Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Comparative Roles: Write a detailed analysis of the ?roles and responsibilities of school social workers and school ?psychologists. In your respo - EssayAbode

Comparative Roles: Write a detailed analysis of the ?roles and responsibilities of school social workers and school ?psychologists. In your respo


  1. Comparative Roles: Write a detailed analysis of the  roles and responsibilities of school social workers and school  psychologists. In your response, define each role and explain how they  are similar and different. Include specific examples that illustrate the  distinct ways each profession contributes to a student's well-being.
  2. Trauma and the School Environment: Discuss the  concept of trauma o specifically focusing on racial trauma. How does racial trauma  impact students in school settings? How can school social workers  effectively address trauma through a strengths-based approach and by  considering ethno-racial identity development?
  3. Video  Reflection: Select one video  you found particularly insightful. Summarize the videos main  points Reflect on how this comparison has  shaped your understanding of the role of school social workers in  supporting students facing trauma or other challenges in the school  setting.

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