Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Why is the following principle important to a quality assessment process for English Language Learners? Assessment should be fair for all children. Descri - EssayAbode

Why is the following principle important to a quality assessment process for English Language Learners? Assessment should be fair for all children. Descri

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to explore and analyze different types of formal and informal assessments used with preschoolers and primary-grade teachers.

Part I

On a word document, answer the following reflection questions. Reference the course content to support your answers. 

  1. Why is the following principle important to a quality assessment process for English Language Learners? Assessment should be fair for all children.
  2. Describe elements of an assessment system for young children.
  3. Why is it important for teachers to understand variations in children’s development as it relates to assessment and recommended by NAEYC?

Part II

Review the attached sample developmental profile and list three goals and activities you would recommend based on the information provided. Also attached is a developmental chart to be used as a resource.

Sample Developmental Chart

Child’s name: Corona

Child’s Age: 3 years 1 month


Current Developmental Level

Health and Physical Development

Naps for 1-3 hours, active and alert during wake hours. Sometimes tired and grumpy during the day after a sleepless night, chooses a quiet activity when feeling physically tired. Says, “I’m tired” and lies down to rest. Able to put on all articles of clothing including shirts. Requires assistance sometimes with bottoms and zippers.

Motor Development

Walks up and down stairs one step at a time while holding railing. Walks on a variety of surfaces without assistance. Hops on two feet, hopping in place and gradually hops and moves forward with skill. Throws a small ball or beanbag overhand to a target. Can control a marker, crayon, or pencil to create shapes. Cuts lines and some curves with scissors provided with some assistance. Uses spoons and fork at mealtimes. Buttons and zips clothing with assistance. Puts together small manipulatives.

Social Emotional Development

Initiates contact with familiar adults. Plays appropriately with toys. Engages in parallel play but will engage when peers initiate play. Prefers block area but will play in other areas when directed to.









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