28 Feb Rough Dr’aft pa’per prompt. Couple of pointers as to rough dr’aft pa’per: there is no need for a tit’le pa’ge, a ref’erence pa’ge, or listing of or how m
Rough Dr’aft pa’per prompt.
Couple of pointers as to rough dr’aft pa’per:
- there is no need for a tit’le pa’ge, a ref’erence pa’ge, or listing of or how many ref’erences
- you can paraphrase, and also use direct quotes; what I would want to see is "how" you ci’te the source in the sen’tence to ensure you are doing it correctly
- you can ty’pe a couple of pa’ges of text followed by an out’line of what the rest of your pa’per will cover
- do not submit the full complete paper; this is only the rough dr’aft consisting of only a couple of pa’ges
Typ’ewritten pa’per consisting of 3 to 4 pa’ges on Res’earch Pa’per to’pic selected.
Your to’pic is:
Gang Violence in Fresno: Causes, Impact, and Law Enforcement Response.
- The socioeconomic factors fueling gang recruitment in Fresno.
- The connection between gang activity and violent crime rates.
- Law enforcement strategies, such as Operation No Fly Zone and gang injunctions.
- The effectiveness of community programs aimed at reducing gang violence.