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   Questions 1. What types of evidence are included in the terms “writing” and “recording” in the FRE? 4. What are the various uses of photographic and recorded evidence? 7. What is the second rule of admissibility of photographic and recorded evidence?  8. Who can...

MBA5005 Individual Project  Week 5 Deliverables This week, you will revise the first part of the paper according to your instructor’s comments. You will add additional articles, laws, cases and summary as outlined below.  You will then combine all information and submit the final paper...

Question 1:   Please watch the documentary on Miami-Dade County jails.  Focus on all jails other than the boot camp since we already covered boot camps in a previous chapter. Using information from the video and your textbook answer the following questions: ...

Evaluate two of the scenarios listed below and explain the best solution for each. Include comments related to any ethical issues that arise. Support your responses with appropriate cases, laws and other relevant examples by using at least one scholarly source from the SUO Library...

Crime Measurement is a critical element in our discipline. If we don't accurately measure crime it has significant ramifications for impacting, controlling, reducing and ultimately stopping criminal and deviant behavior. Crime is measured using the UCR, NCVS, Self-Report Data, Secondary Data, Police Reports and many...