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Organizational Change and Culture Assignment

Assignment 2: Individual Assignment Organizational Change and Culture Project – Part I: Business Brief and Change Vision Video Due: Monday, 9:00 am (eastern), Week 8 (Weight: 25%) Change is part of the game. Leaders must set the vision and navigate the challenges of implementing change. Effective leadership requires you to harness both the minds and hearts of employees to enable change to occur and take root in the company’s culture. For this assignment, you will identify one change management need within your company or from a company you previously worked for. You will create a plan for a change initiative, describing it in your Business Brief and presenting it in your Change Vision Video. Think of your Business Brief as a summary document that could be used as a reference by the Board of Directors, and think of your Change Vision Video as your pitch to the Board members to gain their support for your initiative. Business Brief Identify a needed organizational change and your perceived employee resistance to the change. Then utilize the first six (6) elements of Kotter’s eight-stage framework to create your plan for the change initiative. Write a Business Brief that summarizes your change initiative plan in 2 to 3 pages. It should be written in a professional format and include a cover page, as detailed in the Formatting Requirements section below. Use the prompts below to guide you:

1. Provide a brief background of the company and its culture.

2. Identify the problem you want to address and explain why it is important.

3. Describe your change initiative according to Steps 1 through 6 of Kotter’s eight-stage framework. Provide answers to each of the following questions to create this description:

o How will you create a sense of urgency?

o How will you build a guiding coalition?

o What is your change vision and strategy?

o How will you communicate the change vision?

o How will you empower employees to take action for this change?

o How will you create short-term wins?

JWI 555: Organizational Change and Culture Assignment 2

© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. JWI 555 Assignment 2 (1244) Page 2 of 5

Change Vision Video Create a 2 to 3-minute video that presents your change vision in a compelling manner that will effectively engage your audience. For this assignment, you will use the Zoom tool. This should be a video of you. No PowerPoint or other props are needed. Your main points should be simple and easy to recall, the tone should be professional, you should convey an appropriate amount of urgency and generate excitement.

1. What is the change?

2. Why is this important and needed?

3. What is the benefit for the company and for individual employees?

4. What will success look like?

Upload the video in MP4 format and include your first and last name in the filename. Upload both your business brief document and video together. Professional Formatting Requirements for Business Brief:

• Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, your name, your professor’s name, and the course title and date

• Include a references page, showing all your sources

• The cover page and the references page are not included in the required page length

• Double-spaced, professional font (Times New Roman or Ariel), 10-12 font size

• Headings are used to identify main topics and subtopics

• Paragraphs are separated by a single space

JWI 555: Organizational Change and Culture Assignment 2

© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. JWI 555 Assignment 2 (1244) Page 3 of 5

Rubric: Assignment 2

Weight: 25% Business Brief and Change Vision Video

Criteria Honors High Pass Pass Low Pass Unsatisfactory

1. Business Brief provides background on the chosen company and its culture and clearly identifies the need and why a change initiative is required. Weight 15%

Exemplarily provides a clear and concise background on the company and its culture. Additionally, the student exemplarily describes the organizational change need and rationale in a compelling and convincing manner.

Completely provides a clear and concise background on the company and its culture. Additionally, the student completely describes the organizational change need and rationale in a compelling and convincing manner.

Satisfactorily provides a clear and concise background on the company and its culture. Additionally, the student satisfactorily describes the organizational change need and rationale in a compelling and convincing manner.

Partially provides a clear and concise background on the company and its culture. Additionally, the student partially describes the organizational change need and rationale in a compelling and convincing manner.

Does not or unsatisfactorily provides a clear and concise background on the company and its culture. Additionally, the student does not or unsatisfactorily describes the organizational change need and rationale in a compelling and convincing manner.

2. Describe your change initiative according to the first six (6) stages from Kotter’s eight- stage framework. Demonstrates understanding of the course concepts. Weight: 35%

Exemplarily describes the change initiative according to Kotter’s eight- stage framework. Unique insights and stance are clear, concise, and persuasive. Demonstrates an excellent and full understanding of the course concepts.

