Chat with us, powered by LiveChat For this Performance Task, you will develop a program handbook that ?includes evidence-based policies, practices, and advocacy strategies to ?support high-quality inclusive programming i - EssayAbode

For this Performance Task, you will develop a program handbook that ?includes evidence-based policies, practices, and advocacy strategies to ?support high-quality inclusive programming i



For this Performance Task, you will develop a program handbook that  includes evidence-based policies, practices, and advocacy strategies to  support high-quality inclusive programming in early childhood settings.  Your handbook will also include essential advocacy messages that  represent the heart of the services provided.

Submission Length: 3-4 pages in a Handbook Template format

Professional Skill: Written Communication is assessed in this Competency.


Before submitting your Assessment, carefully review the rubric. This  is the same rubric the assessor will use to evaluate your submission and  it provides detailed criteria describing how to achieve or master the  Competency. Many students find that understanding the requirements of  the Assessment and the rubric criteria help them direct their focus and  use their time most productively.


Access the following to complete this Assessment:

High-Quality Inclusion Program Handbook 


As the new director of the Great Beginnings childcare center, you are  committed to developing staff knowledge related to the importance of  high-quality inclusion. You are aware that support for high-quality  inclusion within the program will require changes to current policy and  practice. You have decided to develop the first draft of a handbook to  share with staff that provides information about high-quality,  evidence-based inclusive practices as well as advocacy messages that  underlie these types of program services. The goal of the first draft of  this handbook is to inform discussion, inspire goals, and serve as an  advocacy tool.

You’ve developed the following outline as an overview of what your  first draft of the handbook will include, along with research-based  sources:

Introduction: High-Quality Inclusion Program Philosophy

  • Explain the importance of high-quality inclusive practices in  programs supporting the development and learning of children with and  without disabilities. (2–3 paragraphs)

Section 1: Program Policies and Practices Designed to Support High-Quality Inclusive Early Childhood Programs Staff:

  • Provide three examples of the knowledge, skills, and dispositions  the staff needs to support high-quality inclusion when working with  young children and families. (1–2 sentences each.)


  • Explain three program practices that support access for young  children within high-quality inclusive early childhood programs. (2–3  sentences each)
  • Explain three program practices that support participation for young  children within high-quality inclusive early childhood programs. (2–3  sentences each)

Section 2: Collaboration Strategies for High-Quality Inclusive Early Childhood Programs

  • Explain three family collaboration strategies and how these strategies can support high-quality inclusion. (2–3 sentences each)
  • Explain three community collaboration strategies and how these  strategies can support high-quality inclusion. (2–3 sentences each)
  • Explain three professional collaboration strategies and how these  strategies can support high-quality inclusion. (2–3 sentences each)

Section 3: Advocacy Messages Supportive of High-Quality Inclusive Early Childhood Programs and Practices

  • Develop three advocacy messages that promote the importance of high-quality early childhood inclusion programs.

Cite your resources on the last page of the handbook.






Introduction: Our High-Quality Inclusion Program Philosophy

Explain the importance of high-quality inclusive practices in supporting the development and learning of children with and without disabilities. (2–3 paragraphs with at least one research-based reference)

Section 1: Program Policies and Practices Designed to Support High-Quality Inclusive Early Childhood Programs


Provide three examples each of the knowledge, skills, and dispositions the staff needs to support high-quality inclusion when working with young children and families. (1–2 sentences each)

Staff Knowledge:




Staff Skills:




Staff Dispositions:




Section 1: Program Policies and Practices Designed to Support High-Quality Inclusive Early Childhood Programs


Explain three program practices that support access for young children within high-quality inclusive early childhood programs. (2–3 sentences each)




Explain three program practices that support participation for young children within high-quality inclusive early childhood programs. (2–3 sentences each)




Section 2: Collaboration Strategies for High-Quality Inclusive Early Childhood Programs

Family Collaboration Strategies

Explain three family collaboration strategies and how these strategies can support high-quality inclusion. (2–3 sentences each)




Community Collaboration Strategies

Explain three community collaboration strategies and how these strategies can support high-quality inclusion. (2–3 sentences each)




Professional Collaboration Strategies

Explain three professional collaboration strategies and how these strategies can support high-quality inclusion. (2–3 sentences each)




Section 3: Advocacy Messages Supportive of High-Quality Inclusive Early Childhood Programs Practices

Develop three advocacy messages that promote the importance of high-quality early childhood inclusion programs.







©2017 Walden University 1

Competency IP4005: Supporting Inclusion Through Advocacy, Program Policy, and Evidence-Based Practice: Apply evidence-based policies, practices, and advocacy strategies to support high-quality inclusive programming in early childhood settings.

Assessment Rubric

0 Not Present

1 Needs Improvement

2 Meets Expectations

Topic 1: Program Policies and Practices Designed to Support High-Quality Early Childhood Inclusion

Explain the importance of high-quality inclusive practices in programs supporting the development and learning of children with and without disabilities. LO1: Explain the importance of high-quality inclusive practices in programs supporting the development and learning of children with and without disabilities.

Response is not present.

