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Discussion Question - Managing Emotions There are times when you are hurt, defensive, joyous, reserved, controlled, or angry. Acting professionally means controlling your emotions. While outbursts are unwelcome as a way of communicating or expressing yourself, emotions are important indicators of authenticity and can be...

For the chapter 2 current event review the chapter,  research a recent news article from within the last 6 months that addresses federalism and the Supreme Court. Download a copy of the current event template (provided below) and answer all  4 questions. For question one,...

Discussion Post 1: Create a 300-350 word discussion post answering the following questions: Why is Military History a valuable discipline to study?  What other social science fields should a military historian consider when studying a specific battle? (Social Science fields: Psychology, Economics, Political Science, Humanities, Cultural/Ethnicity,...

 You work in human resources in your organization and have been assigned the task of ensuring that your organization properly incorporates Affirmative Action policies into your hiring practices. Research Affirmative Action and prepare a 10-15 slide PowerPoint presentation outlining Affirmative Action and your plan to...

  The Internet has become the greatest library ever. With the good comes the bad, however. In particular, some concerned citizens are worried that children can too easily access websites containing inappropriate material such as pornography or racial propaganda. Several solutions to this perceived problem...

1. find twenty (20) nonprofit donation solicitations  -summarize what the organization is trying to accomplish with their solicitation including: the target market for solicitations  -how the organization is trying to elicit donations  -what the organization will do with said donations. must be compiled into...

Why might “progress” not be a linear trajectory from past to future? What is futuristic about Hawaiian resistance and resurgence of ancestral practices? read the 2 documents, discuss, and answer the questions. please make it sound personal like it coming from you not bot-like. ONLY...

You are an independent international expert who has been asked to advise a group of international and domestic organizations on an important contemporary challenge in global political turbulence. You are tasked with briefing the group on the nature of the policy issue and its drivers,...