19 Jan Deductions will be made for answering more than one prompt and for not meeting the word count. I definitely want to focus on the majority of the class tha
Many people are familiar with the concept of spreadsheets and other people are totally terrified of them. This question can let the experienced users help the beginners, while the beginners can explain why they are beginners.
Respond to one and only one of the following questions in a minimum of 175 words and a maximum of 250 words: Deductions will be made for answering more than one prompt and for not meeting the word count. I definitely want to focus on the majority of the class that is really "green" in terms of spreadsheet use.
Typically in this class there are many students who are unfamiliar with spreadsheets. If you want to discuss more sophisticated uses, wait until you are replying to a post. Responses to this question should cover only the fundamental ideas. Don't forget to answer all of the parts of the question that you choose.
- What is one feature related to spreadsheets that you found interesting and potentially helpful to a new user? How can you envision using that feature? It must be something that was covered in the week's reading and not a feature you found somewhere else. If you are a new user, it should be something that you think will help you. If you are an experienced user, it should be a feature that you think a new user would use. By new user I mean somebody who has not used a spreadsheet before, so concepts like conditional formatting, pivot tables, and other neat tools that help the experienced user will not help a total beginner, so keep to the basics related to setting up a spreadsheet and doing elementary operations.
- If you have used spreadsheets before, how have you used them? Do you have a way of using spreadsheets that might not be obvious to people? Think in particular about spreadsheet that don't make complex calculations, but end up with useful information. There are a number of ways that spreadsheets can be used which don't have anything to do with calculations. I want people to know that mathematics is not just a way of calculating, but more a way of thinking and solving problems.
- If you have not used spreadsheets before why is that the case? What do you think might be a way for you to make use of them based on what we have learned about them this week? How might you teach yourself how to use a spreadsheet?