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Data Security Professional Memo

Can you assist with the below professional memo and guidelines for the assignment requirements?

The second assignment is the Data Security Professional Memo.  It is worth (140 points).  To complete this assignment, you will need the attached files and the the Small Merchant Guide to Safe Payments documentation (click link to download) from the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) organization.

Please read the instructions carefully and ask questions if anything is unclear.  You must use the attached template to complete this assignment.  The PowerPoint presentation (PDF) Effective Professional Memo Writing provides other essential information to help guide your work on this assignment.



Chief executive, anne arundel County


Your Name





Risk Assessment Summary

This is only placeholder text, be sure to read the Assignment Instructions for specific details about what should be included in this section and the sections that follow. To get started right away, just select any placeholder text (such as this) and start typing to replace it with your own. Be sure to remove any placeholder text before submitting your assignment. Do not change font size, type or page margins. Text should be single spaced, with one ‘hard return’ at the end of each paragraph which will add a blank line between paragraphs. There should also be one hard return after the subtitles.


To get started right away, just select any placeholder text (such as this) and start typing to replace it with your own. Text should be single spaced, with one ‘hard return’ at the end of each paragraph which will add a blank line between paragraphs. There should also be one hard return after the subtitles.

Concerns, Standards, Best Practices

To get started right away, just select any placeholder text (such as this) and start typing to replace it with your own.

Example of a second paragraph: Text should be single spaced, with one ‘hard return’ at the end of each paragraph which will add a blank line between paragraphs. There should also be one hard return after the subtitles.

Example of a third paragraph: Text should be single spaced, with one ‘hard return’ at the end of each paragraph which will add a blank line between paragraphs. There should also be one hard return after the subtitles.

Action Steps

To get started right away, just select any placeholder text (such as this) and start typing to replace it with your own. Text should be single spaced, with one ‘hard return’ at the end of each paragraph which will add a blank line between paragraphs. There should also be one hard return after the subtitles.

Example of a second paragraph: Text should be single spaced, with one ‘hard return’ at the end of each paragraph which will add a blank line between paragraphs. There should also be one hard return after the subtitles.

Example of a third paragraph: Text should be single spaced, with one ‘hard return’ at the end of each paragraph which will add a blank line between paragraphs. There should also be one hard return after the subtitles.


List resources provided in the instructions and additional resources used for the assessment. Reference list must follow APA citation standards




Professional Memo 1

IFSM 201 Professional Memo

Before you begin this assignment, be sure you have read the Small Merchant Guide to Safe

Payments documentation from the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS)

organization. PCI Data Security Standards are established to protect payment account data

throughout the payment lifecycle, and to protect individuals and entities from the criminals who

attempt to steal sensitive data. The PCI Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) applies to all entities

that store, process, and/or transmit cardholder data, including merchants, service providers, and

financial institutions.

Purpose of this Assignment

You work as an Information Technology Consultant for the Greater Washington Risk Associates

(GWRA) and have been asked to write a professional memo to one of your clients as a follow-up

to their recent risk assessment (RA). GWRA specializes in enterprise risk management for state

agencies and municipalities. The county of Anne Arundel, Maryland (the client) hired GWRA to

conduct a risk assessment of Odenton, Maryland (a community within the Anne Arundel

County), with a focus on business operations within the municipality.

This assignment specifically addresses the following course outcome to enable you to:

• Identify ethical, security, and privacy considerations in conducting data and information

analysis and selecting and using information technology.


Your supervisor has asked that the memo focus on Odenton’s information systems, and

specifically, securing the processes for payments of services. Currently, the Odenton Township

offices accept cash or credit card payment for the services of sanitation (sewer and refuse),

water, and property taxes. Residents can pay either in-person at township offices or over the

phone with a major credit card (American Express, Discover, MasterCard and Visa). Over the

phone payment involves with speaking to an employee and giving the credit card information.

Once payment is received, the Accounting Department is responsible for manually entering it

into the township database system and making daily deposits to the bank.

The purpose of the professional memo is to identify a minimum of three current controls

(e.g., tools, practices, policies) in Odenton Township (either a control specific to Odenton

Township or a control provided by Anne Arundel county) that can be considered best

practices in safe payment/data protection. Furthermore, beyond what measures are

currently in place, you should highlight the need to focus on insider threats and provide a

minimum of three additional recommendations. Below are the findings from the Risk


• The IT department for Anne Arundel County requires strong passwords for users to

access and use information systems.

