28 Feb The first step in preparing your case law analysis is to choose a legal decision involving contracts. In your briefing, you must be able to understand the c
The first step in preparing your case law analysis is to choose a legal decision involving contracts. In your briefing, you must be able to understand the court’s decision, summarize it, and evaluate it. You may choose any publicly available legal case involving a breach of contract or dispute arising from a contractual agreement. To help you get started, use these useful resources to find an interesting case involving breach or a contractual dispute uploaded below.
Once you have selected a business-related case involving tort law and an organization impacted by the decision, assume you’re a senior manager in the organization you selected and that you were asked to prepare a briefing (3–4 double-spaced pages) of the court decision to help the executive team of the organization understand the impact the case might have on the company.
In your briefing, please complete the following:
- Summarize the facts of the case.
- Include detailed explanations of the facts.
- Include key distinctions and nuances that enhance understanding of the case.
- Analyze all relevant tort(s) and the elements required to prove each.
- Provide detailed explanations of their significance and relevance.
- Explain how these torts and the associated elements matter in the case.
- Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each party’s arguments.
- Provide insightful and nuanced analyses of each party's arguments.
- Analyze the court’s ruling and rationale clearly and accurately.
- Offer detailed commentary on the rationale and implications.
- Explain accurately how the ruling applies to a specific industry and third-party company.
- This is the company and industry where you should imagine yourself to be a senior manager for this assessment.
- It is for the real or imagined executives of this company that you write this briefing.
- Provide these executives with concrete examples to demonstrate how they should modify their operating procedures to be consistent with the case opinion.
Based on your executive audience, your executive briefing should be no more than four pages, in addition to the references page, and should be well organized and written in clear, succinct language. Follow APA rules for attributing content to sources that support your analysis and conclusions.
Your submission should meet the following requirements:
- Written communication: Write in complete sentences free from errors that detract from the overall message.
- Font and font size: Arial, 12 point.
- Format and length: Double-spaced, 3–4 pages.
- Citations: Include complete citations of your sources along with a references page.
Library Guides
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Database Guide: HeinOnline
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Research databases
What is a database?
A library database is a large digital collection of research material, normally peer reviewed journals, organized for focused exploration. They normally contain paid subscription content that you cannot find on the open web. You can quickly access our full list of 70+ databases on the library's Databases A-Z list.
Guide Home
About the Guide
This guide will help you learn to use HeinOnline for legal research. Move through the tabs of this guide to find advice on searching HeinOnline and working with its results.
- HeinOnlineContains news and journal articles as well as the entire Congressional Record, Federal Register, and Code of Federal Regulations, complete coverage of the U.S. Reports back to 1754, and entire databases dedicated to case law, treaties, constitutions, world trials, international trade, foreign relations, U.S. Presidents, and much more.
About the research database
What collections are in HeinOnline?
There are many valuable collections available.
Notable highlights include:
- GAO Reports and Comptroller General Decisions
- Pentagon Papers
- U.S. Treaties and Agreements Library
- U.S. Code
- Note: The most recent version of the U.S.Code may not be complete. For later sections of the code, you may need to look at previous editions.
When would I use HeinOnline?
This is the Library's largest legal, historical, and legislative collection.
How do I search it effectively?
See the tab in the database guide titled Search Tips, for strategies.
Acceptable use of electronic resources
All library databases have restrictions regarding appropriate use. Please review the Acceptable Use of Electronic Resources page to ensure you are in compliance.
- Last Updated: Jan 31, 2025 4:56 PM
- URL: https://capellauniversity.libguides.com/HO
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Login to LibApps Subjects: Business, Criminal Justice, Education, Legal Research, Public Administration Tags: legal, legislative ,Skip to Main Content
Library Guides
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- Finding Legal Cases
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Legal Research
Learn how to search for legal cases in HeinOnline, how to find cases on a topic using Law Reviews in HeinOnline or Legal Opinion search in Google Scholar, and how to access free legal resources on the web.
