24 Feb GOV 669 Public Management Case Study#4 Module 5
1. Read Chapter 11 (assigned pages), including the Case Study Analysis on pages 370-408 of the Hill & Lynn textbook (Paul Vallas: CEO, Superintendent).
2. Use the chapter to answer the questions below (in blue).
3. Question #1
Page 407 Discussion Question 3a – Use the Bozeman and Straussman four principles to construct an argument of whether Vallas is a strategic public manager. PLEASE NOTE: The 4 principles are discussed on p.394. Use at least 3 of the four principles in your answer and how they apply to the case facts. Remember to discuss all 3 locations where he served.
Page Limit: 2 pages
Paragraphs should be dedicated to each item; thus, you have a minimum of 3 paragraphs 1 for each of the 3 principles. Include page numbers where appropriate.
4. Question #2 BONUS – eligible for 30 bonus points – not required
Page 407 Discussion Question #3c – Use Haass’s compass to analyze how successfully Vallas navigates his terrain. PLEASE NOTE: Haass’s compass is discussed on p.398. Discuss all 4 aspects of the compass within the 3 locations where he served.
Page Limit: 2 pages
Paragraphs should be dedicated to each item; thus, you have a minimum of 4 paragraphs 1 for each of the 4 compass points. Include page numbers where appropriate.
5. Grading Guidelines:
a. Font: Calibri (Body) 12
b. Single space within paragraphs and double space between paragraphs
c. Include a title page
i. Includes a statement per syllabus: “No part of the work was generated with AI.”
d. Cite all page numbers as appropriate (cite text authors followed by page #)
i. It is not necessary to cite the page numbers regarding the Case Study information itself.
e. Complied with page limit
f. Free of typographical and grammatical errors
g. Appropriate content
o Completely respond to topic;
o Discussion should focus on the answers specifically and minimize multiple restatements of the case
o Explanation of ideas is clear, well-reasoned
o Demonstrate an understanding of course material relevant to topic
h. You will upload a document for the assignment submittal in a doc or docx format. (If you need another format, reach out to me).