character, Aggravating factors, Relieving factors, Timing, and Severity). 3 to >2 pts Distinguished Includes the presenting problem and 6 of the 8 dimensions of the problem (OLD CARTS – Onset, Location, Duration, Character, Aggravating factors, Relieving factors, Timing, and Severity). 2 to >1 pts Developing Includes the presenting problem and 4 of the 8 dimensions of the problem (OLD CARTS – Onset, Location, Duration, Character, Aggravating factors, Relieving factors, Timing, and Severity). 1 to >0 pts Novice The presenting problem is not clearly stated and/or there are < 4 of the 8 dimensions of the problem (OLD CARTS – Onset, Location, Duration, Character, Aggravating factors, Relieving factors, Timing, and Severity). |
/ 5 pts |
Allergies – S |
2 pts Exemplary Includes NKA (including = Drug, Environmental, Food, Herbal, and/or Latex or if allergies are present (reports for each severity of allergy AND description of allergy). 1.5 pts Distinguished If allergies are present, student does not list each type of drug, environmental factor, herbal, food, latex name and include severity of allergy OR description of the allergy. 1 pts Developing If allergies are present, student only lists the type of allergy and omits the name of the allergy. 0 pts Novice Information is completely missing. |
/ 2 pts |
Review of Systems (ROS) – S |
5 to >3 pts Exemplary Includes a minimum of 3 assessments for each body system, assesses at least 9 body systems directed to chief complaint, AND uses the words “admits” and “denies.” 3 to >2 pts Distinguished Includes 3 or fewer assessments for each body system, assesses 5-8 body systems directed to chief complaint, AND uses the words “admits” and “denies.” 2 to >0 pts Developing Includes 3 or fewer assessments for each body system, and assesses less than 5 body systems directed to chief complaint, OR student does not use the words “admits” and “denies.” 0 pts Novice Information is completely missing. |
/ 5 pts |
Vital Signs – O |
2 pts Exemplary Includes all 8 vital signs, (BP (with patient position), HR, RR, temperature (with Fahrenheit or Celsius and route of temperature collection), weight, height, BMI (or percentiles for pediatric population) and pain). 1.5 pts Distinguished Includes at least 6 vital signs, (BP (with patient position), HR, RR, temperature (with Fahrenheit or Celsius and route of temperature collection), weight, height, BMI (or percentiles for pediatric population) and pain). 1 pts Developing Includes at least 4 vital signs, (BP (with patient position), HR, RR, temperature (with Fahrenheit or Celsius and route of temperature collection), weight, height, BMI (or percentiles for pediatric population) and pain). 0 pts Novice Information is completely missing. |
/ 2 pts |
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