17 Jan Discussion Requirement Reminders: As part of your learning experience, active participation in discussions is essential. An important part of the fin
Discussion Requirement Reminders:
As part of your learning experience, active participation in discussions is essential. An important part of the final grade will be based on your participation. You will be evaluated on the quality and quantity of your participation in the discussion forum that corresponds to the grading rubric.
The initial post and responses should be in your own words and demonstrate critical thinking, analysis, and expected level of knowledge. Initial posts and replies should be in complete sentences and in paragraph form. You should not have bullet points as they are not in complete sentences or paragraph form. Copy-pasting may result in a zero.
To meet the minimum participation requirements, you will post relevant content 3 different days during the week. The first post is due by day four of the week by 11:59PM, Eastern Time. Once you make the initial post, you will see other people’s posts. You will post replies on at least two additional days by day seven of the week by 11:59PM, Eastern Time.
Instructions for the initial post:
Share a personal story about a time in your life when you found fractions difficult. This can be from years past or current to today. What did/do you find so difficult about them? How did/can you overcome your issues with fractions?
If you've never found fractions difficult, why do you think that is? Share some tips or tricks for classmates who may be struggling with fractions.
Your initial post should be a minimum of 100 words. Be sure to put your information in your own words.