- Finding Legal Cases
- Contract Law
- Torts
- Finding Legal Cases Using Law Reviews
- Legal Research Websites
- Foreign Law
- Policy & Law
- Ask a Librarian
Finding Legal Cases
Finding Legal Cases
Legal cases can be found both on websites and in library databases. Because legal rulings are government documents, a lot of legal case information is going to be publicly available.
This page covers locating specific cases in the library using Fastcase, as well as looking up cases by type using online resources.
Cases by Type
Discover Legal Cases by Type
If you need examples of types of cases, but don't know specific case names, these resources may help.
Once you have the name of a case, you can use Fastcase to search. Scroll down the page to find instructions.
Contract Law
- Justia: Torts – Injury
- Justia: Torts – Property
- Oyez: Supreme Court Tort Cases
- American Museum of Tort Law: Famous Cases
This guide will help you learn to use Fastcase to search for legal cases in HeinOnline.
When would I use Fastcase?
Use Fastcase if you need to find a legal case by party or topic. You can also use Fastcase to search through legal cases – both criminal and civil, and at all levels of case law.
Where can I find Fastcase?
Fascase is available:
- On the Library's Databases A-Z page
- Inside HeinOnline
- Linked below
Also see the full Fastcase Quick Reference guide from HeinOnline to see more Fastcase features.
- Fastcase from HeinOnlineProvides access to federal and state cases, statutes, regulations, court rules, and bar publications.
- Fastcase Quick Reference Guide
Searching Fastcase
Most cases are easily discoverable by typing the parties or legal citation into the basic search box.
To perform an Advanced search use one field from the Advanced Search box.
Note: You can only search one place at a time in Advanced search. For example, limit by state or date if necessary, text, case name, or citation (must be in proper bluebook format).
Click Advanced Search.
Once you have search results, you can also search by legal area or topic, and filter the results by: date, jurisdiction, location, person or organization.
Note that negative legal opinions will also be indicated. Negative opinions are when a case has been treated negatively (reversed or overruled on any grounds). Fastcase includes the negative treatment indicator, which will display a red flag at the top of the page, inside the legal case document..
Searching HeinOnline
To search HeinOnline:
- Enter your keywords (aka search terms) into the search boxes.
- TIP: If you are searching more than one keyword, each representing a different concept, enter them in separate search boxes.
- Brainstorm related words or synonyms.
- TIP: Enter related terms in the same search box with OR in between. (i.e. voting OR election in the same search box)
Keywords Used:
Select Advanced Search
- 1st search line: voting OR election (in Full Text)
- 2nd search line: fraud (in Full Text)
- Date: 2012 to 2019
Click Search
Finding Legal Cases with Google Scholar
Using Google Scholar to find legal cases
Google Scholar has added legal cases to their search by providing an option to search Legal opinions and journals.
Caution: As with anything on the free web, Google Scholar can make mistakes.
- Google Scholar This link opens in a new window
View Accessibility Instructions for this Database.
In case of error, use this Google Scholar custom search box to find Capella owned content. Find articles and books from a variety of academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, and universities.
To get to Google Scholar:
- Go to the Library Homepage.
- Click Databases A-Z.
- Scroll down the alphabetical list of databases and click Google Scholar.
Search Example Topic: universities
- Go to www.scholar.google.com.
- Select the radio button to search Case Law and type your keywords in the search box.
- Use your results to identify case names or citation numbers. Case names are usually the hyperlinked title; citation numbers are located just underneath the title on the left side.
- Go to Capella Library's FastCase database and search using either a case name or citation number. See the directions for searching FastCase in the database guide below.
- Fastcase from HeinOnline This link opens in a new window
View Accessibility Instructions for this Database.
Provides access to federal and state cases, statutes, regulations, court rules, and bar publications.
- Last Updated: Feb 20, 2025 11:44 AM
- URL: https://capellauniversity.libguides.com/legalres
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Login to LibApps Subjects: Advanced Search Strategies Tags: case_law, laws, legal, legislative