Completely describes the change initiative according to Kotter’s eight- stage framework. Demonstrates a solid under- standing of the course concepts.

Satisfactorily describes the change initiative according to Kotter’s eight- stage framework. Demonstrates satisfactory understanding of the course concepts.

Partially describes the change initiative according to Kotter’s eight- stage framework. Demonstrates a partial under- standing of the course concepts.

Does not or unsatisfactorily describes the change initiative according to Kotter’s eight- stage framework. Demonstrates a minimal under- standing of the course concepts.

JWI 555: Organizational Change and Culture Assignment 2

© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. JWI 555 Assignment 2 (1244) Page 4 of 5

Weight: 25% Business Brief and Change Vision Video

Criteria Honors High Pass Pass Low Pass Unsatisfactory

3. The business brief is logical, professionally formatted, and free from grammatical errors. Weight: 10%

The business brief is highly logical and professionally formatted. All sources are consistently cited in-text and references are included in a manner that enables the reader to quickly identify sources. There are no mechanics or usage errors.

The business brief is logical and professionally formatted. Most sources are consistently cited in-text and the reference list is included. Mechanics and usage errors, if any, are minor and have no impact on the flow.

The business brief is satisfactorily logical and professional in format. Sources are mostly cited in-text and the reference list is adequately formatted. There are a few mechanics and usage errors, but they do not have a major impact on the flow.

The business brief is semi- professional in format and contains some mechanics and usage errors. Sources are not consistently cited and/or the reference list is incomplete or improperly formatted.

The business brief is illogical and unprofessional and contains multiple mechanics and usage errors. References and citations may be missing.

4. Present your change vision via video in a compelling manner that will engage employees. Video addresses all 4 questions about the change vision. Weight: 30%

The change vision video is exemplary presented. It thoroughly details the rationale for change, creates a strong sense of urgency, and succinctly explains what success looks like. It is highly compelling and engaging. Video addresses the 4 questions about the change vision excellently.

The change vision video is well presented. It details the rationale for change, creates a sense of urgency, succinctly explains what success looks like, and is compelling and engaging. Video fully addresses the 4 questions about the change vision.

The change vision video is satisfactorily presented. It details the rationale for change, creates some sense of urgency, explains what success looks like, and is quite engaging. Video addresses the 4 questions about the change vision but not in detail.

The change vision video is partially presented. It presents the rationale for change, but does not create a sense of urgency, only partially explains what success looks like, and is not very engaging. Video addresses 3 or fewer questions about the change vision.

The change vision video is unsatisfactorily presented. Little to no synthesis of ideas is demonstrated and logical reasoning is not included or evident. Video is not engaging and does not address any of the 4 questions about the change vision.

JWI 555: Organizational Change and Culture Assignment 2

© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. JWI 555 Assignment 2 (1244) Page 5 of 5

Weight: 25% Business Brief and Change Vision Video

Criteria Honors High Pass Pass Low Pass Unsatisfactory

5. The video has a professional look and feel and stays within the timeframe. Weight: 10%

The video presentation is extremely professional. The student is professionally dressed, has an appropriate background, makes eye contact, voice is dynamic, and verbal cues are exemplarily applied. Video adheres to the 2- 3 minute time limit..

The video presentation is mostly professional. The student is professionally dressed, has an appropriate background, makes eye contact, voice is mostly dynamic, and verbal cues are completely applied. Video may be slightly over the 3 minute maximum, but by no more than 1 minute.

The video presentation is satisfactorily professional. The student is somewhat professionally dressed, has an appropriate background, makes some eye contact, voice is somewhat dynamic, and verbal cues are satisfactorily applied. Video may be over the 3 minute maximum, but by no more than 2 minutes.

The video presentation is partially professional. The student is fairly professionally dressed, has a somewhat appropriate background, makes little to no eye contact, voice is fairly dynamic, and verbal cues are partially applied. Video may not adhere to the 2- 3 minute time limit.

The video presentation is not professional. The student is not professionally dressed, does not have an appropriate background, makes no eye contact, voice is not dynamic, and verbal cues are not or unsatisfactorily applied. Video does not adhere to the 2-3 minute time limit.

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