Professional Memo 2

• The IT department for Anne Arundel County is meticulous about keeping payment

terminal software, operating systems and other software (including anti-virus software)


• Assessment of protection from remote access and breaches to the Anne Arundel network:

Odenton Township accesses the database system for the County when updating resident’s

accounts for services. It is not clear whether a secure remote connection (VPN) is

standard policy.

• Assessment of physical security at the Odenton Township hall: the only current form of

physical security are locks on the two outer doors; however, the facility is unlocked

Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm (EST), excluding federal holidays.

• Employee awareness training on data security and secure practices for handling sensitive

data (e.g., credit card information) are not in place.

• The overarching conclusion of the risk assessment was that Odenton Township is not

fully compliant with the PCI Data Security Standards (v3.2).

Note: The Chief Executive for Anne Arundel County has asked for specific attention be paid

to insider threats, citing a recent article about an administrator from San Francisco (see

Resources). Anne Arundel County wants to understand insider threats and ways to mitigate

so that they protect their resident’s personal data as well as the County’s sensitive

information. These are threats to information systems, including malware and insider threats

(negligent or inadvertent users, criminal or malicious insiders, and user credential theft).

Expectations and Format

Using the resources listed below, you are to write a 2-page Professional Informational Memo to

the Chief Executive for Anne Arundel County that addresses the following:

• Risk Assessment Summary: Provide an overview of your concerns from the risk

assessment report. Include broad ‘goal’ of the memo, as a result of the risk assessment,

the broad recommendations. Specific Action Steps will come later. The summary should

be no more than one paragraph.

• Background: Provide a background for your concerns. Briefly highlight why the

concerns are critical to the County of Anne Arundel and Odenton Township. Clearly

state the importance of data security and insider threats when dealing with personal credit

cards. Be sure to establish the magnitude of the problem of insider threats.

• Concerns, Standards, Best Practices: The body of the memo needs to justify your

concerns and clarify standards, based on the resources listed below, at minimum. The

PCI DSS standards are well respected and used globally to protect entities and

individual’s sensitive data. The body of the memo should also highlight three current

controls that are considered best practice; that is, you should highlight the positive,

what is currently in place, based on the risk assessment.

• Action Steps: Provide a conclusion establishing why it is important for Anne Arundel

County to take steps to protect residents and county infrastructure from insider threats

based on your concerns. Recommend a minimum of three (3) practical action steps,

including new security controls, best practices and/or user policies that will mitigate the

concerns in this memo. Be sure to include cost considerations so that the County is

Professional Memo 3

getting the biggest bang for the buck. The expectations are not for you to research and

quote actual costs, but to generalize potential costs. For instance, under the category of

physical security, door locks are typically less expensive than CCTV cameras.

• Be sure to review the PowerPoint presentation (in pdf format) Effective Professional

Memo Writing that accompanies these instructions.

• Use the Professional Memo template that accompanies these instructions.

o Use four section subtitles, in bold.

▪ Risk Assessment Summary

▪ Background

▪ Concerns, Standards, Best Practices

▪ Action Steps

o Do not change the font size or type or page margins.

o Do not include any graphics, images or ‘snips’ of any content from copyrighted

sources. The PCI Standards (PCI DSS) document is copyrighted material.

o Paragraph text should be single spaced with ONE ‘hard return’ (Enter) after each

paragraph and after each section subtitle. Note: Do not create a new ‘paragraph’

after each sentence. A single sentence is not a paragraph.

o ‘Subject’ is the subject of your memo, not the course name or number.

o Be sure to remove any remaining ‘placeholder’ text in the template file before


o The length of the template when you download it is NOT the intended length of

the entire memo. Your completed memo should be between 1.5 pages and 2

pages (total document, including the To:/From:/Re:/Subject header).

*Note: the Professional Memo is to be in a MS Word file and all work is to be in the

student’s own words (no direct quotes from external sources or the instructions) *

APA documentation requirements:

• As this is a professional memo, as long as you use resources provided with or linked

from these instructions, APA documentation is NOT required.

• Citing material or resources beyond what is provided here is NOT required.

