28 Feb Of the multitude of strategies discussed this week for increasing work enjoyment for staff, what is your favorite/most preferred strategy discussed in this
Of the multitude of strategies discussed this week for increasing work enjoyment for staff, what is your favorite/most preferred strategy discussed in this module? How will you integrate this strategy into your supervision practice in the future? What will it look like when you implement it with a supervisee/trainee? Are there any practices discussed that you will avoid in your supervision in the future, and why?
Read Reid, Parsons, & Green's Supervisor's Guidebook: Chapter 6 – Supporting proficient work performance: Positive feedback
Read Reid, Parsons, & Green's Supervisor's Guidebook: Chapter 7 – Supporting proficient work performance: Special recognition procedures
Read Reid, Parsons, & Green's Supervisor's Guidebook: Chapter 9 – Promoting Staff Work Enjoyment
I need a reference in addition to the Cooper, the Ethics Code, and the assigned readings. Please include at least one extra reference beyond those assigned in the course materials.