Explanation of the importance of high-quality inclusive practices in programs supporting the development and learning of children with and without disabilities is vague, inaccurate, and/or incomplete.

Response provides a clear, accurate, and complete explanation of the importance of high-quality inclusive practices in programs supporting the development and learning of children with and without disabilities.

Provide three examples of the knowledge, skills, and dispositions the staff needs to support high-quality inclusion when working with young children and families. LO2: Explain the knowledge, skills and dispositions the staff

Response is not present.

Explanation of the knowledge, skills, and dispositions the staff needs to support high-quality inclusion when working with young children and families is vague, inaccurate, and/or incomplete.

Response provides a clear, accurate, and complete explanation of the knowledge, skills, and dispositions the staff needs to support high-quality inclusion when working with young children and families.

©2017 Walden University 2

needs to support high-quality inclusion when working with young children and families.

Explain three program practices that support access for young children within high-quality inclusive early childhood programs. LO3: Explain program practices that support access for young children within high-quality inclusive early childhood programs.

Response is not present.

Explanation of program practices that support access for young children within high-quality inclusive early childhood programs is vague, inaccurate, and/or incomplete.

Response provides a clear, accurate, and complete explanation of program practices that support access for young children within high- quality inclusive early childhood programs.

Explain three program practices that support participation for young children within high-quality inclusive early childhood programs. LO4: Explain program practices that support participation for young children within high- quality inclusive early childhood programs.

Response is not present.

Explanation of program practices that support participation for young children within high-quality inclusive early childhood programs is vague, inaccurate, and/or incomplete.

Response provides a clear, accurate, and complete explanation of program practices that support participation for young children within high-quality inclusive early childhood programs.

Explain three family collaboration strategies and how these strategies can support high-quality inclusion.

Response is not present.

Explanation of how family collaboration strategies support high-quality inclusion is vague, inaccurate, and/or incomplete.

Response provides a clear, accurate, and complete explanation of how family collaboration strategies support high-quality inclusion.

©2017 Walden University 3

LO5: Explain how family collaboration strategies support high-quality inclusion.

Explain three community collaboration strategies and how these strategies can support high-quality inclusion. LO6: Explain how community collaboration strategies support high-quality inclusion.

Response is not present.

Explanation of how community collaboration strategies support high- quality inclusion is vague, inaccurate, and/or incomplete.

Response provides a clear, accurate, and complete explanation of how community collaboration strategies support high-quality inclusion.

Explain three professional collaboration strategies and how these strategies can support high-quality inclusion. LO7: Explain how community collaboration strategies support high-quality inclusion.

Response is not present.

Explanation of how professional collaboration strategies support high- quality inclusion is vague, inaccurate, and/or incomplete.

Response provides a clear, accurate, and complete explanation of how professional collaboration strategies support high-quality inclusion.

Topic 2: Effective Advocacy to Support High-Quality Inclusive Early Childhood Programs

Develop three advocacy messages that promote the importance of high-quality early childhood inclusion programs. LO1: Develop advocacy messages that promote the importance of high-quality early childhood inclusion programs.

Response is not present.

Advocacy messages are vague, inaccurate, and/or incomplete in promoting the importance of high-quality early childhood inclusion programs.

Response provides clear, accurate, and complete advocacy messages that promote the importance of high-quality early childhood inclusion programs. .

©2017 Walden University 4

Mastery Rubric

Exceeds Expectations: In-Depth Analysis

LO1: Apply multiple relevant research- based sources to arrive at evidence- based policies, practices, and advocacy messages that support high- quality inclusive programming in early childhood settings.

Responses apply multiple relevant research-based sources to arrive at evidence-based policies, practices, and advocacy messages that support high-quality inclusive programming in early childhood settings.

 Yes

 No

Professional Skill Building

The faculty Assessor will provide feedback on the following Professional Skill: Written Communication. Although

the feedback is here to inform the development of your skills, it is not a barrier to achieving the Competency,

unless the writing is too poor to score the content of the Assessment. Review the rubric, and check your work

based on the learning objectives listed. If you are concerned that you will not meet these expectations yet, reach

out to your Coach so he or she can work with you to further develop this important professional skill.

©2017 Walden University 5

It is highly recommended that you use this opportunity to practice the skills of Written Communication in the

context of this Competency Assessment in order to receive feedback about your current level of proficiency.

Written Communication: Write with clarity, coherence, and purpose

0 Not Present

1 Needs Improvement

2 Meets Expectations

LO9: Use appropriate tone and vocabulary for a given audience. (Awe 3; Awareness of audience and discipline)

Vocabulary and tone are inappropriate for the audience.

Vocabulary and tone vary throughout the writing, limiting reader’s access to ideas.

Vocabulary and tone communicate key concepts that are appropriate for the audience.

LO10: Apply APA formatting and style guidelines. (Awe 3 awareness of audience and discipline and credit to source)

APA formatting and style are not present.

Writing inconsistently uses in- text citations and references. Major errors in APA style impede understanding and/or violate standards for academic integrity.

Writing uses in-text citations appropriately, includes references when applicable, and is formatted according to APA style. Minor errors in APA style do not impede understanding or violate standards for academic integrity.

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