• However, you should use basic attribution and mention the source of any data, ideas

or policies that you mention, which will help establish the credibility and authority of

the memo.

o For example, mentioning that the Payment Card Industry Data Security

Standards (PCI DSS) identify a certain control as best practice holds more

weight than simply stating the control is a best practice without basic


o Mentioning that Wired Magazine reported that a City of San Francisco IT

technician effectively hijacked and locked 60% of the city’s network capacity,

is more effective than saying “I read somewhere that…”

Professional Memo 4


1. Examples of Security Breaches Due to Insider Threats

San Francisco Admin Charged With Hijacking City's Network Microsoft database leaked because of employee negligence

General Electric employees stole trade secrets to gain a business advantage

Former Cisco employee purposely damaged cloud infrastructure

Twitter users scammed because of phished employees

2. PCI DSS Goals:


Professional Memo 5

3. References

FBI. (2021). The Insider Threat: An Introduction to Detecting and Deterring an Insider Spy.

PCI DSS. (2021, Feb. 12). Payment Card Industry Security Standards.

Official PCI Security Standards Council Site

Jingguo Wang, Gupta, M., & Rao, H. R. (2015). Insider threats in a financial institution: Analysis

of attack-proneness of information systems applications. MIS Quarterly, 39(1), 91-A7.



Professor Messer. (2014). Authorization and access control [Video file]. YouTube.

U.S. DHS. (2021). Insider Threat.


Wizuda. (2017). Data anonymisation simplified [Video file]. YouTube.

Yuan, S., & Wu, X. (2021). Deep learning for insider threat detection: Review, challenges and

opportunities. Computers & Security. https://doi-

Keywords: risk assessment, insider threats, data security

Submitting Your Assignment

Submit your document via your Assignment Folder as Microsoft Word document, or a document that can

be ready using MS Word, with your last name included in the filename. Use the Grading Rubric below to be sure you have covered all aspects of the assignment.

Professional Memo 6



Far Above


Above Standards

Meets Standards

Below Standards

Well Below




Summary of



15 Points

Summary is highly

effective, thorough and professional.

12.75 Points

Summary is

effective, thorough and professional.

10.5 Points

Summary is

somewhat effective, thorough

and professional.

9 Points

Summary is


0-8 Points



for this section

are severely

lacking or






(to the Client)

of Data

Security and



10 Points

Discussion of

ba5ckground, data

security and insider threats is

highly effective, thorough, and


8.5 Points

Discussion of

background, data

security and insider threats is effective,

thorough, and professional.

7 Points

Discussion of

background, data

security and insider threats is

somewhat effective,

thorough, and


6 Points

Discussion of

background, data

security and insider threats is


0-5 Points



for this section are severely

lacking or absent.




Best Practices:


Concerns and



15 Points

Discussion of concerns and

standards is highly effective,

thorough, and professional.

12.75 Points

Discussion of concerns and

standards is effective, thorough,

and professional.

10.5 Points

Discussion of concerns and

standards is somewhat

effective, thorough, and


9 Points

Discussion of concerns or

standards is lacking.

0-8 Points

Stated requirements

for this section are severely

lacking or absent.




Best Practices:

Three current


identified and

justified as

best practice

15 Points

Three highly

relevant current practices are

offered and justified as best

practices. Overall

presentation is clear, concise, and


12.75 Points

Section may be

lacking in number of

recommendations or relevancy or

justification or

overall presentation.

10.5 Points

Section is lacking

in number of recommendations

or relevancy or justification or



9 Points

Section is lacking

in two or more of the following:

number of recommendations

or relevancy or

justification or overall


0-8 Points


requirements for this section

are severely lacking or



Professional Memo 7

Action Steps:



ons minimum

identified and




discussion of



20 Points

Three highly

relevant recommendations

are offered and justified, with


discussion of cost considerations.

Overall presentation is

clear, concise, and


17 Points

Section may be

lacking in number of

recommendations or relevancy or

justification or a

discussion of cost considerations or

overall presentation.

14 Points

Section is lacking

in number of recommendations

or relevancy or justification or a

discussion of cost

considerations or overall


12 Points

Section is lacking

in two or more of the following:

number of recommendations

or relevancy or

justification or a discussion of cost

considerations or overall


0-11 Points


requirements for this section

are severely lacking or






10 Points

Overall use of basic attribution is

highly effective in establishing

credibility and authority.

8.5 Points


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